Governor Abbott considering other measures to keep people away from Texas!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

AUSTIN (The Borowitz Report)—Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that he was “actively considering” additional measures to prevent people from wanting to ever set foot in the state.​
Although he acknowledged that new laws banning most abortions, restricting voting, and allowing citizens to carry a gun without a permit or training would dissuade many from visiting Texas, Abbott said that “there’s more we can do.”​

“Maybe we pass a law that says when you have to go to bed every night, or when you’re allowed to use a hair dryer,” he said. “We need to put our thinking caps on.”​
“Just spitballing here, but what if we mandated that every visitor to Texas got bitten by a dog or poked with a stick of some kind?” he said. “I’ll be damned if that wouldn’t do the trick.”​
Even as he works overtime thinking up with new ideas to alienate potential visitors to Texas, he admitted he was surprised that anyone still wanted to come. “Honestly, I thought me being Governor would be enough to keep people out,” he said.​

Well first of all if it were actually true very good to keep the crazies from California or New York from going into any state.
But you really have to wonder about the sanity of those opposing common sense.
Well first of all if it were actually true very good to keep the crazies from California or New York from going into any state.
But you really have to wonder about the sanity of those opposing common sense.
I agree. I've been saying that since Abbot was elected.
We'll see how long those Texas laws last.
Should last a long time as long as they can keep the crazy Californians from flooding the state. Funny part is you get the crazies that did in their state with their stupid laws that then flee because of what they did. Then being crazy they go about trying to enact the same stupid things that ruined the state they fled.
Should last a long time as long as they can keep the crazy Californians from flooding the state. Funny part is you get the crazies that did in their state with their stupid laws that then flee because of what they did. Then being crazy they go about trying to enact the same stupid things that ruined the state they fled.
Your scenario makes no sense. Why would they want to reenact the same programs that they left California over? You batshit crazy trump supporters make up dumb shit like that all the time, don't you?

AUSTIN (The Borowitz Report)—Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that he was “actively considering” additional measures to prevent people from wanting to ever set foot in the state.​
Although he acknowledged that new laws banning most abortions, restricting voting, and allowing citizens to carry a gun without a permit or training would dissuade many from visiting Texas, Abbott said that “there’s more we can do.”​
“Maybe we pass a law that says when you have to go to bed every night, or when you’re allowed to use a hair dryer,” he said. “We need to put our thinking caps on.”​
“Just spitballing here, but what if we mandated that every visitor to Texas got bitten by a dog or poked with a stick of some kind?” he said. “I’ll be damned if that wouldn’t do the trick.”​
Even as he works overtime thinking up with new ideas to alienate potential visitors to Texas, he admitted he was surprised that anyone still wanted to come. “Honestly, I thought me being Governor would be enough to keep people out,” he said.​

It'd be less expensive to just build minefields around the areas of Blue states where the insanity has taken hold. Isolate the disease so it can't spread. See, that's the biggest difference between the aims of the Left and Right. The Left cannot peacefully coexist with any ideology that demurs with their demands in ANY WAY. Red States populations will get along as long as they have anyone who wants to try to be a good neighbor. At least, that's how it was before the Left decided they no longer had to play by any rules. Now, the rest of us are about out of chewing gum and patience.
It'd be less expensive to just build minefields around the areas of Blue states where the insanity has taken hold. Isolate the disease so it can't spread. See, that's the biggest difference between the aims of the Left and Right. The Left cannot peacefully coexist with any ideology that demurs with their demands in ANY WAY. Red States populations will get along as long as they have anyone who wants to try to be a good neighbor. At least, that's how it was before the Left decided they no longer had to play by any rules. Now, the rest of us are about out of chewing gum and patience.

Whoever "the left" is, it was abbott who destroyed peaceful coexistence. Before the anti-abortion movement got whipped up, people went their own way according to their own chosen ideologies. Good fences made for good neighbors. Except for the lunatics who occasionally attacked women's clinics, both these clinics and these religious organizations who oppose choice were in full operation. I haven't heard of any pro-choice person attacking a religious gathering, trying to shut down a church, or pushing through any laws to close down a religious gathering. Is there a law in any "red state" that allows any person to turn in to the government any person who attends a particular religious observance or assists them to get there and collect a bounty? Have pro-choicers even ever tried to ban free speech and association or dictate speech?

The aggression has been one-sided, and it hasn't come from "the left."
Whoever "the left" is, it was abbott who destroyed peaceful coexistence. Before the anti-abortion movement got whipped up, people went their own way according to their own chosen ideologies. Good fences made for good neighbors. Except for the lunatics who occasionally attacked women's clinics, both these clinics and these religious organizations who oppose choice were in full operation. I haven't heard of any pro-choice person attacking a religious gathering, trying to shut down a church, or pushing through any laws to close down a religious gathering. Is there a law in any "red state" that allows any person to turn in to the government any person who attends a particular religious observance or assists them to get there and collect a bounty? Have pro-choicers even ever tried to ban free speech and association or dictate speech?

The aggression has been one-sided, and it hasn't come from "the left."

I think Dana7360 is correct. This is gonna be a HUGE backfire not only in Texas, but nationally in the midterms. What they don't seem to realize is that their script could easily be flipped on them.

Wonder what they'd think if California or New York announced that prayer would no longer be tolerated in private schools and that there was a $10,000 reward for bounty hunters to rat out teachers and principals who allowed it?
Your scenario makes no sense. Why would they want to reenact the same programs that they left California over? You batshit crazy trump supporters make up dumb shit like that all the time, don't you?
So tell us do you see these Trump supporters in all the bushes are just the ones around your house? Because they have no idea what it was that made the area unlivable. Duh
I think Dana7360 is correct. This is gonna be a HUGE backfire not only in Texas, but nationally in the midterms. What they don't seem to realize is that their script could easily be flipped on them.

Wonder what they'd think if California or New York announced that prayer would no longer be tolerated in private schools and that there was a $10,000 reward for bounty hunters to rat out teachers and principals who allowed it?

I hope you two are right. This episode at least has made millions of people aware of the damage that a government can do if it is allowed to go renegade.

The Texas law eviscerates all of the First Amendment freedoms, yet the morons who wrote it don't realize that they just negated all of the First Amendment claims they depend on, so no more "religious freedom."
So tell us do you see these Trump supporters in all the bushes are just the ones around your house? Because they have no idea what it was that made the area unlivable. Duh
I never saw any in the bushes, but there are plenty of you nutjob trump supporters here.
I never saw any in the bushes, but there are plenty of you nutjob trump supporters here.
You have to admit there are plenty of Biden backing lunatics on this board so they cancel each other out. So which are you?
I think Dana7360 is correct. This is gonna be a HUGE backfire not only in Texas, but nationally in the midterms. What they don't seem to realize is that their script could easily be flipped on them.

Wonder what they'd think if California or New York announced that prayer would no longer be tolerated in private schools and that there was a $10,000 reward for bounty hunters to rat out teachers and principals who allowed it?

If the Private School is owned by a Church then you can’t enforce that law and also if they refuse any government assistance…
If the Private School is owned by a Church then you can’t enforce that law and also if they refuse any government assistance…

List the private schools that aren't getting government assistance. Also, the Texas law is unconstitutional and they can't enforce that either.

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