FOX NEWS should be sued for false representation

FOX NEWS should be sued for false representation

I watched FOX News last night with Hannity being the commentator of the show. He out right lied numerous time, in fact most of what he said were outright lies.

“FOX NEWS”is presenting itself as a “news” source while they are only a tabloid source.

“FOX NEWS” should be sued for falsely representing them selves as “news” when they provide no actual unbiased “news”

FOX should either change their show's name to “FOX GOSIPE” or pay a fine of $5,000,000 for false representation to its audience & public.

Do you agree or not?
I do not agree. Whether assaults on speech comes from the Right or the Left, just stop it!
FOX NEWS should be sued for false representation

I watched FOX News last night with Hannity being the commentator of the show. He out right lied numerous time, in fact most of what he said were outright lies.

“FOX NEWS”is presenting itself as a “news” source while they are only a tabloid source.

“FOX NEWS” should be sued for falsely representing them selves as “news” when they provide no actual unbiased “news”

FOX should either change their show's name to “FOX GOSIPE” or pay a fine of $5,000,000 for false representation to its audience & public.

Do you agree or not?

If you'd describe the lies ya might have a little more credibility.
FOX NEWS should be sued for false representation

I watched FOX News last night with Hannity being the commentator of the show. He out right lied numerous time, in fact most of what he said were outright lies.

“FOX NEWS”is presenting itself as a “news” source while they are only a tabloid source.

“FOX NEWS” should be sued for falsely representing them selves as “news” when they provide no actual unbiased “news”

FOX should either change their show's name to “FOX GOSIPE” or pay a fine of $5,000,000 for false representation to its audience & public.

Do you agree or not?

It's amusing how Regressives constantly shit their pants over Fox, but never bat an eye at the bullshit coming out of CNN and MSNBC
Who can tell? You haven’t demonstrated their fault! Make your case. Be specific.

If I can get a copy of Hannity's “news” transcript he used yesterday afternoon I could point out line by line every time Hannity knowingly lied to his audience (public viewers). FOX is no longer a "news" outlet. It belongs in a tabloid paperback publication.

in my view
CNN admitted they lied for Saddamn
I believe that was the same day FOX admitted they lie for Putin. :cuckoo:
Nice lie, liar.
It is as truthful as your claim, liar.
You’re a moron on all topics.
Eason Jordan was chief news executive at CNN.
The News We Kept To Ourselves
Your own link says NOTHING about LYING only about not reporting some things to protect their reporters lives, so thank you for proving YOU are the LIAR!!!!!
I do not agree. Whether assaults on speech comes from the Right or the Left, just stop it!

This is not about free speech. This is about a private news outlet using the cover of "news" to spout outright lies.
Tabloid gosup is one thing, Fooling the Public by claiming it is "news" is another thing altogether.

In my view
Your own link says NOTHING about LYING only about not reporting some things to protect their reporters lives, so thank you for proving YOU are the LIAR!!!!!

I watched Hannity's "news" broadcast. If and when I get a transcript of Hannity's broadcast I will point out the outright lies.
CNN admitted they lied for Saddamn
I believe that was the same day FOX admitted they lie for Putin. :cuckoo:
Nice lie, liar.
It is as truthful as your claim, liar.
You’re a moron on all topics.
Eason Jordan was chief news executive at CNN.
The News We Kept To Ourselves
Your own link says NOTHING about LYING only about not reporting some things to protect their reporters lives, so thank you for proving YOU are the LIAR!!!!!
OMG. You just found a new low point in your cesspool.
Do you read what you post?
Your own link says NOTHING about LYING only about not reporting some things to protect their reporters lives, so thank you for proving YOU are the LIAR!!!!!

I watched Hannity's "news" broadcast. If and when I get a transcript of Hannity's broadcast I will point out the outright lies.
With lots of links to Kos, NY Times, Vox and Mother Jones to prove it!
FOX NEWS should be sued for false representation

I watched FOX News last night with Hannity being the commentator of the show. He out right lied numerous time, in fact most of what he said were outright lies.

