How pompous...actions speak louder than words!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Every time I drive through a neighborhood and see the below sign I'm not hateful. I'm not angry. I am just disappointed.
I'm fairly certain these pompous people that put this sign feel smug. Feel superior.
But at the same time, these same people believe the mainstream media (MSM) daily output of hatred of all things Trump.
According to them, Trump and Trump supporters hate immigrants. Are "White Supremacists". Hate minorities.
To me when I see the below sign, I"m 100% confident that these people also hate Trump because he hates " immigrants".
So where did these Trump haters get the idea Trump hates " immigrants"?
Proof: I just did a google search "Trump anti-immigrant"... results: 58,500 ..But a search of "Trump anti-illegal immigrants"...results:890!
So why would a person who's married to a "Legal immigrant", whose grandmother was a "Legal immigrant" and Trump supporters like me and millions of millions of Americans who like me have relatives OR ARE "Legal immigrants"...why would Trump, me and millions like me be "hate immigrants"?
So where did the below people who believe Trump is "hateful" and supporters like me are "hateful" enough that these get their information to have pompously put a sign bragging about their lack of "hatred"?
“...let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” John 8:7
So where did the people like those who put this sign get the information that people like Trump, me and millions like me get their information to form the opinion we hate immigrants?

The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 91% negative, according to new study.
I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

The pompous people who throw stones and beat their chests proclaiming via the below sign how righteous they are ,
I have no problem with posting the sign. The below have their opinion which was formed by a biased MSM while my opinion is based on facts.
Consequently my opinion of them is they are uninformed.

I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person.
Every time I drive through a neighborhood and see the below sign I'm not hateful. I'm not angry. I am just disappointed.
I'm fairly certain these pompous people that put this sign feel smug. Feel superior.
But at the same time, these same people believe the mainstream media (MSM) daily output of hatred of all things Trump.
According to them, Trump and Trump supporters hate immigrants. Are "White Supremacists". Hate minorities.
To me when I see the below sign, I"m 100% confident that these people also hate Trump because he hates " immigrants".
So where did these Trump haters get the idea Trump hates " immigrants"?
Proof: I just did a google search "Trump anti-immigrant"... results: 58,500 ..But a search of "Trump anti-illegal immigrants"...results:890!
So why would a person who's married to a "Legal immigrant", whose grandmother was a "Legal immigrant" and Trump supporters like me and millions of millions of Americans who like me have relatives OR ARE "Legal immigrants"...why would Trump, me and millions like me be "hate immigrants"?
So where did the below people who believe Trump is "hateful" and supporters like me are "hateful" enough that these get their information to have pompously put a sign bragging about their lack of "hatred"?
“...let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” John 8:7
So where did the people like those who put this sign get the information that people like Trump, me and millions like me get their information to form the opinion we hate immigrants?

The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 91% negative, according to new study.
I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

The pompous people who throw stones and beat their chests proclaiming via the below sign how righteous they are ,
I have no problem with posting the sign. The below have their opinion which was formed by a biased MSM while my opinion is based on facts.
Consequently my opinion of them is they are uninformed.

View attachment 462255

I feel very sorry for the people who so self-righteously posted that sign.

Chances are that most of those people will be the first ones to move if there are negative changes in their neighborhood caused either by undocumented immigrants or by certain folks who have lived here for hundreds of years.

It is easy to brag about how high-minded one is, but it is another thing when one sees one's property value plummet.
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker. You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?
Every time I drive through a neighborhood and see the below sign I'm not hateful. I'm not angry. I am just disappointed.
I'm fairly certain these pompous people that put this sign feel smug. Feel superior.
But at the same time, these same people believe the mainstream media (MSM) daily output of hatred of all things Trump.
According to them, Trump and Trump supporters hate immigrants. Are "White Supremacists". Hate minorities.
To me when I see the below sign, I"m 100% confident that these people also hate Trump because he hates " immigrants".
So where did these Trump haters get the idea Trump hates " immigrants"?
Proof: I just did a google search "Trump anti-immigrant"... results: 58,500 ..But a search of "Trump anti-illegal immigrants"...results:890!
So why would a person who's married to a "Legal immigrant", whose grandmother was a "Legal immigrant" and Trump supporters like me and millions of millions of Americans who like me have relatives OR ARE "Legal immigrants"...why would Trump, me and millions like me be "hate immigrants"?
So where did the below people who believe Trump is "hateful" and supporters like me are "hateful" enough that these get their information to have pompously put a sign bragging about their lack of "hatred"?
“...let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” John 8:7
So where did the people like those who put this sign get the information that people like Trump, me and millions like me get their information to form the opinion we hate immigrants?

The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 91% negative, according to new study.
I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

The pompous people who throw stones and beat their chests proclaiming via the below sign how righteous they are ,
I have no problem with posting the sign. The below have their opinion which was formed by a biased MSM while my opinion is based on facts.
Consequently my opinion of them is they are uninformed.

View attachment 462255
Allow me to present a visual representation of the above post:

I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker.

Because there is a lot of hate out there. We see it here everyday.

You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?

No idea what you seem to think.
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person.
So you don't have "Hate in My Holler" but you do have hate everywhere else?
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person.
So you don't have "Hate in My Holler" but you do have hate everywhere else?

If that makes you happy. I'm not sure who I have directed hate to. Well, sorry. I have to take that back.

I do believe that Bush, Cheney, Obama, Hillary, Graham, Trump, Biden and others should rot in hell for what they have done. Yeah, OK. I don't think much of those who have killed tens of thousands over greed.
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker.

