Global warmimg? Is actually good for crop growth...duh.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a colimn about globalist, leftists and their hatred of well fed common people. They want people hungry, and they are working really hard to make it our reality...

The truth any child can tell you with a basic umderstanding of reality?

Warmth is great for growing food...

I know – it’s weird – it’s like the exact oppositeof all the screaming they’re always doing.

Qiao et al discovered that when temperatures are raised by a “catastrophic” 2 degrees C, and CO2 is raised to 700 unthinkable ppm corn (aka maize) increases its yield by a remarkable 25%. When hit by both high temperatures and extra CO2, soy bean yield increased even more — by 31%.
Presumably this means crop prices will fall and corn and soy may take over your garden. (So make sure you put in a solar panel to control those new weeds!)
Rumour that nutrient densities will fall — proved to be false. Increased temperature raised the oil content of both crops. And the combo of warmer weather plus CO2 increased most of the nutrients as well. Both crops had more phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc

The leftist "intellectual" John Fucking Kerry wants to completely REMOVE ALL THE CO2 from the atmosphere.

If someone THAT FUCKING STUPID is considered even average intelligence among the people you share political beliefs and principles with, you just might wanna do a little bit of self reflection.
This is a colimn about globalist, leftists and their hatred of well fed common people. They want people hungry, and they are working really hard to make it our reality...

The truth any child can tell you with a basic umderstanding of reality?

Warmth is great for growing food...

I know – it’s weird – it’s like the exact oppositeof all the screaming they’re always doing.

Until it gets too hot and there's no precipitation.....then it's bad.
Which is why it's called CLIMATE CHANGE.
By the way bed wetters, the people who grow your dope, inject CO2 into the greenhouse to increase yield. When we were kids growing dirt weed under fluorescent lights in our closets, we lit candles during the flowering cycle to explode the bud growth.

That's because plants do something called PHOTOSYNTHESIS, in which CO2 along with sunlight and water is used by the plants for the energy to grow. The result of this endeavor is the oxygen you steal from them every time you commit a misdemeanor theft by inhaling.

If some of the blithering lunatics you vote for ever managed to REMOVE or REDUCE the supply of CO2, it would reduce the ability of plants to grow, and reduce the available oxygen.
Until it gets too hot and there's no precipitation.....then it's bad.
Which is why it's called CLIMATE CHANGE.
No bed wetter.

It's called "climate change" now because the MMGW bullshit had been exposed, and after 40 years of shrieking, banging on drums, destroying shit, plus making complete fools of yourselves the cognizant public long ago realized that predictions of Waterworld were pulled out of the same pile of soft steaming bullshit as flat earth, witchcraft, Jussie Smolette's police report, and Cinco de Mayo.
No bed wetter.

It's called "climate change" now because the MMGW bullshit had been exposed, and after 40 years of shrieking, banging on drums, destroying shit, plus making complete fools of yourselves the cognizant public long ago realized that predictions of Waterworld were pulled out of the same pile of soft steaming bullshit as flat earth, witchcraft, Jussie Smolette's police report, and Cinco de Mayo.
It's called climate change because that's what it is, dumbass.
And without even addressing the topic, you turtle like a cuck into imaginary alt-right conspiracy theories.
Check under your bed tonight. There probably is something there that's out to get you. :)

Appears you have the only pile of soft, steaming shit here.
This is a colimn about globalist, leftists and their hatred of well fed common people. They want people hungry, and they are working really hard to make it our reality...

The truth any child can tell you with a basic umderstanding of reality?

Warmth is great for growing food...

I know – it’s weird – it’s like the exact oppositeof all the screaming they’re always doing.

Doesn’t a greenhouse prove that?
It's called climate change because that's what it is, dumbass.
And without even addressing the topic, you turtle like a cuck into imaginary alt-right conspiracy theories.
Check under your bed tonight. There probably is something there that's out to get you. :)

Appears you have the only pile of soft, steaming shit here.
Wrong fuckwit.

It's called "climate change" because MMGW was proven to be bullshit, so your masters repackaged the hoax, called it "climate change" and told the world the solution is the same bullshit.

Stifle or even destroy western industrial capacity, ignore actual environmental destruction caused by leftist states on the other side of the earth and draw attention away from environmental damage that can AND SHOULD BE INVESTED IN REPAIRING.

The problem there bed wetter, is that such an endeavor and investment would have tangible results, and NOTHING YOU MALIGNANT PARASITES NEVER PROMOTE comes close to a favorable result for anyone except billionaire democrook party donors.

So go eat a bag of dicks you vacuous fuckin drone.
Wrong fuckwit.

It's called "climate change" because MMGW was proven to be bullshit, so your masters repackaged the hoax, called it "climate change" and told the world the solution is the same bullshit.

Stifle or even destroy western industrial capacity, ignore actual environmental destruction caused by leftist states on the other side of the earth and draw attention away from environmental damage that can AND SHOULD BE INVESTED IN REPAIRING.

The problem there bed wetter, is that such an endeavor and investment would have tangible results, and NOTHING YOU MALIGNANT PARASITES NEVER PROMOTE comes close to a favorable result for anyone except billionaire democrook party donors.

So go eat a bag of dicks you vacuous fuckin drone.
Again, down into the fucking alt-right pit of despair.
So basically, you're just another bottom feeding grouper.

Climate change exists. No amount nah, nah, nah and silly fucking fifth grade insults will change that.
This is a colimn about globalist, leftists and their hatred of well fed common people. They want people hungry, and they are working really hard to make it our reality...

The truth any child can tell you with a basic umderstanding of reality?

Warmth is great for growing food...

I know – it’s weird – it’s like the exact oppositeof all the screaming they’re always doing.

