*Harry ex-Prince, Should Shut Up Now*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. He is about to be thrown out with the trash.
2. Harry you need to slow your roll.
3. Yes, your fucked in the head, we get that, yes you blame everyone else for you head fuck.
4. But you had better hold your tongue son.
5. *READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE*:Prince Charles 'vows to leave Harry out in the cold if he attacks Queen again'
6. You are fucking with a, *BRITISH INSTITUTION*.
7. It will crush you like a bug.

She won't have to lift a finger. Meghan will cause him all the grief he'll ever need...
They are worth about $50 Million and have income not tied to Royal family. I doubt if they'll ever have trouble scraping together enough money to buy a sack of flour in their $14 plus Million Dollar home.
Why should Harry shut up? He clearly is in a position to speak, given that he is the younger son of the heir to the throne of England.
Inbred, unintelligent, untalented "royalty" is still celebrated by the fake news MSM. Ever wonder why the ZOG MSM supports fake ass "royalty?"
Sorry bout that,

1. It appears Harry is no good.
2. He has gone insane, he married a women who will ruin him.
3. His children will be just as a wreak as this married couple is.
4. They will be outcasts soon.
5. Unless Harry and his winch shut up.
6. And at this point they need to patch up the damage they have already done.
7. G-D save the Queen, and G-D protect the Queens Family.
8. Harry's gone rouge, and he will get punched in the mouth for it, no doubt.
9. His Father Charles is about to bust him a good one.
10. Go Charles.

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Sorry bout that,

1. He is about to be thrown out with the trash.
2. Harry you need to slow your roll.
3. Yes, your fucked in the head, we get that, yes you blame everyone else for you head fuck.
4. But you had better hold your tongue son.
5. *READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE*:Prince Charles 'vows to leave Harry out in the cold if he attacks Queen again'
6. You are fucking with a, *BRITISH INSTITUTION*.
7. It will crush you like a bug.

You're just pissed off because one of your white heros married a black woman.

Not sorry 'bout that.
His Highness is NOT to blame.

Blame all the ordinary people who seem to care what that spoiled brat and his obnoxious wife say or do.

Both of them should get on their knees every night and thank FATE for giving them such a wonderful life.

Unlike most human beings, they will never have to work a day in their lives, and their every need will be taken care of, money never being an obstacle.
Sorry bout that,

1. He is about to be thrown out with the trash.
2. Harry you need to slow your roll.
3. Yes, your fucked in the head, we get that, yes you blame everyone else for you head fuck.
4. But you had better hold your tongue son.
5. *READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE*:Prince Charles 'vows to leave Harry out in the cold if he attacks Queen again'
6. You are fucking with a, *BRITISH INSTITUTION*.
7. It will crush you like a bug.


He needed a strong father figure like Tommy Lascelles to smack some sense into his head. Megan should have been his Kamala

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