Debate Now Growing In Christ

Road Runner

Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2021
Hey guys, even though I have some other posts to do, I figured that I would do this first since a lot of people are waiting for it. So, welcome to the new springtime class "Growing In Christ!" All faiths and beliefs are welcome, but first I need to go over some ground rules.

1. Please be respectful to each other and discuss the subject and not the person.
2. Absolutely NO bashing of the Christian faith or God/Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit etc. since this discussion and class is primarily for Christians.
3. Please stay on topic. This also applies to politics. (and my current avatar) Meaning, if it's not already a part of the conversation/debate/discussion, please don't go on changing the subject! (Also every new class/discussion I will be asking if there are anymore comments or questions from the previous day along with any homework reviews or quizzes. After about an hour or so if there are no responses we will be moving onto the next discussion. This is the only time when the subject changes.)

Failure to abide by these rules equals the three strikes and you're out. So you get three warnings and then a report!

So, I'm sorry this is so late, but I've been having some sinus issues and then I had a friend come over. (I was feeling better thankfully for this.) So today is my introductory post. For when we all first become Christians we are like seeds planted in the soil of His word as He is our gardener.


We begin to grow as He waters us with His wisdom.

Then He shines down on us with His light and His love.


Then we finally can bloom into the beautiful people that He always intended for us to be. :)


So here's our first discussion. We already know that plants as being flowers and trees need sunlight, soil, and water to grow. What do you think we need to help us grow? It could be physically, emotionally, or both. I say that we need food and water, but we also need love and wisdom. I can't wait to hear all of your ideas and no homework or quizzes today! I hope that you are enjoying the first day of the spring month!! :D



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wonder if I can jump in...

I would like to consider JESUS AS A FLOWER

H e is called Rose of Sharon, and LILY OF THE VALLEY
John had dementia in his old age living on the island and Paul was retarded.....
There isn't much discussion in this topic, so I've been rethinking this whole entire thing. :/
TheGreatSatan is what America's enemies call America.

Ohhhh,... I feel stupid now lol (and as for this thread nobody really responded to my first question so it's basically a thread to nowhere right now unless people decide to join in later on which is why I'm leaving it open at least and not asking the mods to close it. :) )
Ohhhh,... I feel stupid now lol (and as for this thread nobody really responded to my first question so it's basically a thread to nowhere right now unless people decide to join in later on which is why I'm leaving it open at least and not asking the mods to close it. :) )
Like this thread, one grows when it has energy applied to it.
I see this thread received a response in October so I am also replying -

I don't see spiritual growth ideas in terms of folks being flowers and needing water, etc.

I think we grow when our focus moves off of ourselves and turns toward loving God more than anything and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

In other words, if faith moves then it grows. If it is not tested it stagnates.

That's my opinion.
I see this thread received a response in October so I am also replying -

I don't see spiritual growth ideas in terms of folks being flowers and needing water, etc.

I think we grow when our focus moves off of ourselves and turns toward loving God more than anything and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

In other words, if faith moves then it grows. If it is not tested it stagnates.

That's my opinion.

It was just a comparison is all, but the idea got scrapped anyways.

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