My problem with this is that it accepts a conclusion of warming, and that is not the case. The only things warming on Earth are the surface of growing urban areas. Nothing else is showing any evidence of warming at all


So when you say OK well maybe it is warming but that's OK, you play into the FRAUD that there is warming ongoing when there is NOT.
Yeesh, what's with the blue text ... hurts the eyes ...

A warmer world is a wetter world ... and more CO2 in the atmosphere benefits plants ... for a trivial amount of warming, there will be trivial more rainfall ... and trivial benefit to plants ... and one degree is trivial ...

Let's worry about the glut of used airplanes on the market instead ...
My problem with this is that it accepts a conclusion of warming, and that is not the case. The only things warming on Earth are the surface of growing urban areas. Nothing else is showing any evidence of warming at all


So when you say OK well maybe it is warming but that's OK, you play into the FRAUD that there is warming ongoing when there is NOT.

Just using their own con against them....
A warmer world is a wetter world ... and more CO2 in the atmosphere benefits plants ... for a trivial amount of warming, there will be trivial more rainfall ... and trivial benefit to plants ... and one degree is trivial ...
We've already exceeded one degree of warming and with the CO2 already in the atmosphere there will be more. Not only are we still putting more CO2 in the air but the rate at which we do is still increasing. Can I ask on what basis you judge that trivial?


PS: for those who are interested, that little dip near the end is the pandemic's industrial slowdown, visible because this is a plot of annual emissions rather than total atmospheric content.
We've already exceeded one degree of warming and with the CO2 already in the atmosphere there will be more. Not only are we still putting more CO2 in the air but the rate at which we do is still increasing. Can I ask on what basis you judge that trivial?


PS: for those who are interested, that little dip near the end is the pandemic's industrial slowdown, visible because this is a plot of annual emissions rather than total atmospheric content.

Fucking Liar ... NOAA gives 0.9º over the 20th Century average for 2022 ... {Cite}

You're stupid too ... for 35 Gigatons of carbon dioxide ... how much ppm does this increase the concentration? ... c'mon, this is middle school math, child, simple arithmetic ...
We've already exceeded one degree of warming and with the CO2 already in the atmosphere there will be more.
How? CO2 cannot warm up each other, so how do they get warmer than the absorbed radiation? and how does having more of them do anything to anything about warming? You're forever lost in stupid. Science says you are fked in the head.
Fucking Liar ... NOAA gives 0.9º over the 20th Century average for 2022 ... {Cite}

You're stupid too ... for 35 Gigatons of carbon dioxide ... how much ppm does this increase the concentration? ... c'mon, this is middle school math, child, simple arithmetic ...
You need to stop the bullshit with math. It's obvious that there are several people on this forum with more advanced math educations than you've ever received. You don't need to dig yourself a deeper hole than the one you're already in.

Your bullshit here is "over the 20th Century average".

Climate Change: Global Temperature. shows 1.11C increase since 1880.

As for your second line: CO2 has increased from 280 ppm we enjoyed prior to the Industrial Revolution to 417 ppm today, a 48.9% increase and a level not seen in over 3 million years. Hardly trivial.
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You need to stop the bullshit with math. It's obvious that there are several people on this forum with more advanced math educations than you've ever received. You don't need to dig yourself a deeper hole than the one you're already in.

Your bullshit here is "over the 20th Century average".

Climate Change: Global Temperature. shows 1.11C increase since 1880.

As for your second line: CO2 has increased from 280 ppm we enjoyed prior to the Industrial Revolution to 417 ppm today, a 48.9% increase.
but dude, CO2 molecules can't get warmer than what they absorb so I'm waiting on what is making the rise in your temperature readings you keep posting?
You need to stop the bullshit with math. It's obvious that there are several people on this forum with more advanced math educations than you've ever received. You don't need to dig yourself a deeper hole than the one you're already in.

Your bullshit here is "over the 20th Century average".

Climate Change: Global Temperature. shows 1.11C increase since 1880.

As for your second line: CO2 has increased from 280 ppm we enjoyed prior to the Industrial Revolution to 417 ppm today, a 48.9% increase and a level not seen in over 3 million years. Hardly trivial.

I'm quoting NOAA ... the +0.9ºC anomaly is in reference to the 20th century average ... from YOUR OWN CITATION: "Yearly surface temperature compared to the 20th-century average" .. stupid motherfucker ...

Math isn't bullshit .. it's succinct ... no weasel ... LIAR ...

(Color coded for easy reference) ...

How many ppm for 35 gigatons? ... middle school math ... only you think it's bullshit ... (er, I guess the 1.68 density ratio is high school math, sorry) ...
I'm quoting NOAA ... the +0.9ºC anomaly is in reference to the 20th century average ... from YOUR OWN CITATION: "Yearly surface temperature compared to the 20th-century average" .. stupid motherfucker ...
I am not denying that 0.9C might well be the total warming above the 20th century average. I am saying that is not a valid measure of how much the planet has warmed SINCE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, which I have been using as the AGW inception point, reliably, since I first started posting on this topic.
Math isn't bullshit .. it's succinct ... no weasel ... LIAR ...
I haven't done any "weaseling".
(Color coded for easy reference) ...

How many ppm for 35 gigatons? ... middle school math ... only you think it's bullshit ... (er, I guess the 1.68 density ratio is high school math, sorry) ...
I think it's irrelevant, a waste of my time and an exceedingly pathetic attempt at enhancing your ego.
It's called climate change because that's what it is, dumbass.
And without even addressing the topic, you turtle like a cuck into imaginary alt-right conspiracy theories.
Check under your bed tonight. There probably is something there that's out to get you. :)

Appears you have the only pile of soft, steaming shit here.
It's also called Summer,Winter, Spring, and Fall because that what it has been for thousands of years. dumb ass. If I were you I would try to find someone to sell you a clue.

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