GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.

I think it's about the gross fucking incompetence.

9% unemployment.
4.5 Trillion in new debt in less than three years.
$4.00 a gallon gasoline
Giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
Bowing down before third world thugs
A huge, unconstitutional health mandate that has run up medical costs.

Seriously, it's the level of failure any decent man would fall on his sword over.

THANK BUSH. 9% unemployment.
THANK BUSH. 4.5 Trillion in new debt in less than three years.
HIGHER UNDER BUSH. $4.00 a gallon gasoline
SAME THING BUSH DID. Giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
DIPLOMACY AND PROTOCOL. Bowing down before third world thugs
SAYS WHO? NOT SCOTUS. A huge, unconstitutional health mandate that has run up medical costs.

Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...

Seriously, only half the dupes are racists. But ALL their facts are Rush/Rev Moon/Murdoch bought off crappe. Everyone in the modern world knows but you ignorami. Your boy Booosh just ruined the whole world, and you're the only A-holes in the world that don't know. And you just want to do it AGAIN!! Absolutely hopeless...

YOUR facts...

ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists etc etc etc.

Global Warming, Creationism, Saddam had WMD, etc etc etc Pfffft!!
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Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...

Seriously, only half the dupes are racists. But ALL their facts are Rush/Rev Moon/Murdoch bought off crappe. Everyone in the modern world knows but you ignorami. Your boy Booosh just ruined the whole world, and you're the only A-holes in the world that don't know. And you just want to do it AGAIN!! Absolutely hopeless...

YOUR facts...

ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists etc etc etc.

Global Warming, Creationism, Saddam had WMD, etc etc etc Pfffft!!

"My boy Booosh?" "My facts?"


You don't know anything about me...
Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...

You’re not only welcomed but also encouraged to speak out against Obama, his administration, and his policies.

But that’s not what’s happened; instead of intelligent, constructive criticism of the president’s policies we’ve heard mostly about teleprompters and birth certificates.

And although republicans/conservatives aren’t racists, and their opposition to Obama not predicated on racism, the party and ideology do tend to attract racists – something that should be of a concern for the right – contributing to the perception that Obama’s detractors are indeed racist.
Your question is based on a false assumption, like most of your questions are.

The thing is we don't hate Obama. We hate his policies. Why?


Not sure why this is difficult for you to understand.
I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts.

I guess you missed the GOP under Clinton. Or the Democrats under Bush.

I remember when Bush was the most popular president in this history of the nation. Do a little research. Then he led us into a war based on lies and deception which led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands more. He was warned by Clinton and left Obama a terrible mess.

Even with that, what Bush was given was anger after he betrayed the trust of a nation. Now where has he been shown even a tiny bit of the intense and deep hatred for Obama.

For Obama, it's been outright hate from day one even before he was sworn in. You know you can't compare the two. The fact that you do says a lot about your honesty. Or lack thereof.
No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.

This Comment says it all.

You must have not been around for the 8 Years of Delusional, Disrespectful Bush Bashing by Democrats.

And a Remarkable Jobs so far? Yeah Remarkably poor.[/QUOTE]

You know that Bush had the highest approval ratings of any president in history. Why is it you guys just lie? All the time? You sit in front of the Internet. You think you can lie and no one will find out? We call that "delusion".
Can't you guys ever stop lying and give an honest answer? Ever?
Who is Dean?

look up.....see the guy whose Dick you are sucking?....thats Dean.....

Oh, you mean rdean. He's a great American patriot. Whereas,... you apparently can't even afford Viagra...Bob...


dumbass a does it feel being the left nut in Deans ballsack? you and Douger clunk heads often?......
look up.....see the guy whose Dick you are sucking?....thats Dean.....

Oh, you mean rdean. He's a great American patriot. Whereas,... you apparently can't even afford Viagra...Bob...


dumbass a does it feel being the left nut in Deans ballsack? you and Douger clunk heads often?......

Bob, your obsession with rdean's privates seems a little strange... Are you jealous?
The left has been claiming since 2008 that racism is to blame for republicans, moderates and independents disagreeing with Obama policies and actions. It hasn't worked yet but MAYBE this time it will.

Remember when Republicans were pointing out the problems with Freddie and Fannie and that was attributed to racism?

What year was that? Wasn't that before 2008?

I guess my point is that the accusations were always in the Democrats quiver. Having a black candidate just gave them more of an excuse to use it.

Bush said it before he ever left office, and Democrats accused him of just wanting to keep Poor Minorities from getting Loans.
The whole world agrees Pubs are a-holes and their dupes are ignorant tools LOL. Evolution is just a theory, global warming is a hoax, Obama is a Marxist Kenyan Muslim, Bachmann Perry Mitt, Newt- you moron half racist brainwashed Ugly 'Mericans are a bad joke. Bush was a gd catastrophe and so are the pubs paralyzing the US and world economies now, and so are YOU. LOL! Hoping for your recovery.
is this guy just a black and white version of Shamen?......have they ever been in the same thread?.....Frankie is your Secret Identity Mr. Shamen?....
Your question is based on a false assumption, like most of your questions are.

The thing is we don't hate Obama. We hate his policies. Why?


Not sure why this is difficult for you to understand.

SCREWING OUR NATION? Bush had already knocked up America before Obama came along. Bush should be paying child support.
OMG, STFU already.. The fucking left CRUCIFIED Boooooooooooosh and he didn't say a word.. nothing.. you little titty babies can dish it out but you can't take it.. I see it over and over here on this very forum.. you're all a bunch of panty wastes.

I don't care what you say. The republican candidate, no matter who he/she is, will lost the 2012 presidential election to Barack Hussein Obama.

so Salt do you hate Obama only half as much as you do White people?......
Complaining about Booosh was unpatriotic. But complaining about Obama is. What a stupid bunch of A-holes.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison...

Thanks brainwashed Pub Dupes. The world is aghast at you racist selfish idiocy. Your stupidity and hypocrisy is so obvious you're going to get your azz handed to you in 2012. The truth DOES get out...

Complaining about Booosh was unpatriotic. But complaining about Obama is. What a stupid bunch of A-holes.

your saying the same thing about both of them here Frankie......and its not unpatriotic to bitch about any President......change the channel......
Claiming that Obama is HATED for any reason, and claiming that the 'hatred' is personal, is where your statement falls short.

Belle whether you believe it or Hate Obama,yes you hate him, because he is Black.....not because of what he does.....he is a Black guy.....just ask Dean.....he will tell you....

I do? Oh noooo... :(
Should I be telling some of my family members I hate them because they are black? :lol:
Maybe RDean will tell them for me!!
Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...

Seriously, only half the dupes are racists. But ALL their facts are Rush/Rev Moon/Murdoch bought off crappe. Everyone in the modern world knows but you ignorami. Your boy Booosh just ruined the whole world, and you're the only A-holes in the world that don't know. And you just want to do it AGAIN!! Absolutely hopeless...

YOUR facts...

ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists etc etc etc.

Global Warming, Creationism, Saddam had WMD, etc etc etc Pfffft!!

"My boy Booosh?" "My facts?"


You don't know anything about me...

and how the hell does "Rev. Moon" fit in here?.....:eusa_eh:

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