Further proof global warming is a hoax!

It won't happen. The focus needs to be on dealing with the changes.

Do you think that the citihttp://my.yahoo.com/zens of the US are willing to give up their way of life to help the planet?

Will those people in emerging countries that are tying to be like us just give up that goal?
Confronting the impact of climate change and mitigating its severity are not mutually exclusive. Both are demanded.

Developing societies need not doggedly recapitulate all the stages previously followed as new technology is developed. It's already happening.

The Future of Solar in Developing Countries

Sorry, but the climate is always in a state of flux and always changing.

One example of the changes.

In my neck of the woods we have seen the rain patterns change over the last 20 years or so. We are getting about the same amount of rain per month, but we are getting it in less days, as when it rains it rains longer and harder but then there are more days in-between without rain. Not a huge big deal unless you happen to be a grain farmer. Too much rain at one time is bad, too long between rains is bad. Thus there has been a push by the farmers to add both tiling to deal with the extra water runoff and irrigation to deal with the extra days between rain. Some have even given up part of their cropland to build ponds to direct the runoff from the extra rain to use for their irrigation. The farmers do not have the luxury to fight about what is causing the change, they had to do something to mitigate it or risk losing their livelihood.

Entire ecosystems are moving north.

I believe the changes due to warming are still within the natural variances
Building seawalls mitigates the damage from rising sea levels
Galveston built a seawall and raised the level of the Island after the 1900 hurricane.

From 1903 to 1911, approximately 500 city blocks were raised, the elevation increasing anywhere from eight to seventeen feet above the pre–1900 levels.
Which does not remove the changes
But the question remains and debate, root cause. Politicians want you to believe that current change is due to our carbon emissions in totality. They don't even purpose that in any statement that I have ever read that natural occurring climate change, ALONG with man made CO2 emissions is a cause. It's alway and only the latter.
I am all for protecting our environment and reducing waste. I currently think Trash and plastic is our biggest problem. However, CO2, trees absorb Co2 and produce oxygen. Plant more fricken trees. Stop pilaging the rain forests. Give nature a more ammunition to do better what it already does!

Interesting article (not sure if peer reviewed so take it for what it's worth).

I believe the changes due to warming are still within the natural variances

Why? What natural factor caused this:


or this


And if that increase in CO2 is not due to human combustion of fossil fuels, where did all that CO2 come from and what happened to all the CO2 produced by human combustion of fossil fuels.

And if that temperature increase is not due to the greenhouse effect acting on the increased CO2 levels, what is causing that increase and why isn't that CO2 having the greenhouse warming effect we would expect it to have?
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But the question remains and debate, root cause.

Root cause is irrelevant because if it is humans we are not going to lower our standard of living to make things better.

Politicians want you to believe that current change is due to our carbon emissions in totality.

Which is why one should never get their science or medial information from politicians
Why? What natural factor caused this:


or this


And if that increase in CO2 is not due to human combustion of fossil fuels, where did all that CO2 come from and what happened to all the CO2 produced by human combustion of fossil fuels.

And if that temperature increase is not due to the greenhouse effect acting on the increased CO2 levels, what is causing that increase and why isn't the CO2 having the effect we would expect it to have?
The NHL?

There is little doubt that the burning of fossil fuel, releasing all that sequestered carbon, has increase the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. That increase is responsible for some of the warming since 1850. Imo, it will take a cataclysmic climate event to wake up the human race.
The NHL?

