Hamas "We killed the Israeli teens"


The scum of the earth are all over N.Y.C.!
American citizens do have a history of supporting terrorists ie NORAID
@Phoenall, at the time of 9/11 there were plenty of people in the UK who had been damaged by the Noraid funded IRA terrorists who thought New York got what it deserved.

The scum of the earth are all over N.Y.C.!

If you look you will see that the majority are immigrants from the east, the same people that danced on 9/11 and handed out sweets to celebrate.
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Anyone is surprised? Perhaps more conspiracy theories?
In first, Hamas official takes credit for kidnap and murder of Israeli teens | JPost | Israel News
Now tell me how someone can brag about killing of children.. fuckers..i don't care about the gazans - our people is my top priority.

No conspiracies, no surprises. Just another feeble Zionist attempt to justify the murder of over 2000 Palestinians in another "lawn mowing" excercise.

"Hugh Lovatt, Israel and Palestine coordinator at the European Council of Foreign Relations, said that while al-Arouri was a significant Hamas figure – serving as the group's most prominent representative in Turkey – the former militant could have an ulterior motive for making his claim.

"Given the timing I would be very suspicious about his claim. I still don't believe Hamas as an organisation and its upper echelons sanctioned the kidnappings – something that Israeli intelligence also believes," he said.

Lovatt said that al-Arouri may be trying to claim credit for the actions of others in an attempt to demonstrate his own continued sway in the West Bank and Hamas's ability to hit Israel after failing to secure significant concessions after six weeks of violence in Gaza.

"A second, more remote possibility, is that al-Arouri is telling the truth and that he has operated on his own initiative – a development with very worrying repercussions as it would imply a serious power struggle and splintering within Hamas," he said." Hamas official: we were behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers | World news | The Guardian

No conspiracies, no surprises. Just another feeble Zionist attempt to justify the murder of over 2000 Palestinians in another "lawn mowing" excercise.
Well, if gazabadians aren't arranged an express meet with allah by their friendly hamass caretakers, how will the latter claim that "jews are bad"?
"Hugh Lovatt, Israel and Palestine coordinator at the European Council of Foreign Relations, said that while al-Arouri was a significant Hamas figure – serving as the group's most prominent representative in Turkey – the former militant could have an ulterior motive for making his claim.
"Given the timing I would be very suspicious about his claim. I still don't believe Hamas as an organisation and its upper echelons sanctioned the kidnappings – something that Israeli intelligence also believes," he said.
Lovatt said that al-Arouri may be trying to claim credit for the actions of others in an attempt to demonstrate his own continued sway in the West Bank and Hamas's ability to hit Israel after failing to secure significant concessions after six weeks of violence in Gaza.
"A second, more remote possibility, is that al-Arouri is telling the truth and that he has operated on his own initiative – a development with very worrying repercussions as it would imply a serious power struggle and splintering within Hamas," he said." Hamas official: we were behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers | World news | The GuardianNext.
The European Council of Foreign Relations circus and Hugh Lovatt, its contortionist. hehe
....The European Council of Foreign Relations circus and Hugh Lovatt, its contortionist. hehe

...and another tactic from the Zionist playbook, make any attempt to belittle and riducule any organization that doesn't agree with the programme

The European Council of Foreign Relations, ..."membership includes four former presidents of European nations, 12 former prime ministers, seven current and 17 former foreign ministers, five former EU commissioners, three former NATO secretaries general, the Director General of the World Trade Organisation, eight senior UN officials, 33 current or former heads of civil society organisations, 22 current or retired professors, nine current or former heads of banks and 15 current or retired journalists."...all obviously- "filthy anti-Semites that want to destroy poor little Israel" with their radical fundamentalist ideology of.....talking to your enemies" ...Bastards.

"...That their current policy has failed has not been lost on European diplomats, many of whom privately acknowledge that were Hamas to be elected to power within the current regional context the EU would be hard pressed no to recognise the results. In spite of this, European governments have so far proven reticent to re-evaluate their current policy paradigm against the backdrop of a profoundly transformed regional landscape.

