Former Houston police chief says proposed carry law in Texas lacks "common sense."


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Texass does it again. What is in the water down there? Are they trying to recreate old reruns of Gunsmoke? Anyone will be able to strap on their six shooter and parade around town. Just another repub Party stupid idea....

Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo, who used to lead the Houston Police Department, called a new measure approved by the Texas state Legislature that would allow people to carry handguns without a license "ridiculous" and urged Governor Greg Abbott to veto the bill.

"There's something that God gave us and that is common sense, and common sense tells us that that is ridiculous," Acevedo said in an interview with "Face the Nation" when asked about the legislation.

Transcript: Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo on "Face the Nation"
Abbott, a Republican, is expected to sign the measure approved by the GOP-led Legislature last week that further loosens gun restrictions in the state. The bill allows people to carry handguns in public without a license, background check or training.

While the measure is backed by the National Rifle Association, law enforcement groups and police chiefs in the state oppose the measure, known as "constitutional carry."

Acevedo said that while Republicans claim to support law enforcement, enacting this law would not help Texas police.

"They only support the blue in word. It's now time to support the blue in deed, by vetoing that bill," he said. "You're either with law enforcement or you stand with the fringe that believe that everybody should have a firearm regardless of their character, their capabilities or their mental capacity."

The move from the Texas Legislature comes as the nation sees an increase in crime, with homicides and aggravated assaults rising so far in 2021, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. Early Sunday, two people died and more than 20 were injured in a shooting outside a concert at a banquet hall in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Acevedo said the shooting is "an indication of the problem we have with the scourge of gun violence in this country that we need to do much more at a federal level to stop."

The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.

"We need the federal government and both sides to address this issue because without legislation, without certainty as it relates to holding these criminals accountable, we're never going to get through the summer without much more death and destruction," he said.

Acevedo also lamented the backlog of cases in the court system, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

Texass does it again. What is in the water down there? Are they trying to recreate old reruns of Gunsmoke? Anyone will be able to strap on their six shooter and parade around town. Just another repub Party stupid idea....
Alabama has had open carry since 2013 no wild West shoot outs here. So you are completely full of shit. By the way there is a back ground check when you purchase a handgun.

Texass does it again. What is in the water down there? Are they trying to recreate old reruns of Gunsmoke? Anyone will be able to strap on their six shooter and parade around town. Just another repub Party stupid idea....
Civil rights are not a stupid idea. The constitution says that our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It does not say only if we license the weapon and pass a totally arbitrary background check.
Texass does it again. What is in the water down there? Are they trying to recreate old reruns of Gunsmoke? Anyone will be able to strap on their six shooter and parade around town. Just another repub Party stupid idea....

Hey IDIOT, not one serial mass killer has ever been stopped or found by someone because of getting a gun license, background check or training.
The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.
no wild West shoot outs here.
Try searching "gun stores burglarized in Alabama"
So what does criminal activity have to do with open carry? Criminals are going to be criminals no matter what laws you pass.
The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.
no wild West shoot outs here.
Try searching "gun stores burglarized in Alabama"
So what does criminal activity have to do with open carry? Criminals are going to be criminals no matter what laws you pass.
You don't actually care about "wild west shootouts" occurring in Alabama. Got it.

Texass does it again. What is in the water down there? Are they trying to recreate old reruns of Gunsmoke? Anyone will be able to strap on their six shooter and parade around town. Just another repub Party stupid idea....

The dudes a hack,good riddance and good luck Miami.

Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo, who used to lead the Houston Police Department, called a new measure approved by the Texas state Legislature that would allow people to carry handguns without a license "ridiculous" and urged Governor Greg Abbott to veto the bill.

"There's something that God gave us and that is common sense, and common sense tells us that that is ridiculous," Acevedo said in an interview with "Face the Nation" when asked about the legislation.

Transcript: Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo on "Face the Nation"
Abbott, a Republican, is expected to sign the measure approved by the GOP-led Legislature last week that further loosens gun restrictions in the state. The bill allows people to carry handguns in public without a license, background check or training.

While the measure is backed by the National Rifle Association, law enforcement groups and police chiefs in the state oppose the measure, known as "constitutional carry."

Acevedo said that while Republicans claim to support law enforcement, enacting this law would not help Texas police.

