Gov. Mike Pence to push for clarification of ‘religious freedom’ law


No one is obsessing over this law, except the left. The law is basically a duplicate of the federal RFRA, does not authorize discrimination, but offers a defense, as with the federal RFRA.


Wow, dumbass. You can't comprehend that giving someone a legal defense of their discriminatory acts is exactly the same as authorizing discrimination?

Discrimination against queers should not only be authorized, it should be mandatory, in many cases (teachers, military, police, coaching, counseling, massage, doctors, etc)

Most incidents of child sexual abuse involve heterosexuals not gays.
Fox News Dishonest Defense Of Indiana s Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law Blog Media Matters for America

Unlike the federal RFRA, Indiana's RFRA contains an extremely broad definition of "person" that includes organizations, corporations, or companies that are: "compelled or limited by a system of religious belief held by an individual or the individuals; who have control and substantial ownership of the entity, regardless of whether the entity is organized and operated for profit or nonprofit purposes."

As Buzzfeed also reported:

The Indiana bill is broader than federal law. While the Indiana bill says that a "governmental entity may not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion," it also applies those rules to businesses and interactions between private parties "regardless of whether the state or any other government entity is party to the proceeding."

Portraying Indiana's RFRA as benign legislation identical to the "bipartisan" federal law isn't just inaccurate journalism. It is a part of Fox's larger role in promoting the narrative of Christian persecution to support the passage of a number of state RFRAs now being considered in states across the country. Expect to see Fox continue to misrepresent RFRA as a harmless law protecting "religious liberty" while ignoring the fact that these bills are actually the product of powerful anti-LGBT organizations lobbying to legalize anti-LGBT discrimination.
So what ? Anti-LGBT discrimination SHOULD be legal. What's more it should be the law that discrimination against queers should be required, in cases where the sex perversion could be harmful to people, especially children.
Step in front of a fast moving bus. You're a waste of oxygen
You're a waste of perfectly good thread post. Where did you get that oh so cool insult ? From you local 4th grade class ? Come back when you can think of something substantial to say.
Substantial? Why would I do that when all you offer is vile opinions? Seriously, do the world a favor - find the tallest building in your trailer park and play Superman.

If I were hosting a seminar on the health risks of homosexual conduct, and I walked into a print shop to have them print up some booklets to hand out at the seminar, and the printer happened to be gay and told me he did not want to print what he considered to be "anti-gay propaganda," I would simply thank him for his time and go find another printer. I would never dream of suing him or otherwise trying to get him in trouble. I would respect his beliefs and feelings, even though I found them absurd.

Why can't gays show the same tolerance and respect for religious vendors who find gay marriage offensive?

This is *not* the same thing as refusing to serve someone a meal at your restaurant or refusing a couple a hotel room at your hotel. Food, lodging, auto repair, home repair, things like that, can be viewed as "basic" needs that any vendor should be willing to provide, regardless of race, lifestyle, creed, etc.
It isn't about the homosexuals it Is about the Christians. Destroying the church is the utmost important thing for progressives
it Is about the Christians. Destroying the church is the utmost important thing for progressives
:disbelief: :itsok::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

No one is obsessing over this law, except the left. The law is basically a duplicate of the federal RFRA, does not authorize discrimination, but offers a defense, as with the federal RFRA.


Wow, dumbass. You can't comprehend that giving someone a legal defense of their discriminatory acts is exactly the same as authorizing discrimination?

Discrimination against queers should not only be authorized, it should be mandatory, in many cases (teachers, military, police, coaching, counseling, massage, doctors, etc)

Most incidents of child sexual abuse involve heterosexuals not gays.

To be even more specific, most incidents of child sexual abuse involve heterosexual males know to the victim in the form of a family member or close friend.
If I were hosting a seminar on the health risks of homosexual conduct, and I walked into a print shop to have them print up some booklets to hand out at the seminar, and the printer happened to be gay and told me he did not want to print what he considered to be "anti-gay propaganda," I would simply thank him for his time and go find another printer. I would never dream of suing him or otherwise trying to get him in trouble. I would respect his beliefs and feelings, even though I found them absurd.

Why can't gays show the same tolerance and respect for religious vendors who find gay marriage offensive?

