The hypocrisy of the lefts support of more government control .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
We hear it time and time again from the leftwing media ,politician's,and voters that government control is the answer emore government control over healthcare,business [private market] banks etc ..... but in the same breath they shout at the top of their lungs about the evils and past crimes committed by said government ...slavery ,capitalism , war ect .... so the question i have for democrats is if you believe the government has done so much evil why do you want to give it more control over our day to day lives ?
They don't always believe that.

They think government is pretty damn awesome when a democrat sits on his thumb and spins in the oval office.
There are endless examples of their duplicity, hypocrisy and meddlesome over reaches out there.

Republicans too.

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