"They only support the blue in word. It's now time to support the blue in deed, by vetoing that bill," he said. "You're either with law enforcement or you stand with the fringe that believe that everybody should have a firearm regardless of their character, their capabilities or their mental capacity."

The move from the Texas Legislature comes as the nation sees an increase in crime, with homicides and aggravated assaults rising so far in 2021, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. Early Sunday, two people died and more than 20 were injured in a shooting outside a concert at a banquet hall in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Acevedo said the shooting is "an indication of the problem we have with the scourge of gun violence in this country that we need to do much more at a federal level to stop."

The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.

"We need the federal government and both sides to address this issue because without legislation, without certainty as it relates to holding these criminals accountable, we're never going to get through the summer without much more death and destruction," he said.

Acevedo also lamented the backlog of cases in the court system, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic.
Another city destroyed.
You don't actually care about "wild west shootouts" occurring in Alabama. Got it.

I've heard that wild west theory so many times in my state.

The anti-gunners proposed that when our legislature introduced CCW's in our state.
When they moved to allow CCW holders to carry in their vehicle, they told us we would have out of control road rage.
When they got rid of the holster/ compartment law for carrying a firearm, they said it would lead to hot heads not having time to think before shooting.
When they applied the Castle Doctrine to our vehicles for CCW holders, they told us people would get killed simply for being near a car with an armed driver.
When they allowed us to carry in places that serve alcohol, they said we'd have nonstop bar shooting incidents by CCW holders; drunks with guns.

None of these things ever transpired. Democrats and anti-gunners have a terrible record at predicting the future.

Texass does it again. What is in the water down there? Are they trying to recreate old reruns of Gunsmoke? Anyone will be able to strap on their six shooter and parade around town. Just another repub Party stupid idea....

This is one time I actually agree with you and the left. I don't think it's a good idea for everybody to carry a gun. When you get licensed in my state, you have to go through 10 hours of class time. You have to have two hours range time. You have to pass a written test. You have to pass a target test. You have to get electronically fingerprinted. Your police and criminal records are investigated since the day you turned 18 years of age.

I've been to the gun range where some stupid kids were treating a gun like it was a toy. One time they shot a hole into the ceiling and just laughed like a couple of school girls. I don't want people like that carrying guns. People who go through the time, expense, and testing are generally people who are mature enough to handle carrying a firearm. We had to learn all the laws pertaining to using a firearm for self-defense, as well as demonstrate our knowledge and ability with firearms. No license means we will have some people who will carry even though they never shot a gun in their life or know any of the laws, and may end up killing an innocent.
The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.
no wild West shoot outs here.
Try searching "gun stores burglarized in Alabama"
So what does criminal activity have to do with open carry? Criminals are going to be criminals no matter what laws you pass.
You don't actually care about "wild west shootouts" occurring in Alabama. Got it.
Huh ? What ?
For the Chief of Police Preaching common sense, if law-abiding citizens comply with gun laws and criminals don’t, how much common sense is it to further restrict law-abiding citizens’ gun rights while criminals’ access to guns go unchanged?
For the Chief of Police Preaching common sense, if law-abiding citizens comply with gun laws and criminals don’t, how much common sense is it to further restrict law-abiding citizens’ gun rights while criminals’ access to guns go unchanged?

You can never change what a criminal does. That's why it makes no sense for gun control. But I don't think that having to get a gun license to insure a person is safe enough in public to carry and use a firearm is not that restrictive. A friend of mine has a son who got his teaching certificate, so we had the CCW class in my living room. I got a few boxes of doughnuts and made a couple pots of coffee. It was a blast. We learned a lot, got to exchange various gun self-defense stories, took a lunch break and we formed teams for some dart games. The next weekend, we went to the range, and that's always fun. I knew how to shoot a gun, but several others really didn't. They learned.

I usually only take my gun when it starts getting dark, or when I take a walk down the street. This is not a very safe area. But if I was in a store without my firearm and some lowlife tried to rob the place or us customers, I would be assured that if another person did have their gun to neutralize the situation, he was trained and knows how and when to use that weapon. If we had open carry, I would fear the criminal and the good guy.

Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo, who used to lead the Houston Police Department, called a new measure approved by the Texas state Legislature that would allow people to carry handguns without a license "ridiculous" and urged Governor Greg Abbott to veto the bill.