This is a mistake. While Europe should not over estimate its capacity to sway the movement, or indeed Hamas’ willingness to be co-opted, engaging with Hamas with the help of Egypt, Turkey and Qatar could pay dividends. In fact, the aforementioned triumvirate have already contributed towards rehabilitating the movement within the Sunni Arab fold and cleave it from the Iran-Syria “axis of resistance” – undoubtedly to the satisfaction of the US.

Engaging with the movement would also contribute towards a lasting solution for Gaza and help create favourable conditions for a resumption of negotiations with Israelis and Palestinians.

Active European involvement would provide a considerable boost to current stalled intra-Palestinian reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas, a milestone on the road towards restarting a meaningful Israeli/Palestinian peace process. While much of the political wrangling that has deadlocked talks has centred on the technicalities of new elections and the choice of interim Prime Minister, European assurances that it would deal with a Palestinian national unity government that included Hamas would go a long way towards injecting some badly needed momentum.

Hugh Lovatt: Engaging with Hamas - Your Middle East

...how unreasonable.
The European Council of Foreign Relations circus and Hugh Lovatt, its contortionist. hehe
...and another tactic from the Zionist playbook, make any attempt to belittle and riducule any organization that doesn't agree with the programme
Ah! So, according to that ECFR Hugh Lovatt contortionist al-Arouri ... a significant Hamas figure, is a terrorist thug just a little, like a little pregnant. hehe
The European Council of Foreign Relations, ..."membership includes four former presidents of European nations, 12 former prime ministers, seven current and 17 former foreign ministers, five former EU commissioners, three former NATO secretaries general, the Director General of the World Trade Organisation, eight senior UN officials, 33 current or former heads of civil society organisations, 22 current or retired professors, nine current or former heads of banks and 15 current or retired journalists."...all obviously- "filthy anti-Semites that want to destroy poor little Israel" with their radical fundamentalist ideology of.....talking to your enemies" ...Bastards.
Damn! The circus is big!
"...That their current policy has failed has not been lost on European diplomats, many of whom privately acknowledge that were Hamas to be elected to power within the current regional context the EU would be hard pressed no to recognise the results. In spite of this, European governments have so far proven reticent to re-evaluate their current policy paradigm against the backdrop of a profoundly transformed regional landscape.
This is a mistake. While Europe should not over estimate its capacity to sway the movement, or indeed Hamas’ willingness to be co-opted, engaging with Hamas with the help of Egypt, Turkey and Qatar could pay dividends. In fact, the aforementioned triumvirate have already contributed towards rehabilitating the movement within the Sunni Arab fold and cleave it from the Iran-Syria “axis of resistance” – undoubtedly to the satisfaction of the US.
Engaging with the movement would also contribute towards a lasting solution for Gaza and help create favourable conditions for a resumption of negotiations with Israelis and Palestinians.
Active European involvement would provide a considerable boost to current stalled intra-Palestinian reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas, a milestone on the road towards restarting a meaningful Israeli/Palestinian peace process. While much of the political wrangling that has deadlocked talks has centred on the technicalities of new elections and the choice of interim Prime Minister, European assurances that it would deal with a Palestinian national unity government that included Hamas would go a long way towards injecting some badly needed momentum.Hugh Lovatt: Engaging with Hamas - Your Middle East
Even Nasrallah is hysterical about turkish and qatari support for the ISIS and the latter is the leading sponsor of the egyptian muslim broz and their palistanian offshoot - hamass.
Bth., Hugh Lovatt does appear to be abusing controlled substances.

...how unreasonable.
Indeed, Lovatt has to lay off stuff.
Yeah some news for you challenged, your heroic resistance leader is threatened by Qatar, they told him once he accept the Egyptian ceasefire he would be expelled from Qatar, probably to the hands of the Mossad or the IAF.
@Phoenall, at the time of 9/11 there were plenty of people in the UK who had been damaged by the Noraid funded IRA terrorists who thought New York got what it deserved.

