Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’

You know, you could make a lot more intelligent contributions if you actually read the article.

seems like he did....

"Last year he famously switched allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama during the Democratic nomination process for president. Now, he reveals, he regrets his change of heart. How’s Obama doing? “Dreadfully. I was hopeful. He was the most intelligent person we’ve had in that position for a long time. But he’s inexperienced. He has a total inability to understand military matters."

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online

maybe you should take your own advice?

He's criticizing Obama for giving in to conservative critics too much. That's hardly an expression of regret.

:lol: So now you're a mind reader, too. You are :cuckoo:. Put down the bong pipe before posting.
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Answer your own question and tell us, I have no idea how he felt but you seem to so how about telling us what your talking about.
YouTube - William Buckley Vs Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those Buckley-Vidal conflicts were EPIC.

Buckley is greatly missed...
Buckley died the same day Myron Cope died. If you knew Mr. Cope, you would wonder as I did what the conversation at the Pearly gates was like that day!

Here was his exact comments:

We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything together. Obama would have been better off focusing on educating the American people. His problem is being over-educated. He doesn’t realise how dim-witted and ignorant his audience is. Benjamin Franklin said that the system would fail because of the corruption of the people and that happened under Bush.”

Vidal adds menacingly: “Don’t ever make the mistake with people like me thinking we are looking for heroes. There aren’t any and if there were, they would be killed immediately. I’m never surprised by bad behaviour. I expect it.”

He's referring to people like you Oz. Dim-wit.
You can bet he didn't read the article.
Indeed he is, and Vidal will be missed too. Unfortunately, men of such education and letters are not popular anymore.

Yeah, isn't it sad. As great as some of the commentators are now, they're still pale shadows of these guys. The topic came up when Ted Kennedy passed on. Like him or hate him, the guy played the game of politics in a purely epic way. That generation of political geniuses are passing away to be replaced by the Bushes and the Clintons and their ilk.

I would regard Bill Clinton as the most astute politician of the modern era - but a just better-than-average leader.

Reagan holds the mantel as the being equal parts leader and politician, which is why Buckley admired him so much - Reagan possessed an uncanny comfort in his own skin that is such a rarity in DC that Buckley found both fascinating and admirable. And what is not as widely known, is Buckley's borderline awe of Reagan's sharp wit. Reagan was far from the amicable dunce his media enemies so often attempted to define him as - and Buckley knew that as well as anyone over the course of their 30-year friendship.

The likes of Buckley - and perhaps Reagan - might very well not be seen again.

And that is a terrible shame...

A clip of Buckley questioning Al Gore's "mental balance" back in 2000 - scathing, brilliant, while doing so with tact and politicized good will...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMEZ8xqzTo]YouTube - William F. Buckley[/ame]
Barack Obama has something George Bush didn't have. The Liberal dominated MSM was incredibly hostile & critical of him from the first day he took office. So there were checks on him. His possible Dictatorship could not be solidified without controlling the Media therefore it never materialized. Barack Obama on the other hand,has a completely compliant and acquiescent Mainstream Media serving him. He not only controls all branches of our Government,he also controls the Media.This is how you solidify a Dictatorship. This President has no checks on him at this point. The MSM has been absolutely shameful with their embarrassing daily Boot-Licking. So Mr. Vidal,you are both right and wrong sir. You are right about a future Dictatorship here in America but you are also wrong because the future is now. We really do already have that Dictator. :(
Is not Gore Vidal a left winger?? Man, temperature is dropping in hell very quickly!! A right winger quotes a left winger!!
Unfortunately i think we're already there. We have a President right now who has almost unlimited powers. He controls all branches of Government as well as our Media. That's pretty much a Dictatorship. :(

are you serious?

Actually, the current president almost have such power--thanks to the bozos that came before him that sought to concentrate that power in the Executive office.

Question--Is Obama decentralizing the powers Bush gained?--no

Question:--Why not? Because everyone wants to be dictator!!
Barack Obama has something George Bush didn't have. The Liberal dominated MSM was incredibly hostile & critical of him from the first day he took office. So there were checks on him. His possible Dictatorship could not be solidified without controlling the Media therefore it never materialized. Barack Obama on the other hand,has a completely compliant and acquiescent Mainstream Media serving him. He not only controls all branches of our Government,he also controls the Media.This is how you solidify a Dictatorship. This President has no checks on him at this point. The MSM has been absolutely shameful with their embarrassing daily Boot-Licking. So Mr. Vidal,you are both right and wrong sir. You are right about a future Dictatorship here in America but you are also wrong because the future is now. We really do already have that Dictator. :(

Are you sure about that?

