Free Agency destroyed MLB baseball.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
That was the worst thing to ever happen to baseball was when the asshole owners brought free agency into the game in 1973.:mad: It used to be growing up i always got excited about the home opener.Back then EVERY team had as much of a shot at the world series as the next guy. But these days because of it,every year,you dont know half the players on your team if you are one of the smaller markets.

Back then,i ALWAYS knew the players from the other team that i was going out to see and that always made it a fun experience knowing a certain team had a group of players you were looking forward to see. Now these days,you dont know the majority of the players on the other team as well as not knowing at least half the players on your OWN team every new year.:mad:

Back then it would have been unheard of for Johnny cuoto after being in the reds organization for just four years to jump ship for another team so quickly or joe jacoby doing the same thing after only four years with the red sox going to the yankees. people like ted williams and carl yastremski must be rolling over their graves right now seeing how players now dont appreciate what it means to play for the red sox,

teams like the reds,padres,pirates,twins,and many other small market teams,they will never have the chance to be in the world series again because of fucking free agency. free agency needs to be abolished.:mad:
that was WHY i was so much dead set againts free agency coming into play for the NFL in the mid 90's because along with domed stadiums,players jumping from one team to another has ruined that game for me as well. i miss the good old days win both sports when players played for ONE TEAM their whole careers.:mad:
Pheh....gave up on MLB when they went on strike in '81, slowed down a bit in watching and then when the went on strike again in '85...done.
And I get what you are saying 100%.
Just like NFL. Free agency took a chunk of the game away from the fans.
I too remember when I knew every damn player for the Cubs and the Steelers. Hell I knew half their stats and also knew most players in the AFC.
Stay salty, kids.

Free Agency is the professional sports equivalent of capitalism. You love it when it suits you/the country known as the U.S.A. when it suits you.....and then disavow it when it doesn't?

Not how it works.
The Yankees were really hurting for power lol so they went and got Stanton. Nice to have pockets that deep eh?

yeah the yankees represent eveything that is wrong with baseball.,i hated them back in the 70's even because they would BUY their championships getting reggie jackson,goose gossage,catfish hunter,and bucky dent.FREE AGENT bucky dent if not for him,the red sox would have beat the yankees in the one game playoff in 1978.:mad:
Stay salty, kids.

Free Agency is the professional sports equivalent of capitalism. You love it when it suits you/the country known as the U.S.A. when it suits you.....and then disavow it when it doesn't?

Not how it works.

wrong,tell that to all the small market teams out there i mentioned who because of fucking free agency,will never get a chance to go the world series again.:mad: everything was PERFECT pre 1973 before fucking free agency.:mad:
Pheh....gave up on MLB when they went on strike in '81, slowed down a bit in watching and then when the went on strike again in '85...done.
And I get what you are saying 100%.
Just like NFL. Free agency took a chunk of the game away from the fans.
I too remember when I knew every damn player for the Cubs and the Steelers. Hell I knew half their stats and also knew most players in the AFC.

best damn post on this thread bar none.:thup:

that is WHY i mostly stick to buying old baseball and NFL playoff games from yesteryear.I just ordered the three game set of the classic 1980 playoff sweep of the royals over the yankees,all this was such bitter sweet memorys watching 50,000 screaming fans yelling at the top of their lungs and when George Brett hit this three run homer off goose gossage and took the lead never to give it up,the place got sooooooo quiet,you could hear a pin drop in the place.:iyfyus.jpg: yeah by the time the early 90's came around,baseball indeed went downhill from there.then of course in the MID 90's free agency came into the NFL and ruined it as well.Like you said so well ,the steel curtain you ALWAYS knew the players year after year,not anymore though.

again do you remember watching this classic momemt by chance? i just got these three games today.:yes_text12:

i just LOVE hearing that announcer say-AND A STUNNED CROWD HERE IN NEW YORK.:biggrin:
Stay salty, kids.

Free Agency is the professional sports equivalent of capitalism. You love it when it suits you/the country known as the U.S.A. when it suits you.....and then disavow it when it doesn't?