“FOX NEWS”is presenting itself as a “news” source while they are only a tabloid source.

“FOX NEWS” should be sued for falsely representing them selves as “news” when they provide no actual unbiased “news”

FOX should either change their show's name to “FOX GOSIPE” or pay a fine of $5,000,000 for false representation to its audience & public.

Do you agree or not?
I don't know how serious this is, but...

Hannity is not represented as "news". His is an opinion show, like Rachel Maddow. I assumed we all knew this.

Opinion shows, whether from the Left or the Right, all pretty much do the same thing, albeit in different ways: Highlight things that support their partisan agendas, minimize/ignore/avoid/distort that which does not, and often utilize abject fabrication to misrepresent the views of the other "side", typically through the use of Straw Man arguments. Hannity is certainly as bad as any of them, but they're all over.

These people are not honest brokers, and it is disturbing to think about how many people take them seriously. As many do with Professional Wrestling.

Fox obviously (and sometimes comically) leans to the Right. MSNBC and CNN obviously lean to the Left. None are fully honest brokers. All of them clearly push their ideological agendas. When watching them, a reasonable person would wonder what is being left out, what is being misrepresented, what is being distorted. You know that, right?
Last edited:
I believe that was the same day FOX admitted they lie for Putin. :cuckoo:
Nice lie, liar.
It is as truthful as your claim, liar.
You’re a moron on all topics.
Eason Jordan was chief news executive at CNN.
The News We Kept To Ourselves
Your own link says NOTHING about LYING only about not reporting some things to protect their reporters lives, so thank you for proving YOU are the LIAR!!!!!
OMG. You just found a new low point in your cesspool.
Do you read what you post?
Do you read what you link?
You claimed:
CNN admitted they lied for Saddamn
They ADMITTED no such thing in your link.
So please quote the exact place where they ADMITTED lying in your link, you worthless lying scum POS.
Who can tell? You haven’t demonstrated their fault! Make your case. Be specific.

If I can get a copy of Hannity's “news” transcript he used yesterday afternoon I could point out line by line every time Hannity knowingly lied to his audience (public viewers). FOX is no longer a "news" outlet. It belongs in a tabloid paperback publication.

in my view

You can always tell a low information voter, when they don't mention Glen Becks the blaze, they are just parroting
Please point on the doll where Hannity and Fox touched you so wrongly.
download (14).jpeg
I do not agree. Whether assaults on speech comes from the Right or the Left, just stop it!

This is not about free speech. This is about a private news outlet using the cover of "news" to spout outright lies.
Tabloid gosup is one thing, Fooling the Public by claiming it is "news" is another thing altogether.

In my view
As The National Enquierer is not regarded as a news outlet and no one has learned anything from The Learning Channel in years, just by naming themselves Fox News does not necessarily make them a news outlet. Their reputation precedes them.
Please point on the doll where Hannity and Fox touched you so wrongly.
View attachment 195138
We can't. That doll has no brain, something you, no doubt, are familiar with.
Please point on the doll where Hannity and Fox touched you so wrongly.
View attachment 195138
We can't. That doll has no brain, something you, no doubt, are familiar with.
You must have been touched horribly. Your lashing out is understandable.
Its OK. You can talk about it.
Did Hannity say something to invade your safe space?
The boogieman Fox can be stopped from invading your space by a simple step called turning it off.
FOX NEWS should be sued for false representation

I watched FOX News last night with Hannity being the commentator of the show. He out right lied numerous time, in fact most of what he said were outright lies.

“FOX NEWS”is presenting itself as a “news” source while they are only a tabloid source.

“FOX NEWS” should be sued for falsely representing them selves as “news” when they provide no actual unbiased “news”

FOX should either change their show's name to “FOX GOSIPE” or pay a fine of $5,000,000 for false representation to its audience & public.

Do you agree or not?
Not often I agree with the diarria spewing forth from the lips of a lunatic.
FOX “news” should be sued for $5,000,000

Pay the fine for falsely representing themselves as “news” and/or change their name of their tabloid to FOX GOSSIP”

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