Because there is a lot of hate out there. We see it here everyday.

You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?

No idea what you seem to think.
I thought I made it clear. I believe the major reason these signs are put up is because of the biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and she lost. For the next 4 years they spent 91% of their efforts and biased news about Trump, me and millions like me! A MSM that then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020. The MSM biased news influenced all the voters.
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker.

Because there is a lot of hate out there. We see it here everyday.

You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?

No idea what you seem to think.
I thought I made it clear. I believe the major reason these signs are put up is because of the biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and she lost. For the next 4 years they spent 91% of their efforts and biased news about Trump, me and millions like me! A MSM that then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020. The MSM biased news influenced all the voters.

Yes, you are unable to grasp that others do not believe hate is the way to go about things. I understand that.

This kind of stuff went on well before Trump. You see the world revolving around Trump and no matter what goes on you have to decide "how does this affect Trump".

I don't understand that but whatever.
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker.

Because there is a lot of hate out there. We see it here everyday.

You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?

No idea what you seem to think.
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker.

Because there is a lot of hate out there. We see it here everyday.

You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?

No idea what you seem to think.
I thought I made it clear. I believe the major reason these signs are put up is because of the biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and she lost. For the next 4 years they spent 91% of their efforts and biased news about Trump, me and millions like me! A MSM that then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020. The MSM biased news influenced all the voters.

Yes, you are unable to grasp that others do not believe hate is the way to go about things. I understand that.

This kind of stuff went on well before Trump. You see the world revolving around Trump and no matter what goes on you have to decide "how does this affect Trump".

I don't understand that but whatever.
Did you see signs like this before 2015? I didn't until I like millions like me were lumped into a category we hated immigrants by....the MSM. There never was a term "systemic racism" for example that reached the crescendo it has before 2015. While the phrase was around I'm sure many years ago, the premise that all white people hate all minorities is more prevalent today than any time in history. "White Supremacist" and "systemic racism", two phrases that seemed frequent now than ever before... I wonder why...about the same time these signs became prevalent.
What we are seeing is the ground work for ...
"Sociobiology is a field of scientific study which is based on the assumption that social behavior has resulted from evolution and attempts to explain and examine social behavior within that context."
Now watch the responses to my "Sociobiology" comment!
I don't have one of those signs in my yard but I do have a bumper sticker that says 'No Hate in My Holler". (you have to remember, I live in WV).

I never watch the MSM. So tell me how I'm such a bad person. dont watch the MSM why do you feel the need to put on an anti hate bumper sticker.

Because there is a lot of hate out there. We see it here everyday.

You clearly believe the country is full of hate. Since we all know leftists dont hate then who are these people you need to show your anti hate to?

No idea what you seem to think.
I thought I made it clear. I believe the major reason these signs are put up is because of the biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and she lost. For the next 4 years they spent 91% of their efforts and biased news about Trump, me and millions like me! A MSM that then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020. The MSM biased news influenced all the voters.

Yes, you are unable to grasp that others do not believe hate is the way to go about things. I understand that.

This kind of stuff went on well before Trump. You see the world revolving around Trump and no matter what goes on you have to decide "how does this affect Trump".

I don't understand that but whatever.
Did you see signs like this before 2015? I didn't until I like millions like me were lumped into a category we hated immigrants by....the MSM. There never was a term "systemic racism" for example that reached the crescendo it has before 2015. While the phrase was around I'm sure many years ago, the premise that all white people hate all minorities is more prevalent today than any time in history. "White Supremacist" and "systemic racism", two phrases that seemed frequent now than ever before... I wonder why...about the same time these signs became prevalent.
What we are seeing is the ground work for ...
"Sociobiology is a field of scientific study which is based on the assumption that social behavior has resulted from evolution and attempts to explain and examine social behavior within that context."
Now watch the responses to my "Sociobiology" comment!

Did I see reactions to hate before 2015? Absolutely.

Stonewall Riots

Protesters gather outside Mayor Rahm Emanuel's home, call for him to resign

How many examples do you want?
Every time I drive through a neighborhood and see the below sign I'm not hateful. I'm not angry. I am just disappointed.
I'm fairly certain these pompous people that put this sign feel smug. Feel superior.
But at the same time, these same people believe the mainstream media (MSM) daily output of hatred of all things Trump.
According to them, Trump and Trump supporters hate immigrants. Are "White Supremacists". Hate minorities.
To me when I see the below sign, I"m 100% confident that these people also hate Trump because he hates " immigrants".
So where did these Trump haters get the idea Trump hates " immigrants"?
Proof: I just did a google search "Trump anti-immigrant"... results: 58,500 ..But a search of "Trump anti-illegal immigrants"...results:890!
So why would a person who's married to a "Legal immigrant", whose grandmother was a "Legal immigrant" and Trump supporters like me and millions of millions of Americans who like me have relatives OR ARE "Legal immigrants"...why would Trump, me and millions like me be "hate immigrants"?
So where did the below people who believe Trump is "hateful" and supporters like me are "hateful" enough that these get their information to have pompously put a sign bragging about their lack of "hatred"?
“...let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” John 8:7
So where did the people like those who put this sign get the information that people like Trump, me and millions like me get their information to form the opinion we hate immigrants?

The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 91% negative, according to new study.
I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

The pompous people who throw stones and beat their chests proclaiming via the below sign how righteous they are ,
I have no problem with posting the sign. The below have their opinion which was formed by a biased MSM while my opinion is based on facts.
Consequently my opinion of them is they are uninformed.

View attachment 462255
Why yes, being nice and treating people with kindness is a form of terrorism, no?

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