Gas Prices

Costco sells mid grade for $2.53 here, 92 Octane for $.20 more. :(

...with oil company profits at all-time highs, of COURSE they are price gouging. :(
$2.69 last night, $2.70 this morning, $2.73 this afternoon. :(
Shattered said:
$2.69 last night, $2.70 this morning, $2.73 this afternoon. :(
$2.71 here. :( Suppossedly this is still not as high as the 70's, when adjusted for inflation. I must have had more money then.
Kathianne said:
$2.71 here. :( Suppossedly this is still not as high as the 70's, when adjusted for inflation. I must have had more money then.

If you're at $2.71, we're going up again, then. We average 10-15 cents highter than Illinois most all the time...
Monday i paid $2.69 for about 14 gallons. however, one of the gas station companies here, Super America, has this 'speedy rewards' program. it's a points card. for every dollar you spend, you get 100 points. the biggest point reward is a free tank of gas, up to 25 gallons, which is 25,000 points. the other rewards are stuff like .50c off per gallon, .25c off per gallon, free fountain drinks, free this, free that for various amounts of is cool. I have already claimed a free tank of gas, and monday i had enough points to take .50c off per gallon for gas, so my $40 gas tab only came to $32.20.

my husband fills his work truck up at the same stores, and their diesel trucks average a $70 fill up every 2-3 days (more or less depending on workload), and he puts the points on our account, so we reap the benefits faster. if he's driving the boom truck, that one averages $120 fill ups.

i wouldn't worry about the prices. most people i hear that are more knowledgeable in real-life economics than i am, say this is like the technology bubble...eventually it will burst and settle down.

we may not go back to the $1.40/gallon (give or take .20c) we were used to, but these super-high prices should not last that long, especially come winter.

we can't expect prices to stay under $1.75 forever...gas used to be less than a $1/gallon, so it is just something we will adjust to.

i think it is just the drastic increases over the last 18 months that have people upset. if the increases were to happen over a number of years, with little fluctuation, i think the prices would be easier to take. cost of living goes up every year.

i am glad i have a car that gets decent gas mileage. but if i owned a truck/suv, i would not be in ANY position to gripe. i have owned 2 trucks in the past, and i knew when i bought them that they were not super great on fuel, so i budgeted for a larger fuel bill. the cost of fuel went up, well, that's my own fault for driving what i do.

I guess my attitude is "You gotta pay to play". for now, we just gotta

Yesterday we were at $2.739/gal. Don't know what it will be today. Guess it's time to bring the bicycles out of the garage and put them to work. I'll be darned if I channel more money to those greedy Arabs who are trying to ruin our economy. Where are the protestors when you need them?
Adam's Apple said:
Yesterday we were at $2.739/gal. Don't know what it will be today. Guess it's time to bring the bicycles out of the garage and put them to work. I'll be darned if I channel more money to those greedy Arabs who are trying to ruin our economy. Where are the protestors when you need them?

It's not the Arabs controlling the prices. We get <30% of our oil from the middle east. Most of our oil comes from Venezuela and other North/South American countries.

The biggest problem is the fact that the liberal tree-huggers have made it so we do not have the ability to refine the oil or drill on our own soil.

I think there are only 2 refineries left here, as i know one is on the east coast somewhere. Those are starting to fall apart, and since demand is continuing to grow, they are working harder to put out enough to keep up. The rest of the refineries are off shore.

Alaskans WANT to drill in ANWR. To do so, will provide them jobs, thus creating a better local economy for them. The part that has the oil reserves is only 4% of the total reserve. 4 WHOPPING percent. It's not like we would take out the whole area!

Florida has a HUGE reserve as well. Guess who made it so we can't make use of our own resources?

I'd bet dollars to donuts we'll never see gas below the $2/gallon mark...

This is how the oil companies will do that.

Right now they are making hundreds of millions of dollars in profits...

For the sake of argument, say Company A makes $100M Profit this year. Gas prices drop, and next year they make $70M Profits. Instantly they start crying that they 'lost $30M' Last year!!! Thus are FORCED to raise prices...


