Geraldo Rivera declared victory Sunday on behalf of President Trump


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I didn't know he was a supporter of our President.

Gloom settling on Democrats as they realize they’ve taken their best kill shot & missed. Dems in despair. Republicans United. @realDonaldTrump survives & #Impeachment all over but the shouting.


11:09 AM - Jan 26, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera, who has said from the beginning that he was not thrilled with the contents of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has also argued that nothing on that call constituted an impeachable offense. (RELATED: Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team)

He reasserted that position Saturday in another series of tweets.

Geraldo Rivera


Whatever @realDonaldTrump did regarding #Ukraine his conduct was not criminal. It was certainly not a high crime or misdemeanor like treason or bribery as the Constitution requires. Get this over with. #FreeDonaldTrump #NoCrimeNoConviction


12:35 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera concluded by blaming the Democrats, many of the same people who had gone all in on accusations of collusion with Russia, for impeaching Trump “for conduct that was not criminal.”

Geraldo Rivera


After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal. Shame on them


12:39 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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'Blood Drained From Adam Schiff's Face': John Barrasso Says Schiff's 'Parody' Came Back To Haunt Him

Didn’t realize Geraldo was an expert on Constitutional law
I didn't know he was a supporter of our President.

Gloom settling on Democrats as they realize they’ve taken their best kill shot & missed. Dems in despair. Republicans United. @realDonaldTrump survives & #Impeachment all over but the shouting.


11:09 AM - Jan 26, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera, who has said from the beginning that he was not thrilled with the contents of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has also argued that nothing on that call constituted an impeachable offense. (RELATED: Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team)

He reasserted that position Saturday in another series of tweets.

Geraldo Rivera


Whatever @realDonaldTrump did regarding #Ukraine his conduct was not criminal. It was certainly not a high crime or misdemeanor like treason or bribery as the Constitution requires. Get this over with. #FreeDonaldTrump #NoCrimeNoConviction


12:35 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera concluded by blaming the Democrats, many of the same people who had gone all in on accusations of collusion with Russia, for impeaching Trump “for conduct that was not criminal.”

Geraldo Rivera


After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal. Shame on them


12:39 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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'Blood Drained From Adam Schiff's Face': John Barrasso Says Schiff's 'Parody' Came Back To Haunt Him

Oh yeah...that's
I didn't know he was a supporter of our President.

Gloom settling on Democrats as they realize they’ve taken their best kill shot & missed. Dems in despair. Republicans United. @realDonaldTrump survives & #Impeachment all over but the shouting.


11:09 AM - Jan 26, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera, who has said from the beginning that he was not thrilled with the contents of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has also argued that nothing on that call constituted an impeachable offense. (RELATED: Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team)

He reasserted that position Saturday in another series of tweets.

Geraldo Rivera


Whatever @realDonaldTrump did regarding #Ukraine his conduct was not criminal. It was certainly not a high crime or misdemeanor like treason or bribery as the Constitution requires. Get this over with. #FreeDonaldTrump #NoCrimeNoConviction


12:35 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera concluded by blaming the Democrats, many of the same people who had gone all in on accusations of collusion with Russia, for impeaching Trump “for conduct that was not criminal.”

Geraldo Rivera


After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal. Shame on them


12:39 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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'Blood Drained From Adam Schiff's Face': John Barrasso Says Schiff's 'Parody' Came Back To Haunt Him

He’s not a supporter. He just sees which way power is sliding as this slips through the fingers of the Democrats.
They have been losing since they first tried to attack the EC and demanded state recounts. Trump gained votes each time. They are the three stooges of politics and Rivers wants to be able to sY he predicted it.
On CNN one of the talking heads said that the dems and GOP might compromise on a "censure" of Trump, which would be the most that they would have gotten in the first place. I'm of a mind to tell the dems to go fuck themselves. If you thought that the slimy dems attack on Kavanaugh was bad, the war on Trump was worse. We're talking Barr and Durham going after the deep state conspirators hammer and tong.
Yeah the Ds have lost 2020 before even a single delegate is chosen but it will take about seven new R seats in the pre-2022 reapportionment to ensure the Trump wave to continue after 2024. I don't see that happening.
Yeah the Ds have lost 2020 before even a single delegate is chosen but it will take about seven new R seats in the pre-2022 reapportionment to ensure the Trump wave to continue after 2024. I don't see that happening.

