Gracie Questionaire: Ask Me Anything

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
11 meters per second :biggrin:

Is that the African or European swallow.
Except personal info of name, city, blah blah.

Ask away!


I am trying to discover if Mossad had burnt my Grill Cheese Sandwich with bacon on it, or was it their secret agents in ISIL or was it a space Alien Chimp with Down Syndrome?

Also if a tree falls in the woods would anyone hear it if they do not see it?

Also will the Cubs win a world series before someone detonate a nuclear bomb?

I wonder if Alicia Vikander is consider sexy to anyone else but me?
Dear Gracie:

If a crime fighter fights crime and a firefighter fights fires, what does a freedom fighter do?

And in a related story -- if a "wrecker" is for wrecks, what's "Twitter" for?

Why is god still pissed off at us for something that Adam and Eve did several hundreds of thousands of years ago? Is there some reason why he/she doesn't chill out? Would Valium help?

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