GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

This hatred was from the beginning, it has nothing to do with his actions as President,
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?



No one 'hates' Bush? Seriously? You're gonna go with that? :lol:

You really are a twit.

Firstly, most Republicans don't 'hate' Obama. They disagree with him, just like you did when Bush was POTUS. You really need to be more rational and behave less like an overly emotional teenage girl with a crush.

If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.

I think it's about the gross fucking incompetence.

9% unemployment.
4.5 Trillion in new debt in less than three years.
$4.00 a gallon gasoline
Giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
Bowing down before third world thugs
A huge, unconstitutional health mandate that has run up medical costs.

Seriously, it's the level of failure any decent man would fall on his sword over.

THANK BUSH. 9% unemployment.
THANK BUSH. 4.5 Trillion in new debt in less than three years.
HIGHER UNDER BUSH. $4.00 a gallon gasoline
SAME THING BUSH DID. Giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
DIPLOMACY AND PROTOCOL. Bowing down before third world thugs
SAYS WHO? NOT SCOTUS. A huge, unconstitutional health mandate that has run up medical costs.

YOu know, eventually, Little Barry is going to have to pull up his big boy pants and stop blaming everything on Bush.
Clearly racist to point out that under Obama we got our credit downgraded, have record debts, deficits, poverty, homelessness and we're down to 85% fully employed.

What else could it be but racism?
The whole world agrees Pubs are a-holes and their dupes are ignorant tools LOL. Evolution is just a theory, global warming is a hoax, Obama is a Marxist Kenyan Muslim, Bachmann Perry Mitt, Newt- you moron half racist brainwashed Ugly 'Mericans are a bad joke. Bush was a gd catastrophe and so are the pubs paralyzing the US and world economies now, and so are YOU. LOL! Hoping for your recovery.
is this guy just a black and white version of Shamen?......have they ever been in the same thread?.....Frankie is your Secret Identity Mr. Shamen?....

Next you'll be complaining that someone said the sky was blue. Or that you got "wet" when covered in water.

Why does the truth bother you so much? Try to step back and look at the facts. I suspect it will change your outlook.

You sit in front of the internet. Use it.
Clearly racist to point out that under Obama we got our credit downgraded, have record debts, deficits, poverty, homelessness and we're down to 85% fully employed.

What else could it be but racism?

No economy goes under two weeks before a president is sworn in. It takes years of mismanagement to affect an economy as large as ours.
Clearly racist to point out that under Obama we got our credit downgraded, have record debts, deficits, poverty, homelessness and we're down to 85% fully employed.

What else could it be but racism?

No economy goes under two weeks before a president is sworn in. It takes years of mismanagement to affect an economy as large as ours.

And Obama has been the best mismagager in American history, getting our credit downgraded and admitting SocSecurity is broke too.

OK Deany, I'll admit it: I hate Obama because he's a closeted gay


I feel better
Clearly racist to point out that under Obama we got our credit downgraded, have record debts, deficits, poverty, homelessness and we're down to 85% fully employed.

What else could it be but racism?

No economy goes under two weeks before a president is sworn in. It takes years of mismanagement to affect an economy as large as ours.

Or the understanding by people who have money that the party is over, so don't leave your cash around where it can be pilfered.

You know when the economy started to go south was right after Reid and Pelosi took over congress. Scads of new regulations and taxes were coming, so it was time to reign in spending.

But here's the point. The worst of the recession was over by September, 2009. By that point, GDP was back in positive territory, layoffs were stopping and even some hiring started taking place. 2010 was actually a fairly solid recovery year. Then Obama shoved Obamacare down businesses' throats, and they suddenly realized that they couldn't hire those new workers because they were now responsible for the health insurance for the 26 year old slacker kids of their current ones. So in 2011, they went back to doing what they did in 2008- squeezing their employees again for more productivity and less hours.

So, yeah, maybe you can give Obama credit for a bad deal, even though his own party helped deal it, but he's been there for three years now. It doesn't pass the laugh test.
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?
Simple. It's about his being utterly incompetent.
OK, I'll play. I have a huge "dislike" for dishonest people, 0bama just happens to be one of them. Liars aren't all white ya know, they come in all colors. :)
]The part that gets us is that the successes Obama claims were setup by the previous GOP admins. Obama and Clinton didn't really do anything to support the military (Clinton "loathed" it) [/B]and BO preferred wheeling& dealing Fannie & Freddie when he was in the Senate.

So lay claim for using the best military in the world while you can...

Absolutely not. This is 150% untrue. Nothing the GOP did set up Clinton for success. Quite the opposite. George HW Bush went into Somalia with no real idea what to do there. And it was up to Clinton to clean up the mess. In addition, George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan left a festering sore in Afghanistan named Osama Bin Laden. They funded that maniac. When his proof of concept was realized, he went after other western targets, namely the US. And the Republicans did their very best to thwart Clinton's efforts to kill the bastard. Fast forward to George W. Bush. Who had Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden literally on the ropes in Afghanistan. What he do? Went for Iraq. So that left President Obama with a mess in Afghanistan, a mess in Iraq and Al Qaeda in pretty good shape. They tried several attacks..but because of the effort put toward rebuilding our intellegence and alert citizens, all efforts were thwarted. And the close relationship with the CIA yielded the deaths of many bad actors..including the A number one prize...Osama Bin Laden. No credit should go to the GOP for Obama's successes. As commander-in-chief he earns all the praise. Unfortunately the GOP is much to petulant to give any out.
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

Arrogant ass?