Yes..Democrats are doomed!!..Honestly, do you ever get tired of pushing the same tired crap thread after thread??

Impeachment is a no win for Dems..won't help them, won't hurt them..but the for the Repubs...that's another story..there is only down for them.
November is going to be a lot of fun!!
I didn't know he was a supporter of our President.

Gloom settling on Democrats as they realize they’ve taken their best kill shot & missed. Dems in despair. Republicans United. @realDonaldTrump survives & #Impeachment all over but the shouting.


11:09 AM - Jan 26, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera, who has said from the beginning that he was not thrilled with the contents of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has also argued that nothing on that call constituted an impeachable offense. (RELATED: Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team)

He reasserted that position Saturday in another series of tweets.

Geraldo Rivera


Whatever @realDonaldTrump did regarding #Ukraine his conduct was not criminal. It was certainly not a high crime or misdemeanor like treason or bribery as the Constitution requires. Get this over with. #FreeDonaldTrump #NoCrimeNoConviction


12:35 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera concluded by blaming the Democrats, many of the same people who had gone all in on accusations of collusion with Russia, for impeaching Trump “for conduct that was not criminal.”

Geraldo Rivera


After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal. Shame on them


12:39 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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'Blood Drained From Adam Schiff's Face': John Barrasso Says Schiff's 'Parody' Came Back To Haunt Him

Geraldo Rivera is a idiot. Republicans are winning the battle but losing the war as vulnerable Republican Senators become more vulnerable. Trump becomes more vulnerable.

There was no Russia witch hunt. Mueller proved that Manafort provided a associate with sensitive campaign information and internal polling data who passed it on to Russian Intelligence. Giuliani is getting information from Russia linked politicians in Ukraine. What Trump did was a impeachable offense.
Yeah the Ds have lost 2020 before even a single delegate is chosen but it will take about seven new R seats in the pre-2022 reapportionment to ensure the Trump wave to continue after 2024. I don't see that happening.

Sorry Republicans are the ones who are losing. About 50% of Republicans , a majority of Independents and Democrats support calling new witnesses like John Bolton and Mulvaney who have both confirmed the charges.
I didn't know he was a supporter of our President.

Gloom settling on Democrats as they realize they’ve taken their best kill shot & missed. Dems in despair. Republicans United. @realDonaldTrump survives & #Impeachment all over but the shouting.


11:09 AM - Jan 26, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera, who has said from the beginning that he was not thrilled with the contents of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has also argued that nothing on that call constituted an impeachable offense. (RELATED: Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team)

He reasserted that position Saturday in another series of tweets.

Geraldo Rivera


Whatever @realDonaldTrump did regarding #Ukraine his conduct was not criminal. It was certainly not a high crime or misdemeanor like treason or bribery as the Constitution requires. Get this over with. #FreeDonaldTrump #NoCrimeNoConviction


12:35 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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Rivera concluded by blaming the Democrats, many of the same people who had gone all in on accusations of collusion with Russia, for impeaching Trump “for conduct that was not criminal.”

Geraldo Rivera


After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal. Shame on them


12:39 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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21.8K people are talking about this

'Blood Drained From Adam Schiff's Face': John Barrasso Says Schiff's 'Parody' Came Back To Haunt Him

Geraldo Rivera is a idiot. Republicans are winning the battle but losing the war as vulnerable Republican Senators become more vulnerable. Trump becomes more vulnerable.

There was no Russia witch hunt. Mueller proved that Manafort provided a associate with sensitive campaign information and internal polling data who passed it on to Russian Intelligence. Giuliani is getting information from Russia linked politicians in Ukraine. What Trump did was a impeachable offense.

Geraldo Rivera is one of the few JFK Democrats left on this earth.

I didn't know he was a supporter of our President.