There is little doubt that the burning of fossil fuel, releasing all that sequestered carbon, has increase the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. That increase is responsible for some of the warming since 1850. Imo, it will take a cataclysmic climate event to wake up the human race.
But that's not what you said. You said you thought we were still within natural variance. WRT CO2 and temperature, we very clearly are not.
But that's not what you said. You said you thought we were still within natural variance. WRT CO2 and temperature, we very clearly are not.
During the current epoch temperatures have been higher but we appear to be reaching the upper limit of this one rapidly. In the previous interglacial epoch the temperatures were even higher than in this one. Our ancestor's survived. I'm more concerned with the sustainability of our rampant consumerism combined with population growth than I am about a changing climate.
A lot of things happen simultaneously but they all don't add up to cause and effect....
That's true, but cause and effect requires correlation. And if you're talking about CO2 and temperature, the correlation is robust and long-lasting as well as possessing a well-documented causative process. If CO2 is NOT causing the world to warm, then we have a very large mystery on our hands.
That's true, but cause and effect requires correlation. And if you're talking about CO2 and temperature, the correlation is robust and long-lasting as well as possessing a well-documented causative process. If CO2 is NOT causing the world to warm, then we have a very large mystery on our hands.
Not all climate scientists still agree with that... but I'm not one so all I can do is watch and remember my past... and the fact that we are warming the planet with carbon is questionable in my mind...
Mainly because many doom and gloom predictions from so called climate experts over the years just have not materialized.... if C02 is not warming the planet maybe just maybe its the sun... or wind patterns that change often.... or maybe it is carbon and its no big deal... a lot of questions remain unanswered for me to just follow the science... remember following the science did not do to well for us over the last three years.... so I must remain skeptical....
But the question remains and debate, root cause. Politicians want you to believe that current change is due to our carbon emissions in totality...
I am not familiar with these politicians. Who are they?

Certainly, climatologists who compile and analyze the data that confirms anthropogenic climate change do not deny their own data:

It's true that within its 4.5-billion-year history, planet Earth has experienced periods of lesser and greater warmth.
Altering over many thousands of years, these shifting temperatures have been determined by variations in Earth's orbit around the sun. While greater distances have resulted in colder cycles, shifts closer to the ball of heat have led to warmer, interglacial periods.
In the late 20th century, when scientists started looking at how temperatures have changed over time, they observed a much faster rate of planetary warming from the 1980s than had previously been recorded.
In 1998, researchers from the US University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona published a study showing the average annual global temperature over the past 1,000 years.
To work out earlier temperatures going back half a millennium before the thermometer was invented, they studied so-called proxy or natural records — measurements of ice cores, tree rings and corals.
The outcome illustrated little variation for many hundreds of years until the 20th century, when there was suddenly a sharp rise...
LibertyKid said:
... They don't even purpose that in any statement that I have ever read that natural occurring climate change, ALONG with man made CO2 emissions is a cause. It's alway and only the latter.
I am all for protecting our environment and reducing waste. I currently think Trash and plastic is our biggest problem. However, CO2, trees absorb Co2 and produce oxygen. Plant more fricken trees. Stop pilaging the rain forests. Give nature a more ammunition to do better what it already does!

Interesting article (not sure if peer reviewed so take it for what it's worth).

You focus upon an essential response.

Planting more trees is an essential measure to deal with the growing crisis:

Researchers say an area the size of the US is available for planting trees around the world, and this could have a dramatic impact on climate change. The study shows that the space available for trees is far greater than previously thought, and would reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by 25%....
Using the mapping software of the Google Earth engine they were able to develop a predictive model to map the global potential for tree cover. They found that excluding existing trees, farmland and urban areas, the world could support an extra 0.9bn hectares (2.22bn acres) of tree cover.
Once these trees matured they could pull down around 200 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide, some two-thirds of extra carbon from human activities put into the atmosphere since the industrial revolution.
This is a quarter of the overall amount of CO2 in the air. "Our study shows clearly that forest restoration is the best climate change solution available today and it provides hard evidence to justify investment," said Prof Tom Crowther, the senior author on the study. "If we act now, this could cut carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by up to 25%, to levels last seen almost a century ago."
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That's true, but cause and effect requires correlation. And if you're talking about CO2 and temperature, the correlation is robust and long-lasting as well as possessing a well-documented causative process. If CO2 is NOT causing the world to warm, then we have a very large mystery on our hands.
In Siberia, the icebox of the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades:
around minus-80 degrees.Jan 11, 2023
Now putting that in context with this experience of coming up with a global warming measurement leaving out 12.5% land mass?????
In Siberia, the icebox of the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades:
around minus-80 degrees.Jan 11, 2023
Now putting that in context with this experience of coming up with a global warming measurement leaving out 12.5% land mass?????
View attachment 788438
What are you trying to say? That we've experienced no global warming?

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