Gas Prices.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
The price of gas jumps 5 to 10 cents over night with no supply and demand excuse.
and barely a notice on the news. We're up to $3.20+ here.
Where have you people been for the past 20 years?

gas prices always go up in May.
gamblers---I mean"speculators"

And not to forget the term, Manipulators. Prices of gas always go up just before summer, we expect it and apparently sanction these 'greed increases', which rise above the normal profit margins. One year I wish people would all just stay the hell home except for emergencies, so the oil suppliers can shove their inflated gas prices where the sun don't shine.

And stand by for all those who will follow BP's disaster in the Gulf, besides the tremendous impact on the environment for years to come, not only gas will rise like the tides in the Bay of Fundy,almost every product you can think of will be included, the 'band wagon' of greed will be over flowing.
The price of gas jumps 5 to 10 cents over night with no supply and demand excuse.

the gas and oil companies are scumsuckers. Crude is way down, why the prices so high? When crude went through the roof and so did the price, why were companies making record profits? Fuck oil, we need to get off that shit so these evil SOBs don't rip us off anymore. Glad I don't drive all that much and take the bus to work

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