Gone with the wind gone

Long but interesting article on the making of Gone With The Wind. This film is a product of the 1930's. America was far different than today. Many people alive at the time had lived through Reconstruction, (1863 to 1877). Those who weren't alive when it ended knew well their family stories of the era.

‘Gone With the Wind’ and Hollywood's Racial Politics

Making Gone With the Wind, David O. Selznick discovered, meant dealing with fierce criticism from black newspapers and public officials.

A fictitious story of a woman's courage and resiliency must be suppressed. Because racism.

The Atlantic article, in my opinion, is thoughtful, and discusses the history of the making of GWTW fairly, but rather subjectively. As I mentioned earlier in one of my comments, Hollywood was far more “progressive” in this period on race issues than U.S. society as a whole. Even the Atlantic article does not point this out or the fact that making the movie during Roosevelt’s New Deal, and as the Nazis were on the march in Europe, gave its director more leeway than he might otherwise have had to alter the more overtly racist character of the novel upon which it was based.

The “fierce criticism” of a few black newspapers and the NAACP in those days was really negligible in society as a whole in those days when Jim Crow and Lost Cause mythology were still riding high in courtrooms, academia as well as in popular sentiment.

The earlier Washington Times article you linked to, though it treated much of the making of the movie in a similarly decent manner, also inserted completely inappropriate and totally untrue statements — like claiming the “liberal consensus overwhelmingly backed the book burners” in this case. No book is being burned, no movie Is being banned.

Your latest comment — “A fictitious story of a woman's courage and resiliency must be suppressed. By racists” — is also pure demagogy, intellectually dishonest and utterly untrue.

I do appreciate that you provide some links that offer perspective and history. GWTW was a liberal film for its era. But it was, after all, an era of Jim Crow, of segregation North and south, in Federal as well as state institutions, a time in which African-Americans were treated abominably, discriminated against in countless spheres of life.

I’m at least glad you don't express yourself like the lunatics accusing all those they disagree with of being ... communists.
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I think that many people were expecting "Gone with the Wind" to eventually be prohibited from public showings. Maybe if enough people get on their knees, our new masters will generously allow the film to be shown at least behind locked doors in university-level history classes only.

Was there some clamoring to see this film? Not really. It's old, it portrays a version of history that everyone agrees now is kind of bullshit. It actually has problems beyond it's portrayals of slavery. (For instance the scene where Rhett pretty much rapes Scarlet).

The classic "The Birth of a Nation" is only allowed to be shown to university-level cinema students. The director of that (in)famous film, D.W. Griffith, said before his death in the 1940s that it SHOULD be prohibited because he felt that African Americans had suffered enough in this country. Because of last week's Insurrection, I suspect that universities will not only stop cinema students from viewing it but will also destroy any copies.

Guy, you can watch Birth of a Nation on YouTube.

See, here it is. If you got three hours of you life you can't possibly get back, have at it.

The idea that these films are being prohibited like they would summon the Great Old Ones if watched is kind of silly.

What other books should be burned based on your opinion, nazi?

You could do a few Cosmopolitan rags..
Its a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war.....erasing it is impossible...the act of removing it from view is a hateful act done by angry and hateful humans.....they feel removing it will anger their enemies and that is why its being removed.....purely an infantile leftest temper tantrum....

You can make the same argument that Mandingo is a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war. My guess is no one is putting that on a streaming service, either.

The real problem with this, the Confederate Flag and statues of various Confederate heroes is that they are meant for one purpose- to portray the people who fought a pointless civil war as heroes. They aren't.
Its a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war.....erasing it is impossible...the act of removing it from view is a hateful act done by angry and hateful humans.....they feel removing it will anger their enemies and that is why its being removed.....purely an infantile leftest temper tantrum....

You can make the same argument that Mandingo is a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war. My guess is no one is putting that on a streaming service, either.

The real problem with this, the Confederate Flag and statues of various Confederate heroes is that they are meant for one purpose- to portray the people who fought a pointless civil war as heroes. They aren't.
Not to a racist, Marxist dupe like you.
What other books should be burned based on your opinion, nazi?

We aren't talking about books and we aren't burning anything.. GO back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words, Cleetus.
It’s the same thing, you racist Marxist dupe. And you know it, which makes you dishonest, too.
Its a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war.....erasing it is impossible...the act of removing it from view is a hateful act done by angry and hateful humans.....they feel removing it will anger their enemies and that is why its being removed.....purely an infantile leftest temper tantrum....

You can make the same argument that Mandingo is a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war. My guess is no one is putting that on a streaming service, either.

The real problem with this, the Confederate Flag and statues of various Confederate heroes is that they are meant for one purpose- to portray the people who fought a pointless civil war as heroes. They aren't.
Why not just divert ones eyes and be tolerant?....guess asking that is now unreasonable?.....we were suppose to be a diverse country that is tolerant of others....but I guess the tolerant left has run out of tolerance...they now are steeped in hatred and anger...kind of like the KKK democrats of the antebellum south......
Its a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war.....erasing it is impossible...the act of removing it from view is a hateful act done by angry and hateful humans.....they feel removing it will anger their enemies and that is why its being removed.....purely an infantile leftest temper tantrum....

You can make the same argument that Mandingo is a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war. My guess is no one is putting that on a streaming service, either.

The real problem with this, the Confederate Flag and statues of various Confederate heroes is that they are meant for one purpose- to portray the people who fought a pointless civil war as heroes. They aren't.
Why not just divert ones eyes and be tolerant?....guess asking that is now unreasonable?.....we were suppose to be a diverse country that is tolerant of others....but I guess the tolerant left has run out of tolerance...they now are steeped in hatred and anger...kind of like the KKK democrats of the antebellum south......
No one should tolerate racists.
Its a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war.....erasing it is impossible...the act of removing it from view is a hateful act done by angry and hateful humans.....they feel removing it will anger their enemies and that is why its being removed.....purely an infantile leftest temper tantrum....