Gloom settling on Democrats as they realize they’ve taken their best kill shot & missed. Dems in despair. Republicans United. @realDonaldTrump survives & #Impeachment all over but the shouting.


11:09 AM - Jan 26, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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10.4K people are talking about this

Rivera, who has said from the beginning that he was not thrilled with the contents of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has also argued that nothing on that call constituted an impeachable offense. (RELATED: Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team)

He reasserted that position Saturday in another series of tweets.

Geraldo Rivera


Whatever @realDonaldTrump did regarding #Ukraine his conduct was not criminal. It was certainly not a high crime or misdemeanor like treason or bribery as the Constitution requires. Get this over with. #FreeDonaldTrump #NoCrimeNoConviction


12:35 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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549 people are talking about this

Rivera concluded by blaming the Democrats, many of the same people who had gone all in on accusations of collusion with Russia, for impeaching Trump “for conduct that was not criminal.”

Geraldo Rivera


After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal. Shame on them


12:39 PM - Jan 25, 2020 · Shaker Heights, OH
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21.8K people are talking about this

'Blood Drained From Adam Schiff's Face': John Barrasso Says Schiff's 'Parody' Came Back To Haunt Him

Yeah the Ds have lost 2020 before even a single delegate is chosen but it will take about seven new R seats in the pre-2022 reapportionment to ensure the Trump wave to continue after 2024. I don't see that happening.
Thank you for preparing me that we may not be able to pass the kinds of laws that overturn the bad stuff that lead to an impeachment that was purely political. I was hoping we'd have a lot more Republicans in Congress that exceeds the two thirds majority, which would mean we'd need between 70 and 80 Republicans in that body to get things done about the future of impeachment-for-fun out of our lives. Otherwise, it will lead to too much power in the House. The power was intended to be given to the Senate and not the House due to states sending in candidates who will represent them absolutely.

Nobody is represented in a Congress that decides it will unseat a President. It is my prayer that those who care about the founders' America will do all they can to elect an overwhelming majority in both the Senate and the House.

The Democrats need a lesson that if they carry their political hatred too far, they will be pared back to no longer be a threat to freedoms enjoyed for 244 years as of July 4 this current year of 2020.

I never care for my children nor all young Americans being subjected to political bile as bad as this push to coup the American voters out of their votes three years ago. I don't know how this current hearing is going to end, but I hope it's soon. President Trump's lawyers have been constitutional benefits in this hearing and show that he has been telling the American people all along the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Hearsay doesn't cut it, and that's what political coups are all about. I don't like Congress giving itself too much power in confrontations that are unbefitting the honor of holding office. That integrity and courtesy we used to see became almost nonexistent in the last 39 months.

But thank you for the warning that American voters may be distracted from the carryings on of the impeachment coup's authors. And I'm hoping conservatives will come together and overcome the damages done to the Constitution by overambitious socialists who unfortunately want to spend twice the amoung America owns on bad science measures that would bankrupt our nation and remove our freedoms.

My prayer time is cut out to be a little longer tonight than usual. Good evening, my dear fellow Americans. :huddle:
Yeah the Ds have lost 2020 before even a single delegate is chosen but it will take about seven new R seats in the pre-2022 reapportionment to ensure the Trump wave to continue after 2024. I don't see that happening.

Sorry Republicans are the ones who are losing. About 50% of Republicans , a majority of Independents and Democrats support calling new witnesses like John Bolton and Mulvaney who have both confirmed the charges.

no they don’t.
Yeah the Ds have lost 2020 before even a single delegate is chosen but it will take about seven new R seats in the pre-2022 reapportionment to ensure the Trump wave to continue after 2024. I don't see that happening.

Yes..Democrats are doomed!!..Honestly, do you ever get tired of pushing the same tired crap thread after thread??

Impeachment is a no win for Dems..won't help them, won't hurt them..but the for the Repubs...that's another story..there is only down for them.
November is going to be a lot of fun!!

Yeah it’s going to be fun...if you are still here. Right after election time a lot of leftists disappear from here and a lot of new names pop up screaming Trump is going to go.

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