Can Americans perform abortions of Government?

You are like a puppy learning to fart. You won't tell anybody why you should be believed. I have posted reasons to take my word and those are all truthful.
“Puppy learning to fart “?
Your home does not look like that pair of doors in the hallway of Congress. She was not armed. She could not hurt any cop. A cop murdered her.
A mob could do great damage, even if only armed with the chairs they used to break out that security glass. Safest thing to do is not let any of them in, even if they have broken through the tempered security glass. Shooting the first one through saved the officer from being attacked as other officers had been, that day, and shooting the first through, saved all the others from getting shot. You just may never know when you come up on somebody's final defensive position, where they are intent on or have been order to guard their post and everything within the limit of their post, until relieved by proper authority or dead. True, everybody dies, but I figure, if attacked, let it be them first. Low and behold, not another single person, chose to attack into that officer's position, probably saving all their lives. Go figure.

My windows are normal Pella 1/2" IG so, you would have to crawl in like Ashli for me to deal with, but the full view IG storm/security door protecting my front door is the same glazing as Pella's hurricane glass, designed to hold up to the first hit of a 2x4 at 60 Mph. Fantastic demonstration at the Pella factory in Pella, Iowa, watching the first 2x4 shatter on impact with the glass, after being fired from an air cannon. I don't think they do public tours, but the demonstration is very impressive.
A mob could do great damage, even if only armed with the chairs they used to break out that security glass. Safest thing to do is not let any of them in, even if they have broken through the tempered security glass. Shooting the first one through saved the officer from being attacked as other officers had been, that day, and shooting the first through, saved all the others from getting shot. You just may never know when you come up on somebody's final defensive position, where they are intent on or have been order to guard their post and everything within the limit of their post, until relieved by proper authority or dead. True, everybody dies, but I figure, if attacked, let it be them first. Low and behold, not another single person, chose to attack into that officer's position, probably saving all their lives. Go figure.

My windows are normal Pella 1/2" IG so, you would have to crawl in like Ashli for me to deal with, but the full view IG storm/security door protecting my front door is the same glazing as Pella's hurricane glass, designed to hold up to the first hit of a 2x4 at 60 Mph. Fantastic demonstration at the Pella factory in Pella, Iowa, watching the first 2x4 shatter on impact with the glass, after being fired from an air cannon. I don't think they do public tours, but the demonstration is very impressive.
That is extremely sad to read posted here. It makes it seem, and correctly, cops can simply murder citizens at their whim.
That is extremely sad to read posted here. It makes it seem, and correctly, cops can simply murder citizens at their whim.
Unfortunately, though not what I was writing about, that I remember, it is true, to an extent. I say that, with a firm belief 99.9% of law enforcement do not think that way and would not pass summary judgement, snuffing whoever they thought deserved to die. I do not think that is what happened at the capital. I believe it was a capital police Lt, in his final position, he was supposed to guard, protecting from being overrun, by a mob that had overrun previous positions, violently, now having broken through the last doors leading to the chamber of Congress, it was his sworn duty to protect at all costs, similar to my duty to protect against a mob breaking into my personal house.

But, your 2nd sentence, gives me opening, to mention or bring up, a known legal theory, put in place, not by legislation, but by the Supreme Court in 1957, that theory is known as "qualified immunity". It basically says, policemen cannot be prosecuted or even sued, if the action falls under official duties, whether a mistake was made or not. We got by without this for 181 years, before becoming a legal precedent, similar to the original Roe vs Wade becoming the law of the land. Piercing qualified immunity is difficult, no matter what mistake has taken place. This is a law by legal precedent, that should be revisited by the Supremes, struck down, thus forcing legislator to rewrite this standard, passing a codifying how this should work, when, and when not. You and I are not protected in this manner, nor are companies protected from liability, faced in day to day business operations, as it is not covered in the constitution, nor any legislated statute pass into law by those elected to make our laws, and another poor example of legislation from the bench.
Unfortunately, though not what I was writing about, that I remember, it is true, to an extent. I say that, with a firm belief 99.9% of law enforcement do not think that way and would not pass summary judgement, snuffing whoever they thought deserved to die. I do not think that is what happened at the capital. I believe it was a capital police Lt, in his final position, he was supposed to guard, protecting from being overrun, by a mob that had overrun previous positions, violently, now having broken through the last doors leading to the chamber of Congress, it was his sworn duty to protect at all costs, similar to my duty to protect against a mob breaking into my personal house.

But, your 2nd sentence, gives me opening, to mention or bring up, a known legal theory, put in place, not by legislation, but by the Supreme Court in 1957, that theory is known as "qualified immunity". It basically says, policemen cannot be prosecuted or even sued, if the action falls under official duties, whether a mistake was made or not. We got by without this for 181 years, before becoming a legal precedent, similar to the original Roe vs Wade becoming the law of the land. Piercing qualified immunity is difficult, no matter what mistake has taken place. This is a law by legal precedent, that should be revisited by the Supremes, struck down, thus forcing legislator to rewrite this standard, passing a codifying how this should work, when, and when not. You and I are not protected in this manner, nor are companies protected from liability, faced in day to day business operations, as it is not covered in the constitution, nor any legislated statute pass into law by those elected to make our laws, and another poor example of legislation from the bench.
Even when I and you do not agree, at least your presentations are nicely worded.
First I have been at that very spot where she was shot. I understand the layout of those doors. I also understand other cops were around. Some on the side she got shot on. The Lt risked hitting other officers. Or they were in on his plot to kill the woman. I am not sure but the congress is not finished on this matter.
Even when I and you do not agree, at least your presentations are nicely worded.
First I have been at that very spot where she was shot. I understand the layout of those doors. I also understand other cops were around. Some on the side she got shot on. The Lt risked hitting other officers. Or they were in on his plot to kill the woman. I am not sure but the congress is not finished on this matter.
The cops on the riot side of the door had no where to run to and a MOB coming at them. Had they stood and fought they had no chance and knew it.THAT IS WHY THEY LEFT.

