Global Warming. Here's the thing.

The suggestion that making, installing and using PV panels for power will use more fossil fuels than would remaining with fossil fuel powered plants is as stupid as stupid can get.
The suggestion that making, installing and using PV panels for power will use more fossil fuels than would remaining with fossil fuel powered plants is as stupid as stupid can get.
Yet, manufacturing solar panel massively increases the consumption of fossil fuels while giving us very little electricity for a price that is extremely expensive.

Yes, you must increase the use of coal, natural gas, and oil to manufacture solar panels.

Increasing the use of a limited resource depletes that resource quicker. It does not save it.
Just about anything that is constructed or run with oil or coal power can be done with solar power. As for plastic, they should just about completely ban that stuff.
Synthetic rubber tires are plastic. Most of the components of your motor vehicles are plastic. Your computer and monitor are mostly plastic. Your fake leather tennies are plastic. Much of you synthetic fiber clothing is plastic. Most of the components in aircraft, especially commercial airliners is plastic (composites). Much of the packaging of the food in grocery stores is plastic. Major parts of your furniture and house building materials are plastic.

Almost anything synthetic or composite is made using petroleum ("fossil fuel"). Asphalt that provides your paved roads is from petroleum. Most vinyl products are made from natural gas.

About 90+% of your material world is "plastic".

As for solar power, only works when the Sun is shining and those panels use a lot of petroleum in their construction and barely pay their real costs before wearing out and needing to be disposed of.

You could personally choose not use anything "plastic". Good luck.
yes it matters, if it was Neutron radiation that would mean the containment was breached and nuclear fuel was being dispersed. So yes! It makes all the difference in the world.

Noble gases were released, radioactive noble gases, some with a half life of 3.8 days, and are biologically inert. And not at a level above background radiation levels. Immeasurable for all practical purposes and short lived.

Bananas are radioactive

Are you radioactive? Because you are bananas. The core will remain radioactive for basically forever. That's not good.
Not even the use of coal and oil? That is not shitty? What about the Trillions of dollars it is and will cost? What about the pollution across the world?

Solar panels produce less pollution. Deal with it.
Synthetic rubber tires are plastic. Most of the components of your motor vehicles are plastic. Your computer and monitor are mostly plastic. Your fake leather tennies are plastic. Much of you synthetic fiber clothing is plastic. Most of the components in aircraft, especially commercial airliners is plastic (composites). Much of the packaging of the food in grocery stores is plastic. Major parts of your furniture and house building materials are plastic.

Almost anything synthetic or composite is made using petroleum ("fossil fuel"). Asphalt that provides your paved roads is from petroleum. Most vinyl products are made from natural gas.

About 90+% of your material world is "plastic".

As for solar power, only works when the Sun is shining and those panels use a lot of petroleum in their construction and barely pay their real costs before wearing out and needing to be disposed of.

You could personally choose not use anything "plastic". Good luck.

Just about anything made out of plastic can be made from other materials. Materials that will actually decay. Plastic basically lasts forever. You people who will mortgage future generations for your personal convenience flip me out. Next, it takes anywhere from 1 to 4 years of the energy that comes out of a solar panel to equal the amount of energy it took to create them. That is everything from mining the materials they are made from to the finished product. Right now solar panels last anywhere from 25 to 30 years.
What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.

Wow what a shambles of a post with zero evidence to support it.

There is no warming acceleration it is COOLING for 6 years now:



Was .70C in January 2016 now it is .03C in January 2022



Warming mostly happens during an El-Nino phase otherwise flat to a cooling trend in between the phases which means CO2 has little warm forcing to brag about.





How much money did you have to donate to this place to become a "diamond member." Saying things like that, for other members around here, it was a waste of money. There is nothing about the sun's output, the earth's orbit or our axis tilt that can explain HUMAN caused global warming.

Sun/Ocean dynamo is causing most of the warming trend it is called an elevated El-Nino phase trend, when it declines to the dominant La-Nina phase trend the warming will cease and cooling becomes the dominant trend.
I have some graphs for you and all the other human caused global warming deniers around here. There are MANY like them. But these should do.

