Georgia Voter Fraud

Who is in the Whitehouse now?
Hint, it aint The Fat Orange Shit Giblet!
81,000,000 >74,000,000
hitlery had more and wasn't. hmmm why was that?

See, you never grew up and learned about society and it's laws.
It's just sad that we have to educate rightards how elections work.
Did you just post that? Hahaha haha hahaha hahaha hahaha no, no, stay with that national popular vote count and come back and tell me again how it works!
If you don’t win the popular vote in a state you do NOT get the EC votes for that state. So yes the popular vote actually does mean something.
So why do you keep posting all popular vote count?

Georgia Voter Fraud​

Your link provides NO VOTER FRAUD
Look, man. Italian military satellites changed Trump votes to Biden votes. Hugo Chavez rigged the Dominion voting machines. There were suitcases of ballots and flash drives and stuff. The Chinese sent over millions of bamboo ballots. Dead people voted. Illegal Mexicans voted by the millions. 2000 mules.

Christ, you couldn't get near a voting booth without having to fight past chinks and spics and wops stuffing ballot boxes.

Jewish space lasers! Jewish space lasers!

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