Global Warmistas Losing the Science Debate


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Warmists Now Claim Global Warming 'Worse than Predicted'?! Climate Depot Responds: 'The scientific case for man-made climate fears has collapsed' | Climate Depot

The Antarctic sea ice extent has been at or near record extent in the past few summers, the Arctic has rebounded in recent years since the low point in 2007, polar bears are thriving, sea level is not showing acceleration and is actually dropping, Cholera and Malaria are failing to follow global warming predictions, Mount Kilimanjaro melt fears are being made a mockery by gains in snow cover, global temperatures have been holding steady for a decade or more, deaths due to extreme weather are radically declining, global tropical cyclone activity is near historic lows, the frequency of major U.S. hurricanes has declined, the oceans are missing their predicted heat content, big tornados have dramatically declined since the 1970s, droughts are not historically unusual nor caused by mankind, there is no evidence we are currently having unusual weather, scandals continue to rock the climate fear movement, the UN IPCC has been exposed as being a hotbed of environmental activists and scientists continue to dissent at a rapid pace.

NASA global temp data variations and monthly revisions:
C3: BEST Confirms Hansen's GISS Temperature Reporting To Be The Worst --- BEST To Replace GISS (Worst)?
Really? OK, what Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, or major Universites have changed their position to reflect this? None? My goodness, it could not be that you are posting nonsense pulled from your ass, could it?

The minimum ice for 2011 was essentially the same as that of 2007, but thinner. So a slight decline in volume. Munich Re and Swiss Re both state that the increase of weather related disasters by a factor of five from 1970 to present is about 50% due to the increase in the frequency of severe weather.

Disaster risk financing: a paradigm shift | Swiss Re - Leading Global Reinsurer
Warmists Now Claim Global Warming 'Worse than Predicted'?! Climate Depot Responds: 'The scientific case for man-made climate fears has collapsed' | Climate Depot

The Antarctic sea ice extent has been at or near record extent in the past few summers, the Arctic has rebounded in recent years since the low point in 2007, polar bears are thriving, sea level is not showing acceleration and is actually dropping, Cholera and Malaria are failing to follow global warming predictions, Mount Kilimanjaro melt fears are being made a mockery by gains in snow cover, global temperatures have been holding steady for a decade or more, deaths due to extreme weather are radically declining, global tropical cyclone activity is near historic lows, the frequency of major U.S. hurricanes has declined, the oceans are missing their predicted heat content, big tornadoes have dramatically declined since the 1970s, droughts are not historically unusual nor caused by mankind, there is no evidence we are currently having unusual weather, scandals continue to rock the climate fear movement, the UN IPCC has been exposed as being a hotbed of environmental activists and scientists continue to dissent at a rapid pace.

NASA global temp data variations and monthly revisions:
C3: BEST Confirms Hansen's GISS Temperature Reporting To Be The Worst --- BEST To Replace GISS (Worst)?

JimBowie, almost everything you have written not only contradicts facts, but is indicative of one not versed in what he/she speaks. Do you know about conditions for natural snowfall? See basic about Snow - Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do not know what you and/or your "anti-global warmists" see and understand from the extreme worldwide droughts and floods that have plagued several US states and nation thus far. By the way, the dispute amongst scientists on global warming is not on whether the globe has been warming, but on causes of the warming globe.
Really? OK, what Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, or major Universites have changed their position to reflect this? None? My goodness, it could not be that you are posting nonsense pulled from your ass, could it?

1. I did not assert anything but simply posted a scientists assertion to this effect.

2. Once again a Warmista (you) try to make an argument for scientific consensus, when science does not work that way. Scientific consensus is usually wrong on some detail and that is the beauty of science; it systematically makes itself more accurate over time. That is unless some ideologues decide to make some scientific theory a the basis for a claim to power. Then it becomes bastardized and prostituted.

3. Try to respond to the facts and not engage primarily in ad hominem attacks, ok?

The minimum ice for 2011 was essentially the same as that of 2007, but thinner. So a slight decline in volume. Munich Re and Swiss Re both state that the increase of weather related disasters by a factor of five from 1970 to present is about 50% due to the increase in the frequency of severe weather.

1. The Arctic ice sheet has been smaller and thinner not so long ago and in some ages it had totally melted, and wow, look we all survived. It is however going through a period of cyclic minimimums for recent history and looks like it is gradually regrowing to its old size and epth.

2. There has been absolutley zero proof that AGW has caused any increase in severity or frequecy of severe weather. AGW scientist have zero success in predicting this weather within a year pror to the weather, but they are good at waiting for bad weather then claiming it was due to AGW.

3. No one is arguing that the Earth is not getting warmer since 1800.

Yeah, a business that can use the theory to charge more on insurance is neither objective nor scientific. Why dont you ask someone selling wind farms if they think AGW is real to while your at it?
JimBowie, almost everything you have written not only contradicts facts, but is indicative of one not versed in what he/she speaks. Do you know about conditions for natural snowfall?

Um, you mean like cold temperatures and precipitation?

I do not know what you and/or your "anti-global warmists" see and understand from the extreme worldwide droughts and floods that have plagued several US states and nation thus far.

Confirmation bias applied to weather disasters can make one think that.

I grew up in Texas, and long dry heat is not unusual there, nor drought. They have had a long time with a tropical trench on top of the state, and cooling temperatures can cause that as well.

By the way, the dispute amongst scientists on global warming is not on whether the globe has been warming, but on causes of the warming globe.

Yeah, I know that and had you read any of the articles you would know that.

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