The scum of the earth are all over N.Y.C.!

If you look you will see that the majority are immigrants from the east, the same people that danced on 9/11 and handed out sweets to celebrate.

That doesn't mean they did it. From what I heard we had 5 Israeli's filming it and dancing up and down and hi fiving as the Israel PM said how good it was.
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.'' Then he edited himself: ''Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.'' He predicted that the attack would ''strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.''
A DAY OF TERROR - THE ISRAELIS - Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer - NYTimes.com
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.'' Then he edited himself: ''Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.'' He predicted that the attack would ''strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.''
A DAY OF TERROR - THE ISRAELIS - Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer - NYTimes.com
Lame reading comprehension.
The subject is the Israel-US relation, not the death of innocents by your brothers fanger
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.'' Then he edited himself: ''Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.'' He predicted that the attack would ''strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.''
A DAY OF TERROR - THE ISRAELIS - Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer - NYTimes.com

So what is the main point one should take from the above article?
Dan----take a deep breath and calm yourself------islamo Nazi pigs are islamo Nazi pigs------lies pop out of their mouths
as if they are SPINAL REFLEXES -----they lie on the spinal
level-------the issue need not be processed thru the forebrain.
I will clarify-----if you tap the patellar tendon with a rubber
hammer----an impulse travels from the tendon to the attached
nerve-----UP to the spinal cord in the Lumbar (low back) area---
and thence BACK down to the thigh muscle that EXTENDS the
knee------very quick and no brain involved------KNEE JERK.
The knee jerk can be present even in a corpse. A present
knee jerk does not exclude the diagnosis of BRAIN DEATH.
Even dead (or brainless) islamo Nazis can and do LIE.

A chicken whose head is suddenly chopped off can hop
around for hours------same thing.

Those persons who INSISTED "there is no evidence that Hamas people killed the kids-----the joooos probably did it"
---------are kinfolk to headless chickens---aka islamo nazis

hamas feel justified to kill Israelis, but want to cry to the court that Israel happens to kills gazans while taking out weapons and terrorists attacking Israel?
Hamas feel justified to kill Israeli Military, but want to cry to the court that Israel happens to kill gazan Civilians

There fixed it 4 ya
Anyone is surprised? Perhaps more conspiracy theories?
In first, Hamas official takes credit for kidnap and murder of Israeli teens | JPost | Israel News
Now tell me how someone can brag about killing of children.. fuckers..i don't care about the gazans - our people is my top priority.

No conspiracies, no surprises. Just another feeble Zionist attempt to justify the murder of over 2000 Palestinians in another "lawn mowing" excercise.

"Hugh Lovatt, Israel and Palestine coordinator at the European Council of Foreign Relations, said that while al-Arouri was a significant Hamas figure – serving as the group's most prominent representative in Turkey – the former militant could have an ulterior motive for making his claim.

"Given the timing I would be very suspicious about his claim. I still don't believe Hamas as an organisation and its upper echelons sanctioned the kidnappings – something that Israeli intelligence also believes," he said.

Lovatt said that al-Arouri may be trying to claim credit for the actions of others in an attempt to demonstrate his own continued sway in the West Bank and Hamas's ability to hit Israel after failing to secure significant concessions after six weeks of violence in Gaza.

"A second, more remote possibility, is that al-Arouri is telling the truth and that he has operated on his own initiative – a development with very worrying repercussions as it would imply a serious power struggle and splintering within Hamas," he said." Hamas official: we were behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers | World news | The Guardian


That's a desperate move. Quoting a NOBODY who believes the Hamas commander is "just bragging".. While I published a dozen mainstream sources quoting his words and claim..

As soon as you produce an official rebuttal of his admission from an approved spokesperson for Hamas -- we can chat. Til we get that denial -- you lose.. NEXT !!!

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