France is the best country in the world and we are not grateful enough for their winning the revolutionary war for us. They know what socialism is too


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

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And I don't want to hear any baloney about surrender monkeys, English speakers are so proud of themselves you'd think they built the English Channel and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. England and America always expect France to hold back the Hun with only 100 miles of beautiful land between Germany and Paris LOL. Then the Americans and British show up a couple of years later when they finally have armies and tell the French how cowardly they are. They are also well known as the most obnoxious people in the world and I don't mean the French....
France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

Agreed! :)
Your 'link' is written by a French realtor, peddling French properties, you fuckin' idiot.

I wonder what kind of pickup the Ford dealership in Dallas rates as the best value and quality?

Your stupidity is embarrassing.
France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

France is a paradise. Theres no place on earth like it and its socialist, just what you want. Why don't you move there?
America is not intended to be a socialist nation. Be happy with diversity.
France is a paradise. Theres no place on earth like it and its socialist, just what you want. Why don't you move there?
America is not intended to be a socialist nation. Be happy with diversity.
And the screw job for the average citizens thanks to the GOP and dupes like you. The richest country in the world easily and the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations day care paid parental leave etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. The French would never put up with that crap they'd have one of their patented nonviolent protests for days l O L
France is a paradise. Theres no place on earth like it and its socialist, just what you want. Why don't you move there?
America is not intended to be a socialist nation. Be happy with diversity.
Socialist simply means fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democracy. So you're saying America is unfair and that's the way it should be. Appears to be what you idiots are always saying and what you vote for....
Your 'link' is written by a French realtor, peddling French properties, you fuckin' idiot.

I wonder what kind of pickup the Ford dealership in Dallas rates as the best value and quality?

Your stupidity is embarrassing.
The statistics are still true and illustrate what I was saying and for once they did not close down my thread for not having a link in it thank God.... So why does the United States history books keep the secret of the French winning the Revolutionary War for us Also the reason for the French Revolution because it costs them so much, along with two bad droughts in a row unfortunately. I just finished reading a book about Madame de Pompadour who appears to have been in charge of French wars and diplomacy under Louis the 15th lol...
The only thing France has is the Mona Lisa. I've stared at her for hours... some people get it, and I'm one of them.

My wife and I have an agreement. If Mona ever shows up at our front door, my wife is leave quietly out the back... and never return.
And the screw job for the average citizens thanks to the GOP and dupes like you. The richest country in the world easily and the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations day care paid parental leave etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. The French would never put up with that crap they'd have one of their patented nonviolent protests for days l O L

We could have cheap college, but then only the top students could attend.
And then you'd whine it was racist.
France is a paradise. Theres no place on earth like it and its socialist, just what you want. Why don't you move there?
America is not intended to be a socialist nation. Be happy with diversity.
It is damn hard to move to France especially for Americans and this digital nomad stuff is too late for me- Plus of course I am American for Christ sake. I am just saying we should be a fairer country to our average citizens than we are and stop the lying GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else. And understand for God's sakes that socialists are not communists,

That conflation we got from the English has been going on since World War I and it's pathetic- everyone in non English speaking countries knows what socialists are for- fair democracies that are still capitalist. So the Latin Americans call themselves Socialists because they speak Spanish and we destroy their countries with sanctions because we speak fluent English garbage propaganda that conflates socialism and communism. Stupid and works like a charm......
France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

France is dirty and overrun by Algerian monkeys. Eastern countries like Czech, Romania, and Poland are far cleaner and better. You’ll also notice it’s all white people in those countries too, as opposed to France where Muslims are becoming the majority in urban areas.

But nice try, Frances.

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