-=d=- said:
I'd bet dollars to donuts we'll never see gas below the $2/gallon mark...


Heck no! Never! The oil companies have worked this like the frog in the pot of water..
Pump the price then ease back abit, pump er again then ease back a bit...I'd say at this point most would be happy with $2.30 and never blink an eye, their used to it now.
Mr. P said:
Heck no! Never! The oil companies have worked this like the frog in the pot of water..
Pump the price then ease back abit, pump er again then ease back a bit...I'd say at this point most would be happy with $2.30 and never blink an eye, their used to it now.

How are the dredded oil companies any different from any other business? Name all of the businesses out there trying to merely make life better for all of us. . . any? Even the nonprofit businesses are ripoffs.
The trend following, ignorant , self centered idiots across this country allow this to happen. The same person that wouldn't dare be seen in a station wagon is more than happy to sport around in a top heavy, poor handling, gas guzzling panel truck with a cute marketing strategy. Let's call them Sport Utility Vehicles and nobody will realize that we are selling them an overpriced, oversized, ugly, and almost useless truck that you can't even use as a truck. Living in Texas I am forced to try to see around these disgusting examples of pathetic design at it's worst, everyone has either one of these behemoths or giant 4 wheel drive trucks with waxed beds(not only never go off road,nothing is carried in the back 99% of the time).And on top of that, the drivers all think they and their rolling living rooms are on race tracks. How stupid do you have to be to think that 90 miles an hour is safe or sane in one of these jokes. . . besides the fact that they aren't getting 8 miles to the gallon.
Even with the big price jump in gas I don't see any changes in the way these spoiled dolts conduct their lives. The drive-thrus are still full of these same vehicles , air conditioner blasting and talking on the phone oblivious to anyone else around them, waiting until they get up to the menu to start the process of deciding what they are going to stuff into their 350 pound asses. They're at Taco Bell and still take 15 minutes to order!
As much as I am not impressed or even like others around the world, I can certainly understand why they think that we are assholes. When I was in Ireland I had a car that you could drive into a typical American SUV and do figure eights. The roads were even small for a little go cart like that and gas was a couple of bucks per litter.
I am not a "tree hugger" by any stretch of the imagination but I am tired of listening to overfed, overpaid, overhoused, overentertained, 400 pounders sucking down 5 dollar crappy Starbucks coffee complain about the big oil companies making huge profits, it is nothing but hypocritical and stupid.Do something about it. Take the bus or a train for your 2 hour commute to work. Don't drive across the country to go on one more wasteful, meaningless vacation. Stay at home and enjoy the rediculous square footage that you just had to have.Watch some movies on that big screen hdtv with 900 channels, read a book, take a walk, or heaven forbid. . . meet your neighbors.
Take a look at yourselves .. .critically, and tell me that not only are we the most spoiled jerks on the planet but also some of the most unhappy ones too. I don't have most of the luxuries I have listed above but I still consider myself very spoiled and lucky. I also think it will be even harder on all of us when our luck runs out and the lights go off.
That's my rant, tell me I'm wrong. :salute:
This will be the main reason that Demos will win in '08 whether its Bush's fault or not, it will have happened under his watch, oh that and the fact that Repubs will not do what it takes in Iraq, just enough to get a few picked off everyday.

I would not have thought that Demos had a chance a few months ago but Repubs are opening the door and inviting them in.
What is going on with gas prices? Today ours is priced at $2.479, when earlier in the week I filled up my car at $2.739. We've had almost a 30 cents/gal. drop in price. Did the price of gas drop anywhere else this week, besides where FuzzyKitten lives?
Adam's Apple said:
What is going on with gas prices? Today ours is priced at $2.479, when earlier in the week I filled up my car at $2.739. We've had almost a 30 cents/gal. drop in price. Did the price of gas drop anywhere else this week, besides where FuzzyKitten lives?
On the way home, I saw $2.58. Sunday I paid $2.79.
We still haven't dropped a penny yet. *scowl*

Some day I'll have to buy a more 'practical' car. :)

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