*Happy Women Murder TV Show Coming On Lib- network*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Fell asleep watching a college football game, and when I coughed my self awake, I woke up and a tv commercial was on about a new show coming on the network, NBC I think, anyway it said, *Women Killers*, and the way it was presented it looked like murder was fun!!!! yes lets encourage women to kill, I bet young stupid American women will be influenced to murder their ex-boyfriends.
2. Watching that show teaches them it will be so much FUN!!!!!
3. Happy, Happy, Happy, fun for ALL!!!!
4. Even the man killed will be so very *HAPPY*!!!!!

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It's what happens when cultures repress sexuality. If sexual enjoyment is repressed, then violence centers in the brain are exaggerated. And vice-versa. So as we see increasing amounts of sexual censorship and repression, expect violent content to increase and become more soul-annihilating.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can NOT believe *don't taz me bro* is still allowed to post on this site.
2. What an offensive turd he is.
3. Using an image of a under developed person as an attack is so low, and demeaning to handi-capped people all over the earth, maybe his gf will watch this show and get an idea???
4. Now that would actually be *FUNNY* and make people *HAPPY*!!!!!

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It's what happens when cultures repress sexuality. If sexual enjoyment is repressed, then violence centers in the brain are exaggerated. And vice-versa. So as we see increasing amounts of sexual censorship and repression, expect violent content to increase and become more soul-annihilating.

Study the history of censorship and television. Then get the statistics from years so they correspond to changes in censorship. Or google it and read a site you're inclined to believe. Isn't some academic secret, been an accepted fact since the 70s.
Sorry bout that,

Study the history of censorship and television. Then get the statistics from years so they correspond to changes in censorship. Or google it and read a site you're inclined to believe. Isn't some academic secret, been an accepted fact since the 70s.

1. We are talking about a new tv show, just how you think pent up sexual desires helped make this tv show is beyond me......
2. Care to explain?

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Study the history of censorship and television. Then get the statistics from years so they correspond to changes in censorship. Or google it and read a site you're inclined to believe. Isn't some academic secret, been an accepted fact since the 70s.

The problem I have with your premise is that, if anything, sex has become liberated in the western world, certainly not more repressed. Look how different things were in the media and in society when it comes to sex in the 1950s and then compare that to today.
Sorry bout that,

1. Why does DONTTAZEBRO, try to respond intellectually after what he did before, can I get a *CLEAN UP* boot his sorry ass from the site, do us all a huge favor!!!
2. He really deserves it, even his women would agree.
3. Maybe she can have some *WOMEN KILLER* fun with him?!

Sorry bout that,

1. I can NOT believe *don't taz me bro* is still allowed to post on this site.
2. What an offensive turd he is.
3. Using an image of a under developed person as an attack is so low, and demeaning to handi-capped people all over the earth, maybe his gf will watch this show and get an idea???
4. Now that would actually be *FUNNY* and make people *HAPPY*!!!!!


You saying this is hilarious. Someone as gross as you so sensitive about yourself.

Study the history of censorship and television. Then get the statistics from years so they correspond to changes in censorship. Or google it and read a site you're inclined to believe. Isn't some academic secret, been an accepted fact since the 70s.

human history is not limited to the last 60 years :lol:
Actually dunce, its against the rules to.comment on a posters private life like that, scumbagwarsnow, let alone saying that you desire him dead.

Go ahead, flag a mod toward your lil thread, genius.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I can NOT believe *don't taz me bro* is still allowed to post on this site.
2. What an offensive turd he is.
3. Using an image of a under developed person as an attack is so low, and demeaning to handi-capped people all over the earth, maybe his gf will watch this show and get an idea???
4. Now that would actually be *FUNNY* and make people *HAPPY*!!!!!


You saying this is hilarious. Someone as gross as you so sensitive about yourself.


1. I am the moral backbone of this site little *women killer*!
2. And I am correct about*DONTAZMEBRO*, he is pond scum, if you cant see it maybe you down there too.....:mad:

James, why do you think the photo was addressed at you?

If anything, his position is actually closer to yours than to your opponents, although his expression of it is much easier to read and comprehend.
Study the history of censorship and television. Then get the statistics from years so they correspond to changes in censorship. Or google it and read a site you're inclined to believe. Isn't some academic secret, been an accepted fact since the 70s.

The problem I have with your premise is that, if anything, sex has become liberated in the western world, certainly not more repressed. Look how different things were in the media and in society when it comes to sex in the 1950s and then compare that to today.

and then compare the statistics of violent crime to the amount of free sex online, on a screen and in a real life.

yeah, there is a correlation, but a directly proportional one :lol:
Sorry bout that,

Actually dunce, its against the rules to.comment on a posters private life like that, scumbagwarsnow, let alone saying that you desire him dead.

Go ahead, flag a mod toward your lil thread, genius.

1. Oh shit the *rapper* cares to speak up for a fellow pond scum.
2. How pond scum sticks together....:eusa_eh:.....
3. Poetic justice would be funny in his case......:badgrin:
4. Stay on topic pond scum,.....

Violent crime is at a pretty historical AVERAGE right now in the u.s., dont let that burst your little bubbles.

See, if you really think t.v. amd games and sex INFLUENCES people to kill and shit, you are inadvertently ADMITTING your own fucking gullability.

But im comforted in knowing that the circles i run in know that tv shows are, you know, FAKE.

Sorry bout that,

1. Why does DONTTAZEBRO, try to respond intellectually after what he did before

Because Delta behaves like an intellectual and as such gets an intellectual response.

You, on the other hand, are as inviting as a bloody vaginal belch who every single person on this forum laughs at every time you post, so perhaps if you started behaving like a normal human being as opposed to Rain Main you'd be better received.

Sorry bout that, just a thought. :eusa_whistle:
We all know your i.q. is room temperature james, the fuck you think youre kidding with your emo assed autistic posting format?

You drool when you post, bro?

Do you have big fat crayons and glitter glue next to your rolodex?

Scared lil poon poon.

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