You can make the same argument that Mandingo is a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war. My guess is no one is putting that on a streaming service, either.

The real problem with this, the Confederate Flag and statues of various Confederate heroes is that they are meant for one purpose- to portray the people who fought a pointless civil war as heroes. They aren't.
Why not just divert ones eyes and be tolerant?....guess asking that is now unreasonable?.....we were suppose to be a diverse country that is tolerant of others....but I guess the tolerant left has run out of tolerance...they now are steeped in hatred and anger...kind of like the KKK democrats of the antebellum south......
No one should tolerate racists.
And a statue is racists how?.....
Its a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war.....erasing it is impossible...the act of removing it from view is a hateful act done by angry and hateful humans.....they feel removing it will anger their enemies and that is why its being removed.....purely an infantile leftest temper tantrum....

You can make the same argument that Mandingo is a piece of art created in the past as Hollywood's deception on the inner family strife during a civil war. My guess is no one is putting that on a streaming service, either.

The real problem with this, the Confederate Flag and statues of various Confederate heroes is that they are meant for one purpose- to portray the people who fought a pointless civil war as heroes. They aren't.
Why not just divert ones eyes and be tolerant?....guess asking that is now unreasonable?.....we were suppose to be a diverse country that is tolerant of others....but I guess the tolerant left has run out of tolerance...they now are steeped in hatred and anger...kind of like the KKK democrats of the antebellum south......
No one should tolerate racists.
And a statue is racists how?.....
If its a representation of a serial killer, racist, loser, or traitor.
HBO has been dead to me for years...because of shit like this.....push back with your wallet.....
Good thing I have the movie on BluRay. All Gone With The Wind is, is a depiction of life back in the 19th century depicting slavery and all related as it actually was. So now, all movies and historical references and accounts are VERBOTEN to be stricken from the collective minds of society.


Does that mean if I pop the movie into my player to watch, alarms, bells and lights will go off denouncing me a racist?
HBO has been dead to me for years...because of shit like this.....push back with your wallet.....
Good thing I have the movie on BluRay. All Gone With The Wind is, is a depiction of life back in the 19th century depicting slavery and all related as it actually was. So now, all movies and historical references and accounts are VERBOTEN to be stricken from the collective minds of society.


Does that mean if I pop the movie into my player to watch, alarms, bells and lights will go off denouncing me a racist?
I have a DVD of the movie too....the people that want to remove it have never even watched it or if they have they didn't understand it or the history it depicts.....everyone that wants the movie banned should go back to their high school and punch their American history teacher right in the nose......
It’s the same thing, you racist Marxist dupe. And you know it, which makes you dishonest, too.

well, no, it's not the same thing.

It's just one streaming service saying they won't carry it until they can put together something to put it in persepctive. That sounds... oh, I don't know, kind of reasonable.

You can still rent it or buy the book on Amazon.

Why not just divert ones eyes and be tolerant?....guess asking that is now unreasonable?.....we were suppose to be a diverse country that is tolerant of others....but I guess the tolerant left has run out of tolerance...they now are steeped in hatred and anger...kind of like the KKK democrats of the antebellum south......

I find it hilarious that you want "tolerance" of the people who brought us slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Oh. Poor babies, we can't remember history the way we want to with out a guilt trip.
Good thing I have the movie on BluRay. All Gone With The Wind is, is a depiction of life back in the 19th century depicting slavery and all related as it actually was. So now, all movies and historical references and accounts are VERBOTEN to be stricken from the collective minds of society.


Does that mean if I pop the movie into my player to watch, alarms, bells and lights will go off denouncing me a racist?

Actually,if you think GWTW is depicting slavery as it actually was, then you've kind of outed yourself as a racist.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's have anyone who wants to keep all the glory of the confederacy have to spend one year living like a slave had to live. Random beatings and rape, back breaking labor with no compensation.

Then you can all get back to me about what a romance GWTW is.
It’s the same thing, you racist Marxist dupe. And you know it, which makes you dishonest, too.

well, no, it's not the same thing.

It's just one streaming service saying they won't carry it until they can put together something to put it in persepctive. That sounds... oh, I don't know, kind of reasonable.

You can still rent it or buy the book on Amazon.

Why not just divert ones eyes and be tolerant?....guess asking that is now unreasonable?.....we were suppose to be a diverse country that is tolerant of others....but I guess the tolerant left has run out of tolerance...they now are steeped in hatred and anger...kind of like the KKK democrats of the antebellum south......

I find it hilarious that you want "tolerance" of the people who brought us slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Oh. Poor babies, we can't remember history the way we want to with out a guilt trip.
No stupid but tolerance of a statue of an American historic figure that lived in a time that your puny brain could never understand nor imagine.....lets do it your way...you don't like something wipe it out.....that is so close to Taliban behavior....it is definitely not American....so you are more like the Taliban than an American....proud of yourself jackass?.....
First they got Elmer Fudd shotgun now Gone with the wind is being pulled look out to Kill a Mockingbird you might be next.
HBO Max Removes 'Gone With the Wind'

As a sane and rational person who ABHORS right wing conservatives I consider these acts idiotic.

Renaming US bases INAPPROPRIATELY named after traitors make sense.

but removing Elmer Fudds gun?
banning Gone with the wind?

too far.....

first the RIGHT WING goes too far then the LEFT WING goes too far....

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