First, you're projecting.

Second, even if it were the case, which I don't see at all, is that a reason for such deep and terrible hatred?

No, there is more here. Historically, what has inflamed Confederate Conservative Southern Right Wingers. Think now. It's why they fled the Democratic Party.
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

Arrogant ass?

First, you're projecting.

Second, even if it were the case, which I don't see at all, is that a reason for such deep and terrible hatred?

No, there is more here. Historically, what has inflamed Confederate Conservative Southern Right Wingers. Think now. It's why they fled the Democratic Party.

Just keep playing your tattered and battered old fucking race card,, no one gives a shit anymore..
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

What "shitty" job? He was left with an economic meltdown never seen before in the history of this country. And George W. Bush left him very little in the way of tools to fix it. Interest rates from the fed were zero. Taxes were extremely low. And the banking and financial industry was lousy with worthless financial instruments.

And "arrogance"? Provide an example of this behavior. I sure as heck can do it with George W. Bush. And true arrogance.
Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...

How right you are hj.

The guy sucks as POTUS. His policies have failed and he's to much of an ideologue to change tactics and get the economy going. His ideology is way more important than fixing the country. Party over country all day long.

I just sit here and LMAO every time the idiots on this board play the race card. How about the "Jesus. His policies ain't working and things aren't getting better card?"

One would think if Barry is half as smart as his supporters think he is that he would have caught a fucking clue by now.

Oh wait. I forgot. Its still all Bush's fault. Never mind.
Blaming "race" for Obama's unpopularity is the ultimate cop out by progressives.

People who have been unemployed for years don't care what color Barack Obama is...they care about his lack of ideas and his lack of leadership.

He's unpopular because he hasn't had a new idea how to fix the economy since he spent a trillion dollars of our money on a liberal pork fest with his first stimulus. His latest "Jobs Plan" is a watered down version of what didn't work the first time.

Barack Obama isn't unpopular because of his skin color. Quite frankly, he's unpopular because he promised so much and delivered so little...not because of pigmentation.
Clearly racist to point out that under Obama we got our credit downgraded, have record debts, deficits, poverty, homelessness and we're down to 85% fully employed.

What else could it be but racism?

No economy goes under two weeks before a president is sworn in. It takes years of mismanagement to affect an economy as large as ours.

Or the understanding by people who have money that the party is over, so don't leave your cash around where it can be pilfered.

You know when the economy started to go south was right after Reid and Pelosi took over congress. Scads of new regulations and taxes were coming, so it was time to reign in spending.

But here's the point. The worst of the recession was over by September, 2009. By that point, GDP was back in positive territory, layoffs were stopping and even some hiring started taking place. 2010 was actually a fairly solid recovery year. Then Obama shoved Obamacare down businesses' throats, and they suddenly realized that they couldn't hire those new workers because they were now responsible for the health insurance for the 26 year old slacker kids of their current ones. So in 2011, they went back to doing what they did in 2008- squeezing their employees again for more productivity and less hours.

So, yeah, maybe you can give Obama credit for a bad deal, even though his own party helped deal it, but he's been there for three years now. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

What doesn't pass the "laugh" test is the new normal in congress. Every bill now needs 60 votes in the senate. Forget the's filled with nuts elected by the 2010 wave of real deal insane people. Congress has openly stated they have no interest in making policy or governing. They have one goal, and that is to make Obama a one term President. And it looks as if that is going to backfire in a very major way.
Blaming "race" for Obama's unpopularity is the ultimate cop out by progressives.

People who have been unemployed for years don't care what color Barack Obama is...they care about his lack of ideas and his lack of leadership.

He's unpopular because he hasn't had a new idea how to fix the economy since he spent a trillion dollars of our money on a liberal pork fest with his first stimulus. His latest "Jobs Plan" is a watered down version of what didn't work the first time.

Barack Obama isn't unpopular because of his skin color. Quite frankly, he's unpopular because he promised so much and delivered so little...not because of pigmentation.

Declaring the stimulus didn't work..doesn't make it so. It did work. If it didn't then Perry cannot claim any success in job creation whatsoever. Why? Because he used stimulus money to plug up budget gaps and keep public employees from getting let go. It was way to small..but it had the intended effect. And Obama's new job's bill would have been successful as well.
No economy goes under two weeks before a president is sworn in. It takes years of mismanagement to affect an economy as large as ours.

Or the understanding by people who have money that the party is over, so don't leave your cash around where it can be pilfered.

You know when the economy started to go south was right after Reid and Pelosi took over congress. Scads of new regulations and taxes were coming, so it was time to reign in spending.

But here's the point. The worst of the recession was over by September, 2009. By that point, GDP was back in positive territory, layoffs were stopping and even some hiring started taking place. 2010 was actually a fairly solid recovery year. Then Obama shoved Obamacare down businesses' throats, and they suddenly realized that they couldn't hire those new workers because they were now responsible for the health insurance for the 26 year old slacker kids of their current ones. So in 2011, they went back to doing what they did in 2008- squeezing their employees again for more productivity and less hours.

So, yeah, maybe you can give Obama credit for a bad deal, even though his own party helped deal it, but he's been there for three years now. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

What doesn't pass the "laugh" test is the new normal in congress. Every bill now needs 60 votes in the senate. Forget the's filled with nuts elected by the 2010 wave of real deal insane people. Congress has openly stated they have no interest in making policy or governing. They have one goal, and that is to make Obama a one term President. And it looks as if that is going to backfire in a very major way.

A very barry noble goal it is too.

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