"There's something that God gave us and that is common sense, and common sense tells us that that is ridiculous," Acevedo said in an interview with "Face the Nation" when asked about the legislation.

Transcript: Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo on "Face the Nation"
Abbott, a Republican, is expected to sign the measure approved by the GOP-led Legislature last week that further loosens gun restrictions in the state. The bill allows people to carry handguns in public without a license, background check or training.

While the measure is backed by the National Rifle Association, law enforcement groups and police chiefs in the state oppose the measure, known as "constitutional carry."

Acevedo said that while Republicans claim to support law enforcement, enacting this law would not help Texas police.

"They only support the blue in word. It's now time to support the blue in deed, by vetoing that bill," he said. "You're either with law enforcement or you stand with the fringe that believe that everybody should have a firearm regardless of their character, their capabilities or their mental capacity."

The move from the Texas Legislature comes as the nation sees an increase in crime, with homicides and aggravated assaults rising so far in 2021, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. Early Sunday, two people died and more than 20 were injured in a shooting outside a concert at a banquet hall in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Acevedo said the shooting is "an indication of the problem we have with the scourge of gun violence in this country that we need to do much more at a federal level to stop."

The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.

"We need the federal government and both sides to address this issue because without legislation, without certainty as it relates to holding these criminals accountable, we're never going to get through the summer without much more death and destruction," he said.

Acevedo also lamented the backlog of cases in the court system, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic.
He is confused.

If the idiot wasn't so damn stupid he would know that background checks don't ever work to stop anybody from acquiring a firearm to be used for illegal purposes.

If the sonofabitch ever bother to read the Constitution that he swore to uphold then he would know that we don't need to get government permission to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and we don't need a shithead like him telling us that we have to get a goddamn license to keep and BEAR arms.

Good for Texas!
For the Chief of Police Preaching common sense, if law-abiding citizens comply with gun laws and criminals don’t, how much common sense is it to further restrict law-abiding citizens’ gun rights while criminals’ access to guns go unchanged?
The Chief:
Acevedo said {...} "You're either with law enforcement or you stand with the fringe that believe that everybody should have a firearm regardless of their character, their capabilities or their mental capacity."
Until "law-abiding citizens" and "criminals" come with clear labels attached, you have no way of knowing one from another. Hell, they could even be "criminal" one day and completely "law-abiding" the next. Tricksy weasels!

Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo, who used to lead the Houston Police Department, called a new measure approved by the Texas state Legislature that would allow people to carry handguns without a license "ridiculous" and urged Governor Greg Abbott to veto the bill.

"There's something that God gave us and that is common sense, and common sense tells us that that is ridiculous," Acevedo said in an interview with "Face the Nation" when asked about the legislation.

Transcript: Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo on "Face the Nation"
Abbott, a Republican, is expected to sign the measure approved by the GOP-led Legislature last week that further loosens gun restrictions in the state. The bill allows people to carry handguns in public without a license, background check or training.

While the measure is backed by the National Rifle Association, law enforcement groups and police chiefs in the state oppose the measure, known as "constitutional carry."

Acevedo said that while Republicans claim to support law enforcement, enacting this law would not help Texas police.

"They only support the blue in word. It's now time to support the blue in deed, by vetoing that bill," he said. "You're either with law enforcement or you stand with the fringe that believe that everybody should have a firearm regardless of their character, their capabilities or their mental capacity."

The move from the Texas Legislature comes as the nation sees an increase in crime, with homicides and aggravated assaults rising so far in 2021, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. Early Sunday, two people died and more than 20 were injured in a shooting outside a concert at a banquet hall in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Acevedo said the shooting is "an indication of the problem we have with the scourge of gun violence in this country that we need to do much more at a federal level to stop."

The Miami police chief called for lawmakers to "come out of their own corners" and work together to craft legislation to combat gun violence, which he said should require universal background checks and make burglarizing licensed gun stores a federal crime.

"We need the federal government and both sides to address this issue because without legislation, without certainty as it relates to holding these criminals accountable, we're never going to get through the summer without much more death and destruction," he said.

Acevedo also lamented the backlog of cases in the court system, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic.
The Miami trained seal talks much but says little

The bad guys are already carrying

They dont care about the law

Allowing the good guys to be armed also is only fair

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