Four Oath Keepers found guilty of seditous conspiracy.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Four Oath Keepers found guilty of seditous conspiracy.
Throughout history the US judicial system has saved the US government as outlined in the Constitution put together by the founding fathers from political foes want to bring it down.
The people who want to bring our system down scream that the judicial system is not fair. It is fair and it is the savior of the Republic.

Why do libs think we care about the oath keepers?...
Who said you did? And, You got a rat in your pocket? Who is "we"?

I personally think it is good news and had not heard or read it, as i have been out working on my fence project.
You libs keep posting crap about them as if you are causing us turmoil the Oath Keepers are retired cops and military many of which are democrat's..... they have been around for decades...
Anybody who experiences turmoil or expects others to experience turmoil based on message board posts really needs to get a life. Sounds like you’re reading too much into it. Why are you getting all defensive over what a band of maga criminals did
"Four more members of the Oath Keepers were convicted Monday of conspiracy to obstruct Congress’ Jan. 6 proceedings, bringing the number of members of the group found guilty by juries of felonies related to the Capitol attack to more than a dozen.

Jurors found Sandra Parker, Laura Steele, Connie Meggs and William Isaacs each guilty of the most significant charges they faced: conspiracy to obstruct Congress’ proceedings, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy to prevent a federal officer from discharging duties."


So much for the suggestion that it was just a bunch of befuddled TDS'rs on J6 (Trump's Duped & Snookered). A bunch of tourist. That it was legitimate political discourse.

That it was all 'spontaneous'. A 'demonstration'. A 'protest'.

Sedition ain't spontaneous.
Sedition ain't legitimate political discourse.
Tourists don't do sedition.

And the hits keep on coming:
Now it is the Proud Boys (Stand back and stand by).....whose turn it is in the 'Sedition' barrel. And breaking news today is that one of their leaders, Jeremy Pertimo, head of the PB's "Ministry of Self Defense" has plead guilty and will testify against his other Proud Boy conspirators.

"The jury in Washington's federal court has heard more than 30 days of testimony over more than two months by more than 20 prosecution witnesses, including two former Proud Boys members who are cooperating with the government in hopes of lighter sentences.

Tarrio, a Miami resident who served as national chairman of the group, and the other Proud Boys could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted of seditious conspiracy.

The case comes on the heels of the seditious conspiracy convictions of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and a Florida leader of the antigovernment group. Four other Oath Keepers were convicted of seditious conspiracy in January. Rhodes and other Oath Keepers are scheduled to be sentenced in May.

Also on trial with Tarrio and Biggs are Ethan Nordean, Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola."

"Prosecutors rest in sedition case against Proud Boys leaders

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