This is *not* the same thing as refusing to serve someone a meal at your restaurant or refusing a couple a hotel room at your hotel. Food, lodging, auto repair, home repair, things like that, can be viewed as "basic" needs that any vendor should be willing to provide, regardless of race, lifestyle, creed, etc.
It isn't about the homosexuals it Is about the Christians. Destroying the church is the utmost important thing for progressives

You give yourself far too much credit. It's about being treated equally. Christians are protected by anti discrimination laws in Public Accommodation at a Federal level...unlike gays that are protected at a state or local level...states rights guy.
Yea this law won't last. America has a long history of defeating enemies of freedom. This time won't be any different.
You libs define words the way you want to push your agendas. Freedom isn't making someone do something they find morally and religiously repugnant. Freedom of religion is a Constitutionally protected right, legal recognition of sexual unions aren't. It's a shame PC has trumped Constitutional rights but many states are fighting back. This is a growing trend, boycott them all!

19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


Fuck those crazy religious nuts and their fantasy Sky Daddy.
Would you like a peyote button? It cures butt hurt I hear.
Yea this law won't last. America has a long history of defeating enemies of freedom. This time won't be any different.
You libs define words the way you want to push your agendas. Freedom isn't making someone do something they find morally and religiously repugnant. Freedom of religion is a Constitutionally protected right, legal recognition of sexual unions aren't. It's a shame PC has trumped Constitutional rights but many states are fighting back. This is a growing trend, boycott them all!

19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

So do you think this law enables someone with the religious belief that race mixing is wrong to discriminate against blacks?
If I were hosting a seminar on the health risks of homosexual conduct, and I walked into a print shop to have them print up some booklets to hand out at the seminar, and the printer happened to be gay and told me he did not want to print what he considered to be "anti-gay propaganda," I would simply thank him for his time and go find another printer. I would never dream of suing him or otherwise trying to get him in trouble. I would respect his beliefs and feelings, even though I found them absurd.

Why can't gays show the same tolerance and respect for religious vendors who find gay marriage offensive?

This is *not* the same thing as refusing to serve someone a meal at your restaurant or refusing a couple a hotel room at your hotel. Food, lodging, auto repair, home repair, things like that, can be viewed as "basic" needs that any vendor should be willing to provide, regardless of race, lifestyle, creed, etc.
It isn't about the homosexuals it Is about the Christians. Destroying the church is the utmost important thing for progressives

You give yourself far too much credit. It's about being treated equally. Christians are protected by anti discrimination laws in Public Accommodation at a Federal level...unlike gays that are protected at a state or local level...states rights guy.
OK, hypocrite. So what's wrong with states rights when it goes against your grain?

And the reason it's a state issue is because it is NOT a Constitutional issue. Duh!

No one is obsessing over this law, except the left. The law is basically a duplicate of the federal RFRA, does not authorize discrimination, but offers a defense, as with the federal RFRA.


Wow, dumbass. You can't comprehend that giving someone a legal defense of their discriminatory acts is exactly the same as authorizing discrimination?

Discrimination against queers should not only be authorized, it should be mandatory, in many cases (teachers, military, police, coaching, counseling, massage, doctors, etc)

Most incidents of child sexual abuse involve heterosexuals not gays.
That's funny since most are men molesting boys
19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Not all RFRA's are the same -- but the lying Gov. tried to make them so.

For example, in a number of the states that do have it, they have Civil
Rights protections for sexual orientation and other classes. Most all of them only define "person" as a living breathing human

Indiana's law is written differently and says that a person includes
"a partnership, a limited liability company, a corporation, a company,
a firm, a society, a joint-stock company, an unincorporated

There's the big difference. Yup. Corps are religious people too.

In addition, the Indiana law allows people /corps to sue the state if
their religious beliefs are being infringed, and the text of the law
goes out its way to say their state law trumps local ordinances. There
are laws in some Indiana towns and cities that do protect sexual
orientation -- but poof those are overridden by the state law.

This bill is quite a bit different than most of the other ones -
that's why people are wigging about it, and also why a similar one
brought before Jan freakin Brewer (!)! in AZ was vetoed
Yea this law won't last. America has a long history of defeating enemies of freedom. This time won't be any different.
You libs define words the way you want to push your agendas. Freedom isn't making someone do something they find morally and religiously repugnant. Freedom of religion is a Constitutionally protected right, legal recognition of sexual unions aren't. It's a shame PC has trumped Constitutional rights but many states are fighting back. This is a growing trend, boycott them all!

19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
So do you think this law enables someone with the religious belief that race mixing is wrong to discriminate against blacks?
I support the rights for people to discriminate against anyone they want. Tall people, fat people, white people, black people, etc., and they should need a religious excuse.