If I remember correctly, and I may be wrong, he was actually treated fairly pre 9/11/01. It was not until after the furor of 9/11 wore off that the left began their crusade against him.

That is just how I remember things but that may not be how things were.

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010

MOSCOW -- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. -- very seriously. Now he's found an eager audience: Russian state media.

[URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html"]wall street journal[/URL]

the whole world knows it. Osama is identical to Gorbachev. Gorbachev was also making great promises for the Soviet Union, but the situation was only getting worse. no diff here. we're sliding into upheaval and revolt.
Barack Obama has something George Bush didn't have. The Liberal dominated MSM was incredibly hostile & critical of him from the first day he took office. So there were checks on him. His possible Dictatorship could not be solidified without controlling the Media therefore it never materialized. Barack Obama on the other hand,has a completely compliant and acquiescent Mainstream Media serving him. He not only controls all branches of our Government,he also controls the Media.This is how you solidify a Dictatorship. This President has no checks on him at this point. The MSM has been absolutely shameful with their embarrassing daily Boot-Licking. So Mr. Vidal,you are both right and wrong sir. You are right about a future Dictatorship here in America but you are also wrong because the future is now. We really do already have that Dictator. :(


I agree, the Obamarrhoids don't want to accept the term Dictatorship when it is applied to their Marxist Obami Salami even though this MARXIST POS CONTROLS BOTH BRANCHES OF OUR GOVT.....AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
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Unfortunately i think we're already there. We have a President right now who has almost unlimited powers. He controls all branches of Government as well as our Media. That's pretty much a Dictatorship. :(

You have to laugh, don't you?

The only thing this tells us is that Libo has never been in a dictatorship, and does not know what dictatorship is.
Here was his exact comments:

We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything together. Obama would have been better off focusing on educating the American people. His problem is being over-educated. He doesn’t realise how dim-witted and ignorant his audience is. Benjamin Franklin said that the system would fail because of the corruption of the people and that happened under Bush.”

Vidal adds menacingly: “Don’t ever make the mistake with people like me thinking we are looking for heroes. There aren’t any and if there were, they would be killed immediately. I’m never surprised by bad behaviour. I expect it.”

He's referring to people like you Oz. Dim-wit.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: And you, you dork. And me. And the rest of the population. How very liberal of you not to recognize the stupid guy in your own mirror.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: And you, you dork. And me. And the rest of the population. How very liberal of you not to recognize the stupid guy in your own mirror.

Vidal does not say that everyone in the US is dim-witted and ignorant; only that a considerable proportion of the American people are.

I strongly doubt he considers ignorance to be the exclusive domain of either political wing, but that does not mean that he considers all liberals or all conservatives to be ignorant.

Gautama -

Please try and post coherent sentences. No one is going to be convinced by the gibberish in your last post.
One of the more brilliant minds of our time.

The thing about Vidal is that he was of the manor born, ergo he knew a lot of the players and he knew them, not as we do, as public figures, but as people...people with warts and all.

He's terribly cynical, of course.

Anybody with a brain in his head looks at the world at it is and cannot help but be so.

He's a terribly flawed human, of course, but one with a penetrating insight into how our world of power politics actually works.

FWIW the world would be a better place if there were more people in power like Vidal and Buckley.

But Americans hate the intelligensia, so we keep electing also rans intellects who don't tell us like it is, but tell us like we'd like it to be.
like this is some kind of third world country any day now?

I certainly don't see that happening.

Any day now............


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:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: And you, you dork. And me. And the rest of the population. How very liberal of you not to recognize the stupid guy in your own mirror.

Vidal does not say that everyone in the US is dim-witted and ignorant; only that a considerable proportion of the American people are.

I strongly doubt he considers ignorance to be the exclusive domain of either political wing, but that does not mean that he considers all liberals or all conservatives to be ignorant.

Gautama -

Please try and post coherent sentences. No one is going to be convinced by the gibberish in your last post.


You are absolutely correct. My original post was put together when I had very little sleep, followed by an incredibly busy day laced with alchohol which I seldom, if ever, imbibe.

I edited the post somewhat. It's brilliant.....but it still could be stated more coherently.

However, no matter how coherently the TRUTH and REALITY is stated, the OBAMARRHOID IS INCAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING IT. And, in the final analysis, accepting it.
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