HI there! I am hoping that some of you can shed some light on the situation out here in good old sunny southern California. First off I want to start off by saying that we are in a depression, period end of story. I am in the epicenter of the housing crisis. Massive amounts of people I know cant get work or are laid off, cities are turning into ghosts towns, Im paying $5 for bread, and everything is going up up up in price! If that wasn't worse enough the media is spoon feeding a bunch of happy feel good economy crap. Despite all the stuff going on out here in good old CA everyone I know tells me I am a conspiracy theorist for believing we are in a Depression. This is to include my own husband. They say this is what happened in the 70s and I should not worry my pretty little head. What gives? I am not one to jump on the band wagon but I am seeing it with my very own eyes. I see it coming, like a wave off in the distance
and it is big! Huge even and everyone else is just averting their eyes to it. Why? Why? Why? Why?