Not how it works.

wrong,tell that to all the small market teams out there i mentioned who because of fucking free agency,will never get a chance to go the world series again.:mad: everything was PERFECT pre 1973 before fucking free agency.:mad:
You mean like Tampa Bay? (AL pennant in 2008) Or the Marlins? (2003 World Series champions) The Kansas City Royals? (2014 AL pennant, 2015 World Series champions)
Pheh....gave up on MLB when they went on strike in '81, slowed down a bit in watching and then when the went on strike again in '85...done.
And I get what you are saying 100%.
Just like NFL. Free agency took a chunk of the game away from the fans.
I too remember when I knew every damn player for the Cubs and the Steelers. Hell I knew half their stats and also knew most players in the AFC.

The last strike is what put the nail in the coffin.

Now we have big money teams and small market farm teams.

If you are a fan of a small market them, the best you can hope for is that your favorite star player will be a Yankee someday so they can win a World Series.
Stay salty, kids.

Free Agency is the professional sports equivalent of capitalism. You love it when it suits you/the country known as the U.S.A. when it suits you.....and then disavow it when it doesn't?

Not how it works.

wrong,tell that to all the small market teams out there i mentioned who because of fucking free agency,will never get a chance to go the world series again.:mad: everything was PERFECT pre 1973 before fucking free agency.:mad:
Not wrong. Capitalists accept the fact that there are always winners and losers in a capitalist market system. Free agency is no different than market capitalism.
Pheh....gave up on MLB when they went on strike in '81, slowed down a bit in watching and then when the went on strike again in '85...done.
And I get what you are saying 100%.
Just like NFL. Free agency took a chunk of the game away from the fans.
I too remember when I knew every damn player for the Cubs and the Steelers. Hell I knew half their stats and also knew most players in the AFC.

The last strike is what put the nail in the coffin.

Now we have big money teams and small market farm teams.

If you are a fan of a small market them, the best you can hope for is that your favorite star player will be a Yankee someday so they can win a World Series.

you nailed it.ALMOST.Baseball so much sucks now,same as the NFL your points are what backs up what i been saing that free agency is what put the nail in the coffin because that is WHY we have have small market teams that dont have a chance to to go to the world series anymore since they cant keep their good players. If this was the early 70's for example,there is NO WAY Johhny cuoto would have left the Reds. its very sad but true,these small market teams like the reds are just there minor league teams developing their players so the yankees or the dodgers and Giants can win a world series for the franchise they came out of now. could not have said it better myself.
Pheh....gave up on MLB when they went on strike in '81, slowed down a bit in watching and then when the went on strike again in '85...done.
And I get what you are saying 100%.
Just like NFL. Free agency took a chunk of the game away from the fans.
I too remember when I knew every damn player for the Cubs and the Steelers. Hell I knew half their stats and also knew most players in the AFC.

The last strike is what put the nail in the coffin.

Now we have big money teams and small market farm teams.

If you are a fan of a small market them, the best you can hope for is that your favorite star player will be a Yankee someday so they can win a World Series.

you nailed it.ALMOST.Baseball so much sucks now,same as the NFL your points are what backs up what i been saing that free agency is what put the nail in the coffin because that is WHY we have have small market teams that dont have a chance to to go to the world series anymore since they cant keep their good players. If this was the early 70's for example,there is NO WAY Johhny cuoto would have left the Reds. its very sad but true,these small market teams like the reds are just there minor league teams developing their players so the yankees or the dodgers and Giants can win a world series for the franchise they came out of now. could not have said it better myself.

A good movie about the topic is "Moneyball" with Brad Pitt.

It about nails it.
Baseball sucked before free agency
Players got screwed, same teams always won
Baseball sucked before free agency
Players got screwed, same teams always won

The way things are set up now, players get to make as much money as they like, the sky is the limit. Also, owners also make as much money as they care to. With big market teams dominating the playoffs, even the media makes out big as they have more fan interest from bigger markets.

The only ones now left out are the fans of small market teams. No one gives a damn about them.
Baseball sucked before free agency
Players got screwed, same teams always won

The way things are set up now, players get to make as much money as they like, the sky is the limit. Also, owners also make as much money as they care to. With big market teams dominating the playoffs, even the media makes out big as they have more fan interest from bigger markets.

The only ones now left out are the fans of small market teams. No one gives a damn about them.
Small market teams always got screwed
Especially before free agency. They used to have to sell their top players to big market teams (Yankees) just to pay their bills

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