GOP unwilling to even censure Schiff


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A vote for censure went up regarding Congressman Schiff for his role and conduct during the fictious Russian collusion investigation that took 3 years and resulted in nothing other than bashing Trump in the media 24/7. However, about a dozen Republicans refused to censure him, meaning the votes were not there to censure him.

And people expect the GOP to go after Biden for his crimes? They can't even censure Schiff.


Meanwhile, the DNC has already has plans for a third impeachment of Trump should he get elected. In fact, they may impeach him despite not becoming President.

My guess is they also have one planned for DeSantis.
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A vote for censure went up regarding Congressman Schiff for his role and conduct during the fictious Russian collusion investigation that took 3 years and resulted in nothing other than bashing Trump in the media 24/7. However, about a dozen Republicans refused to censure him, meaning the votes were not there to censure him.

And people expect the GOP to go after Biden for his crimes? They can't even censure Schiff.


Meanwhile, the DNC has already has plans for a third impeachment of Trump should he get elected. In fact, they may impeach him despite not becoming President.

My guess is they also have one planned for DeSantis.
And Republican voters think Trump will be the Savior of the Republic

A vote for censure went up regarding Congressman Schiff for his role and conduct during the fictious Russian collusion investigation that took 3 years and resulted in nothing other than bashing Trump in the media 24/7. However, about a dozen Republicans refused to censure him, meaning the votes were not there to censure him.

And people expect the GOP to go after Biden for his crimes? They can't even censure Schiff.


Meanwhile, the DNC has already has plans for a third impeachment of Trump should he get elected. In fact, they may impeach him despite not becoming President.

My guess is they also have one planned for DeSantis.
/----/ Apparently, the fine was the sticking point. They can always try again without the fine.
One expected "no" vote, Rep. Tom Massie, R-Ky., said he opposed the idea of a fine against Schiff — the resolution up Wednesday recommended a $16 million fine but did not require it.
"Adam Schiff acted unethically but if a resolution to fine him $16 million comes to the floor I will vote to table it. (vote against it)," he tweeted Wednesday.

"The Constitution says the House may make its own rules but we can’t violate other (later) provisions of the Constitution," he added. "A $16 million fine is a violation of the 27th and 8th amendments."
It wasn’t clear late Wednesday whether House Republicans might try again with a resolution against Schiff that leaves out all mentions of possible fines." - By Peter Kasperowicz | Fox News
The GOP cannot censure a man for knowing lie his ass off to take down a sitting President? That is treason.
This just shows how corrupt the GOP is.
My guess is that most objected to the $16m fine. We'll see how the "no fine" version does

Luna tweeted Wednesday that she planned to file another privileged motion, one that she said would censure Schiff and refer him for an ethics investigation but with no mention of a fine. In a statement announcing the initial resolution, Luna had said she picked the $16 million figure because it was half the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
Meanwhile, the DNC has already has plans for a third impeachment of Trump should he get elected. In fact, they may impeach him despite not becoming President.

My guess is they also have one planned for DeSantis.

They don't need one.

If Trump doesn't go to prison for January 6th, then it will say it's okay to storm the Capitol and put in the President you want.

So expect BLM and Antifa to storm the Capitol after Trump loses the popular vote but maybe sneaks in on an electoral college win. You guys have now said that was okay.
They don't need one.
If Trump doesn't go to prison for January 6th, then it will say it's okay to storm the Capitol and put in the President you want.
So expect BLM and Antifa to storm the Capitol after Trump loses the popular vote but maybe sneaks in on an electoral college win. You guys have now said that was okay.
If there is a "next time" Capitol riot expect the National Guard to be there with bayonets.

There would not have been a J6 riot if the fucking democrats would have approved the National Guard as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund.
If there is a "next time" Capitol riot expect the National Guard to be there with bayonets.

The DC National Guard is going to be all black kids trying to get a college degree.... what direction do you think they'll point those bayonets in.

There would not have been a J6 riot if the fucking democrats would have approved the National Guard as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund.

Why would the National Guard be needed at all? We've had 57 previous certifications of the vote, and they are pretty boring affairs. Even the truly attrotious ones like 1876.

The only reason why it was a big deal this time was Trump enraged an angry mob and convinced them they could overturn an election he lost by 8 million votes.
The DC National Guard is going to be all black kids trying to get a college degree.... what direction do you think they'll point those bayonets in.
Why would the National Guard be needed at all? We've had 57 previous certifications of the vote, and they are pretty boring affairs. Even the truly atrocious ones like 1876.
The only reason why it was a big deal this time was Trump enraged an angry mob and convinced them they could overturn an election he lost by 8 million votes.
1. WRONG again dumbass. I double-dare antifa and BLM to try to storm the Capitol when the NG is there with bayonets

2. Why would we need the NG? If antifa and BLM schedule a riot in DC, just sayin'

3. Trump lost the 2020 election by 43,000 votes in 3 states, AZ, GA, and WI. He lost because the FBI Gestapo paid the oligarchs to censor the Hunter Biden laptop crimes, and due to the 51 traitors who called the laptop crimes "Russian Disinformation". The MSM propaganda swayed the electorate in a very close election.
/----/ Apparently, the fine was the sticking point. They can always try again without the fine.
One expected "no" vote, Rep. Tom Massie, R-Ky., said he opposed the idea of a fine against Schiff — the resolution up Wednesday recommended a $16 million fine but did not require it.
"Adam Schiff acted unethically but if a resolution to fine him $16 million comes to the floor I will vote to table it. (vote against it)," he tweeted Wednesday.

"The Constitution says the House may make its own rules but we can’t violate other (later) provisions of the Constitution," he added. "A $16 million fine is a violation of the 27th and 8th amendments."
It wasn’t clear late Wednesday whether House Republicans might try again with a resolution against Schiff that leaves out all mentions of possible fines." - By Peter Kasperowicz | Fox News
So the GOP was opposed to the fine for Schiff when Schiff should be held for treason for lying about impeaching a President in the DNC little coup?

That makes it worse for me, they KNEW what he was doing was unethical and treasonous and they still don't care.

$16 million for a member of Congress is pocket change.

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