"God's Will Is Of No Concern Of This Congress!" - D-Nadler Denounces / Rejects God On Floor of Congress

Thank God it was Christians who founded this country. Their one mistake was that they should have made Christianity the US official Religion with tolerance and protection for those who want to practice their religion or not practice at all.
impeach everyone of these nut cases
aren't these the words they say when the hand is on the BIBLE?
LIARS, corrupt, shit stains of the demonRATS
What Nadler actually said...

"Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,"

It appears that science is of no concern to the godless commies in congress either. No matter what drugs you take or how many mutilation surgeries you have, genetically, you will remain male or female. That's a scientific fact.

Well it is not Allah and it is not Yahweh so you figure it out and I will give you a hint
I didn’t know the country was taking votes on which god was the correct one.

Watch out, you let religion control government, then government will control religion.
really? havent seen that in my days. and they all, still swear on the bible
go figure--hypocracy at its best from the vile scum demonRATS
What Nadler actually said...

"Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,"

It appears that science is of no concern to the godless commies in congress either. No matter what drugs you take or how many mutilation surgeries you have, genetically, you will remain male or female. That's a scientific fact.


They are following science.

Male, female and transgender brains
“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.​
“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.​
And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.​
“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.​
In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.​
“Research in these areas is extremely limited, and more research needs to be done to find conclusive results,” Dr. Altinay notes. “But we’re already seeing definite trends.”​
Though these differences in brain structure and function are important markers for gender determination, it isn’t always as simple as male or female.​
Some research shows the brains of transgender people are somewhere in between, sharing characteristics of both male and female brains, Dr. Altinay says.​
This is consistent with the growing understanding that gender exists on a spectrum, with people identifying not only as male or female but also as genderqueer, genderfluid or nonbinary. These terms refer to gender identities that incorporate a variety of gender characteristics.
Well it is not Allah and it is not Yahweh so you figure it out and I will give you a hint
I didn’t know the country was taking votes on which god was the correct one.

Watch out, you let religion control government, then government will control religion.
Let religion control government, and citizens will lose their rights and protected liberties.
Is it not rather ironic in that the very fundamental principles, found in the Bible, are the cornerstones of what built and shaped this country? Secularism has now become the foundation of American society.
The Western Deity was Pharaoh, The subjugation arithmetic of Israel--many of which find the source of Holocaust--appears in Deut 23: 19-20. The derivation is likely from the adopted criminal, Moses: Adopted into the household of Pharaoh. Acts 7 cites the criminal origins--admired in Imperial Rome: Of Subjugating Egypt.

There is no help from Christians, also referenced in Moslem tradition: "The people of the book," aka--the popular cartoon strip. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, often and mostly in English--called, "Oh Christ--" references the subjugation as the basis of all prayer. The fable is found in Matt 25 14-30,

That outcome--"Lives Don't Matter," is further connected to the Stimulus time-frame: Creating the modern difference between the Imperial Egyptian, and Imperial Roman: Way of subjugation administration. The imperialist method is to clearly not gouge and screw the ruling households. The Imperialist method is to gouge and screw the subjugated.

Matthew 20: 1-16, creates the origin-fable. The harvest of origins gets distributed all around--in alliance-making equal amounts. Then the Imperial method of atrocity-makers, e. g., USA, China, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else: becomes the atrocity outcome--Casting the Humanity conquered into "Outer Darkness," Those people, often babies, get left--vividly described--to the predators.

Eventually, Hollywood Liberals would create, "Goddesses Be Praised" kinds of legends: Famously even with pets(?)!

The Stimulus created equal amount payments of "Fiat Money," no longer mineral-backed. Fiat money federal deficits were then created. The rich did prosper, but with the Unemployment Enhancements: Millions experienced a "Living Wage," on a basis: Like never before in history.

That had actually started in the Ford Administration, continued in the 1986 Tax Reform, continued in the Clinton Administration deficit levels, and expansion of the Per Child Tax Credit. Bush-Cheney missed a lot, aka "Intelligence." Obama-Biden created the equal amount, "Make Work Pay" Refundable Income Tax Credit.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-20, is what you think! Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get!)
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When soliciting spiritual advice, I don't normally accept it from a 400 lb. soulless rodent that literally shits itself at a podium for the entire planet to laugh and point at....

In the old days, THAT would have been rolled off a cliff by the women of the village...
There are zero references to abortion in the bible. The one time losing a baby is even mentioned, the bible passage treats the fetus, not as a human life earning the "eye for an eye" thing, but as property to be recompensed for.

Wrong, this nation will pay for the 60 million abortions. Make no mistake.

Yes they just left them in the wilderness in ancient times to fend for themselves. Live infants.

Is that 60 million from 1972 and no govt. pays for them, are you anti the pill also?
impeach everyone of these nut cases
aren't these the words they say when the hand is on the BIBLE?
LIARS, corrupt, shit stains of the demonRATS

I think its the republicans who are amoral and use the constitution like shit paper.
Nadler's God used to be food. Now that he's skinny and his skin don't fit any more, he's just a miserable old bitch who replaced food with power as his God. But he has always been an asshole. This little episode with him badmouthing God is just a typical Democrat heathen move. This should surprise nobody.
Nadler did not "denounce" or "reject" the concept of a Supreme Being. The people who say this are just drama queens. He was observing that we live in a religiously pluralistic society under the Constitution, which, in the First Amendment, forbids the government from establishing a religion and guarantees the right of every individual to make their own decisions about spiritual/religious matters. All of the world's religions have factions and sects, Christianity included. While Steube's sect has not been stated, he clearly was advancing the viewpoint of this sect, not the viewpoint of all Americans and not the viewpoint of all Christians, as no such viewpoints exist.

Steube really overstepped the bounds here.

It would be interesting to know whether or not Steube lives by the rules of Deuteronomy. They are quite extensive.
What Nadler actually said...

"Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,"

It appears that science is of no concern to the godless commies in congress either. No matter what drugs you take or how many mutilation surgeries you have, genetically, you will remain male or female. That's a scientific fact.


They are following science.

Male, female and transgender brains
“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.​
“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.​
And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.​
“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.​
In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.​
“Research in these areas is extremely limited, and more research needs to be done to find conclusive results,” Dr. Altinay notes. “But we’re already seeing definite trends.”​
Though these differences in brain structure and function are important markers for gender determination, it isn’t always as simple as male or female.​
Some research shows the brains of transgender people are somewhere in between, sharing characteristics of both male and female brains, Dr. Altinay says.​
This is consistent with the growing understanding that gender exists on a spectrum, with people identifying not only as male or female but also as genderqueer, genderfluid or nonbinary. These terms refer to gender identities that incorporate a variety of gender characteristics.

BLAH, blah, blah. Not conclusive, more research needed, yet you spew it as scientific fact. You're a liar.


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