Great read on those who served the cause of Liberty

but this type of club, like d.a.r. and s.a.r., presupposes that the qualities of the genome will be automatically passed down to the offspring. Some of us aren’t buying it.
but this type of club, like d.a.r. and s.a.r., presupposes that the qualities of the genome will be automatically passed down to the offspring. Some of us aren’t buying it.
The legacy of the parents and grandparents, are passed down generation to generation, but must be reinforced constantly or else outside influences, like communist teachers will try to upset the traditions and bring the children into a Marxist way. My three children were constantly warned about the Marxists and what they are doing, by pushing immoral actions upon US constantly. Unfortunately there are parents,(progressive slaves) who had children but didnt want to deal with conflict, so sent their young to be indoctrinated. We saw this in the stupidity of the voters who elected an old white man who called blacks super predators, and his VP who put black people in jail for smoking dope, while she smoked dope...
This a related article on what is mentioned in the article. On national guard treatmen

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