However, this isn't a racial issue no matter how hard homosexuals try to pretend homosexuality is a race. The government can't treat a black man differently than a white man (all men being equal under the eyes of the law). There's no Constitutional protection to pair up with anyone you want and force someone else to deal with it.

A son wanting to marry his mother could make the same argument the militant gays do. If a baker doesn't want to adorn the cake with a mother/son theme they could sue with probably a better argument than two men. The problem is gays want ownership of what the word discrimination means.
19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Not all RFRA's are the same -- but the lying Gov. tried to make them so.

For example, in a number of the states that do have it, they have Civil
Rights protections for sexual orientation and other classes. Most all of them only define "person" as a living breathing human

Indiana's law is written differently and says that a person includes
"a partnership, a limited liability company, a corporation, a company,
a firm, a society, a joint-stock company, an unincorporated

There's the big difference. Yup. Corps are religious people too.

In addition, the Indiana law allows people /corps to sue the state if
their religious beliefs are being infringed, and the text of the law
goes out its way to say their state law trumps local ordinances. There
are laws in some Indiana towns and cities that do protect sexual
orientation -- but poof those are overridden by the state law.

This bill is quite a bit different than most of the other ones -
that's why people are wigging about it, and also why a similar one
brought before Jan freakin Brewer (!)! in AZ was vetoed
Let them wig on about it. A state has the right to pass laws that do not strip Constitutionally protected rights away.
Yea this law won't last. America has a long history of defeating enemies of freedom. This time won't be any different.
You libs define words the way you want to push your agendas. Freedom isn't making someone do something they find morally and religiously repugnant. Freedom of religion is a Constitutionally protected right, legal recognition of sexual unions aren't. It's a shame PC has trumped Constitutional rights but many states are fighting back. This is a growing trend, boycott them all!

19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
So do you think this law enables someone with the religious belief that race mixing is wrong to discriminate against blacks?
I support the rights for people to discriminate against anyone they want. Tall people, fat people, white people, black people, etc., and they should need a religious excuse.

However, this isn't a racial issue no matter how hard homosexuals try to pretend homosexuality is a race. The government can't treat a black man differently than a white man (all men being equal under the eyes of the law). There's no Constitutional protection to pair up with anyone you want and force someone else to deal with it.

A son wanting to marry his mother could make the same argument the militant gays do. If a baker doesn't want to adorn the cake with a mother/son theme they could sue with probably a better argument than two men. The problem is gays want ownership of what the word discrimination means.

Gays don't have to be a race to have equal rights, any more than gun owners have to be a race to have gun rights.

That's a ridiculous argument.
I support the rights for people to discriminate against anyone they want. Tall people, fat people, white people, black people, etc., and they should need a religious excuse.

I bet you would. Right up till it was the weasel being discriminated against.
Your head is fucked up dude.
19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Not all RFRA's are the same -- but the lying Gov. tried to make them so.

For example, in a number of the states that do have it, they have Civil
Rights protections for sexual orientation and other classes. Most all of them only define "person" as a living breathing human

Indiana's law is written differently and says that a person includes
"a partnership, a limited liability company, a corporation, a company,
a firm, a society, a joint-stock company, an unincorporated

There's the big difference. Yup. Corps are religious people too.

In addition, the Indiana law allows people /corps to sue the state if
their religious beliefs are being infringed, and the text of the law
goes out its way to say their state law trumps local ordinances. There
are laws in some Indiana towns and cities that do protect sexual
orientation -- but poof those are overridden by the state law.

This bill is quite a bit different than most of the other ones -
that's why people are wigging about it, and also why a similar one
brought before Jan freakin Brewer (!)! in AZ was vetoed
The Supreme Court decided in Hobby Lobby that corporations could have a religious character as well. People do not lose rights simply by incorporating. So you seem to be the one lying here.
Several other states have the same law. And of course the gheys get all huffy about it. Even though no one, anywhere, has shown where they are being discriminated against.
The law is right and proper and good on Indiana for it.
I support the rights for people to discriminate against anyone they want. Tall people, fat people, white people, black people, etc., and they should need a religious excuse.
I bet you would. Right up till it was the weasel being discriminated against.
Your head is fucked up dude.
If I went in a black bar and they didn't want to serve me I would go somewhere else. And it's happened. Suing would be the last thing on my mind. I also went to a bar and it was ladies night. I had to pay while they didn't. I had to wait until a guy left while they could waltz in the place. I had to sit in a roped off area with the other guys. I got my money back and left. Suing never entered my mind. Grow a spine.

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