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Your entire post is misleading and dishonest since the trends are curve fitted to make them match and with no posted links not credible.

Here is what a true relationship really looks like:









Here is how stupid warmist/alarmists are since they scream over a real El-Nino fueled warming spike but ignore the rapid cool down afterwards:



Does CO2 work for a few months to warm the air up then take a long vacation to let cooling creep in?


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Your denier graphs aside, it just stands to reason that the more CO2 is in the atmosphere, the warmer the earth will get. I have found websites that say CO2 lags temperature rise and others that say otherwise. Why? Because those making vast fortunes from the release of CO2 are able to post endless crap on the internet to support the denier cause. But here is a statistic that you probably won't believe. You will want the source. And after that you will want me to tell you what the person who wrote it had for breakfast. So for all the good it will do, here it is. Each year all the volcanoes on earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Every year the activities of humans are responsible for the release of 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2 into the biosphere.

Zero evidence posted to back your dubious assertions which means your post is dead on arrival.

Yes. Recently.

False they have been retreating for over 200 years, here is an excellent example of long-term retreat:



Glacier Bay's Glacial History​


Brief History of Glaciers in Glacier National Park

These modest glaciers varied in size, tracking climatic trends, but did not grow to their Holocene maximum size until the end of the Little Ice Age, around A.D. 1850.

Not quite. People talk about it being a couple degrees warmer. But instead of being a couple more degrees warmer in 20 years, it is likely to be 6 degrees warmer. Very possibly more.

Really that is well above the IPPC projection, you get this from your rear end since you haven't posted any science for it.

Meanwhile CO2 at the 435 ppm level has very little meaningful additional warm forcing left:


Well I'll pretend for a moment that you're even worth talking to. (But I will have to pretend real hard) We are in uncharted territory. Never in the history of Earth has a similar situation arose. The Earth has been cooling down for a long time. Now temperatures are rapidly rising. If I were to guess, with global warming accelerating, I would say that that a global temperature rise of 12 degrees from what it is now is quite possible. I will show you a graph of Earth's temperature throughout history. Though the farther back it goes, the greater the range of uncertainty. But as I said, you can see that the Earth has generally been cooling down. When the earth is cooler, methane is more likely to get stored. So when the Earth warms rapidly, there is much of it to be released. I will show you a picture of that happening as well. With methane being around 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas, that's not a good thing.

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Your ignorance strikes again since CH4 has a negligible warm forcing far less than the already low CO2 warm forcing effect.

CH4 is at the low energy part of the IR window away from the Outgoing LWR main flow from the planet's surface with LOW transmittance level and partly covered by Water Vapor.

So you say. And I suppose it's just by coincidence that temperatures and CO2 (A KNOWN greenhouse gas) has been rising since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Also, all the volcanoes on earth each year release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. The last I checked, each year the activities of humans have released around 32.3 billion tons of CO2. Only an insane person, or a paid denier, could think that much extra CO2 wasn't making any difference.

What an idiot you are since for thousands of years CO2 hovered around the 260-280 range while there were large temperature swings occurring.


It is the active Sun/Ocean dynamo that drives the current warming trend does little at the 435ppm level.
I have long thought most of global warming can be blamed on overpopulation. Seven-and-a-half billion people is just far more than can be sustained on this planet without causing catastrophic environmental damage. Cutting that number would go a long way to helping mitigate the effects.
False they have been retreating for over 200 years, here is an excellent example of long-term retreat:

View attachment 604787

Glacier Bay's Glacial History​


Brief History of Glaciers in Glacier National Park

These modest glaciers varied in size, tracking climatic trends, but did not grow to their Holocene maximum size until the end of the Little Ice Age, around A.D. 1850.

Glacier Bay is an excellent example. From the time of Vancouver discovery to Muir returning 90 years later the glacier had receded 60 miles - in the 1800’s.
I have long thought most of global warming can be blamed on overpopulation. Seven-and-a-half billion people is just far more than can be sustained on this planet without causing catastrophic environmental damage. Cutting that number would go a long way to helping mitigate the effects.
Good point. Are you so committed to that thought that you would sacrifice yourself to that end?

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