As far as the rest of your nonsense… it is just that
The cops on the riot side of the door had no where to run to and a MOB coming at them. Had they stood and fought they had no chance and knew it.THAT IS WHY THEY LEFT.

As far as the rest of your nonsense… it is just that
The people were casually walking. They were not even a mob. There was no reason to shoot to kill nor to fight. The group around the door were peaceful.
Even when I and you do not agree, at least your presentations are nicely worded.
First I have been at that very spot where she was shot. I understand the layout of those doors. I also understand other cops were around. Some on the side she got shot on. The Lt risked hitting other officers. Or they were in on his plot to kill the woman. I am not sure but the congress is not finished on this matter.
He must have done, as I was trained. He cleared the background before his shot, only hitting what he aimed at, without even pass-through to injure others. Without evidence otherwise, that is the only acceptable, legal answer, anything else, being unfounded supposition.
The people were casually walking. They were not even a mob. There was no reason to shoot to kill nor to fight. The group around the door were peaceful.
Not a mob?

They were smashing in the windows

Shut the fuck up old man
Can you confirm that every bank in the USA was bailed out? Bush did not cause the crash and it's easy to prove what happened. Most talking of this either have a fixed belief or they want Bush blamed and don't care to read proof. I don't recall a scam that happened to his father, nor to his son unless the scam is the Democrats in Congress at the time insisted the market was great and the fix Bush sought was wrong. And his fix targeting Fannie Mae and in effect also Fannie Mae was turned down by Democrats in congress. Savings and loans had gone bankrupt under Carter and not either of the Bush presidents.

I have personal knowledge of this primarily as I was then a RE Broker who owned and ran my Appraisal firm plus when Jr was president I operated my own Mortgage firm for some period of years. My firm was hurt by the crash under Jr in fact. My team of agents doing loans vanished after it hit us.

Naturally as one person, I do not claim I was doing the whole thing all the way to being in Fannie Mae. But then bet your dollars I wanted answers. And it took time to finally get them. Congress could have saved the market ahead of a collapse but they refused.
Are you familiar with the Savings and Loan crisis? Seems like the same thing as the bank failure, or was that called sub prime...
Are you familiar with the Savings and Loan crisis? Seems like the same thing as the bank failure, or was that called sub prime...
Yes since using them was part of my business model at the time. In fact due to this I bailed out of the Democrats as I blamed Carter. It was my mistake. But voting for Republicans is extremely wise and I plan to stick with them.
Not a mob?

They were smashing in the windows

Shut the fuck up old man
Several were. The majority there were peaceful and did not bust windows. No, truth must be told so you being a dictator means nothing to me.
He must have done, as I was trained. He cleared the background before his shot, only hitting what he aimed at, without even pass-through to injure others. Without evidence otherwise, that is the only acceptable, legal answer, anything else, being unfounded supposition.
There was no need to murder the woman.
The cops on the riot side of the door had no where to run to and a MOB coming at them. Had they stood and fought they had no chance and knew it.THAT IS WHY THEY LEFT.

As far as the rest of your nonsense… it is just that
There was no fighting happening there. The cop who murdered her should be put on trial.
Yes since using them was part of my business model at the time. In fact due to this I bailed out of the Democrats as I blamed Carter. It was my mistake. But voting for Republicans is extremely wise and I plan to stick with them.
Pete Brewton was a reporter in Texas. I think all he wrote on the Saving and Koan debacle is a must read.
Yes since using them was part of my business model at the time. In fact due to this I bailed out of the Democrats as I blamed Carter. It was my mistake. But voting for Republicans is extremely wise and I plan to stick with them.
Yes since using them was part of my business model at the time. In fact due to this I bailed out of the Democrats as I blamed Carter. It was my mistake. But voting for Republicans is extremely wise and I plan to stick with them.
For unlike Watergate and Iran-Contra, this was a bipartisan scandal. There was no opposition party to push for an independent investigation. In fact, the same group of wealthy, powerful businessmen, centered in Houston, that encircle Republicans like George Bush and James A. Baker II1, also encircle Democrats like Jim Wright and Lloyd Bentsen
For unlike Watergate and Iran-Contra, this was a bipartisan scandal. There was no opposition party to push for an independent investigation. In fact, the same group of wealthy, powerful businessmen, centered in Houston, that encircle Republicans like George Bush and James A. Baker II1, also encircle Democrats like Jim Wright and Lloyd Bentsen
I am trying to give you an insider view of that event. The purpose of Savings and loans was to make loans on homes. And the market collapsed out from under them. They wanted to make loans to buy cars, boats and more things other than homes. Also they made loans with staggering rates of interest. I know it was not Bush nor Reagan that shoved them out of Business. I used them on occasion. I was there when it fell to pieces.
I am trying to give you an insider view of that event. The purpose of Savings and loans was to make loans on homes. And the market collapsed out from under them. They wanted to make loans to buy cars, boats and more things other than homes. Also they made loans with staggering rates of interest. I know it was not Bush nor Reagan that shoved them out of Business. I used them on occasion. I was there when it fell to pieces.
The Bush, Loydd Bentson connection, the bailout of the S&Ls, is something nobody considers.

I did not say the presidents caused the crisis, just that they bailed the institutions out. Corruption.

The Mafia, CIA, & George Bush

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