Government Shutdown Over DACA Drops to 34% Support Among DEMOCRATS!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, this is a sure loser for Democrats, but since they are drinking their own lies, they really think it is a God send for them.


Poll: Support to Shut Down Gov't Over DACA Amnesty Collapses to Less than 35 Percent Among Democrats - Breitbart

Support for shutting down the federal government unless nearly 800,000 illegal aliens are given amnesty has collapsed, with less than 35 percent of Democrats saying they favor the plan.
A new Morning Consult/POLITICO poll reveals how unpopular a plan to shut down the federal government over amnesty for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal aliens truly is, even among Democrats who are the most sympathetic to the illegal alien population.

According to the poll, only 34 percent of Democrats say it is “definitely worth” shutting down the government in order to give amnesty to DACA illegal aliens.
If any illegal wants amnesty they should pay for it more free ride. You don't pay adios

What do you think about the following:

1.Dreamers have to go back to their nation of origin and register for Green Cards at US Embassy or Consulate.

2. They get temporary Green Cards while their paperwork is processed, and they go back home to the USA.

3. They are automatically entered for citizenship in line with everyone else.

4. When the citizenship offer is ready, they can become citizens if they pay all their back taxes, fines and processing costs through a five year payment plan.

I think this is fair, respects the law, and close to what Trump has in mind.
I can't believe they were so stupid to walk into the oval office promising a compromise, not having a compromise, getting kicked out, and then walked over to a willing accomplice prestitute with a scheme to once again try to distract the public with yet another smear campaign against the president.

They really do think the public is that dumb.

Maybe it is, we'll see come mid-terms.
I can't believe they were so stupid to walk into the oval office promising a compromise, not having a compromise, getting kicked out, and then walked over to a willing accomplice prestitute with a scheme to once again try to distract the public with yet another smear campaign against the president.

They really do think the public is that dumb.

Maybe it is, we'll see come mid-terms.

With 8-10% COLAs for retirees in the works and CA, IL, MA, NY and NJ flirting with default it might be a net pick-up in both houses with odds being only 2 to 1 against as my guess.
If any illegal wants amnesty they should pay for it more free ride. You don't pay adios

What do you think about the following:

1.Dreamers have to go back to their nation of origin and register for Green Cards at US Embassy or Consulate.

2. They get temporary Green Cards while their paperwork is processed, and they go back home to the USA.

3. They are automatically entered for citizenship in line with everyone else.

4. When the citizenship offer is ready, they can become citizens if they pay all their back taxes, fines and processing costs through a five year payment plan.

I think this is fair, respects the law, and close to what Trump has in mind.

I would scrap the going back bit(#1), but they would have to register as illegal and pay a yearly fee to live here until their citizenship offer is ready. Those not willing to pay can leave on their own or by force. Those who do work and contribute to society will no doubt pay. I think its fair to everyone. No entitlements either.
Government workers are for the government shutdown.

Payed Vacation Baby!
As the midterm elections approach, Democrats will likely take credit for having “elevated the national debate” with the shutdown, thus making Trump's misguided racist DACA/immigration stance and attitudes increasingly unpopular. Insofar as they haven't a majority in either chamber of Congress, the shutdown option is the only one they have if they are to prevent our tax money from being used to build a dumbass "big beautiful" wall that's not needed insofar as even without it, per Trump, illegal immigration across the Southern border is down somewhere between 60% and 75%. Nobody, least of all people ad nauseum bitching and moaning about government waste and government spending in general, spends $18B or more -- one will recall that Trump claimed the Wall's cost would be about $8B, which itself was too much given the illegal immigration reduction it would stand (no pun) to yield -- to stop the small quantity of people who illegally enter the U.S. via the Southern border.

And then there's this: The GOP, having control of Congress and the WH, didn't have to wait until the last damn minute to bring funding legislation to the floor. Instead of last year passing a continuing resolution, they could have simply passed a damn funding bill for the whole of FY 2018 and we wouldn't be in this situation.

Lastly, for all the hoopla GOP representatives and voters make about the government spending too much, one'd think they'd be thrilled to have the government stop spending money and drastically cut payrolls, even if just temporarily. Below is a chart detailing the furlough rates of every agency with more than 1,000 employees that submitted updated shutdown plans when the government last December faced being shutdown due to lack of funding.

The reality is that for all Conservatives' talk about despising federal government spending, the reality is that it is they and their states that most depend on and most benefit from it.

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If any illegal wants amnesty they should pay for it more free ride. You don't pay adios

What do you think about the following:

1.Dreamers have to go back to their nation of origin and register for Green Cards at US Embassy or Consulate.

2. They get temporary Green Cards while their paperwork is processed, and they go back home to the USA.

3. They are automatically entered for citizenship in line with everyone else.

4. When the citizenship offer is ready, they can become citizens if they pay all their back taxes, fines and processing costs through a five year payment plan.

I think this is fair, respects the law, and close to what Trump has in mind.

They should not be allowed to vote, because that is what the Troglocrats want them here for.
As the midterm elections approach, Democrats will likely take credit for having “elevated the national debate” with the shutdown, thus making Trump's misguided racist DACA/immigration stance and attitudes increasingly unpopular.
There is nothing racist about having our laws enforced.

In fact Trump is being decidedly cooperative and nonracial by agreeing to even negotiate on this amnesty for illegals that have violated our laws.
As the midterm elections approach, Democrats will likely take credit for having “elevated the national debate” with the shutdown, thus making Trump's misguided racist DACA/immigration stance and attitudes increasingly unpopular.
There is nothing racist about having our laws enforced.

In fact Trump is being decidedly cooperative and nonracial by agreeing to even negotiate on this amnesty for illegals that have violated our laws.
There is nothing racist about having our laws enforced.

And that has what to do with the points I've been making?
As the midterm elections approach, Democrats will likely take credit for having “elevated the national debate” with the shutdown, thus making Trump's misguided racist DACA/immigration stance and attitudes increasingly unpopular.
There is nothing racist about having our laws enforced.

In fact Trump is being decidedly cooperative and nonracial by agreeing to even negotiate on this amnesty for illegals that have violated our laws.
There is nothing racist about having our laws enforced.

And that has what to do with the points I've been making?

This point right here:
"...thus making Trump's misguided racist DACA/immigration stance ..."
If any illegal wants amnesty they should pay for it more free ride. You don't pay adios

What do you think about the following:

1.Dreamers have to go back to their nation of origin and register for Green Cards at US Embassy or Consulate.

2. They get temporary Green Cards while their paperwork is processed, and they go back home to the USA.

3. They are automatically entered for citizenship in line with everyone else.

4. When the citizenship offer is ready, they can become citizens if they pay all their back taxes, fines and processing costs through a five year payment plan.

I think this is fair, respects the law, and close to what Trump has in mind.
5. All green card holders must register with the Post
office every January with proof of their address and phone number or face immediate deportation.
34% even among dems. It's a total political loser.

Who's running that outfit, anyway? They need a new idea. 1968 is getting old.

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