Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

HOld on, I'm too busy laughing at this stupidity.

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Laughing at what stupidity, facts?

I think you're misunderstanding where I'm coming from. I don't have any moral convictions against marijuana. I really don't care that some states are legalizing it and I don't give two shits about people who smoke it. But at the end of the day, it is still a drug. And what do drugs do and why do people use them? To alter their perceptions and change their moods.

Everything I said about the effects of marijuana are facts you can find at just about any health or drug website on the topic, which is exactly where I got the info.
Oooh, grand theft cigar. Yup, that's a good reason to murder someone with his hands up.

He wasn't shot for stealing the cigars and what's more, you know this.

However, if he hadn't stolen the cigars, Wilson would not have seen them in his hands and therefore would not have tried to accost him and Brown would still be alive.
Who says he lied? Oh, that's right. The cops did.

You have already as much as acknowledged that Brown was inside the cruiser, albeit because you suppose Wilson pulled him inside or - as you even speculated once already - that Brown attacked Wilson because blacks are tired of cops giving them shit for minor offenses like jaywalking.

You have already tacitly acknowledged that Johnson lied or was incorrect so why are you arguing this point? All you're doing is contradicting yourself.
I'm saying he didn't need to be in the vehicle for his DNA to get inside once he had been shot. It's not like the windows were up. Blood splatters, it gets tracked, there's a dozen ways some blood could have gotten inside that cruiser...

You're forgetting (or deliberately overlooking) the fact that Brown attacked Wilson. They have pictures of the bruises and scratches on Wilson's face to prove it. Besides all that, if Wilson had fired from inside the cruiser while Brown was outside the vehicle, the blood would have splattered away from the vehicle. Unless you're suggesting that the laws of physics were suspended during those few seconds and that the blood sprayed in the opposite direction the force (bullet) was traveling, he was shot in the hand while inside the vehicle.
Not that any of it matters, as Brown was 160 feet away from the cruiser, wounded, barefoot, with his hands up when Wilson shot him six times and murdered him. Because he was angry. Not because he was in any danger.

As noted above, you already speculated Brown probably attacked because he was angry about blacks being harassed. So if it's true Wilson was angry, it's also true that Brown was as well.
I did. It was just not the answer you wanted to hear. We keep playing this game, it's tiresome.

No, you did not. All you said was that Brown can't buy liquor.

At this point, your refusal to answer the question tells me that you indeed know that he was an adult in the eyes of the law. You just don't want to acknowledge the fact to me as you would be conceding the point.
Why not? The actual cost of labor is a very small part. If you increased the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, it would make a Big Mac cost an extra 17 cents.

Even if what you say is true, restaurants will simply hire fewer servers or start using part time or temp workers to lower overhead costs. If they mandate a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage then businesses will simply look for ways to lower those costs to maintain the level of profit and millions will lose their jobs. That is the stark reality people like you are overlooking.
Oh, I agree, enhanced unemployment is making it easier to avoid these dead end jobs,

So to avoid dead end jobs, the solution is the even bigger dead end of staying home and doing nothing?
but you won't see a rush of people going back to them. The nice effect of Covid is it got people to realize just how little their bosses value them in some cases.

You're overgeneralizing and oversimplifying again. You can't expect me to believe that of the millions of people staying home, every single one of them had a dead end job or a boss who didn't value them.

I am not so naive as you are as to completely discount the fact that people can be lazy fucks.
A couple were. But it was usually because a fellow employee ratted them out, not that these overpriced PI's caught them doing anything.

Do you know this for a fact or are you just trying to win a point? Knowing you, I'm betting on the latter.
Actually, it's completely uncomassionate.. It's actually built on a lack of compassion and decency.

That's the way the world works. The world is neither fair nor unfair, compassionate nor uncompassionate. Survival of the fittest.

Funny thing about survival of the fittest is that you can even see it operating in socialist, fascist and communist systems.

Another Brazil socialist labor factoid. One of their labor laws dictates that when an employee is fired for any reason, the company is required by law to pay them six months salary. This does not apply if the employee quits. So what do some Brazilians do? If they want to move on to a better paying job or another company or whatever, they deliberately do things to get themselves fired. They even ask their current employers outright to fire them and falsify the documents as to the reason for termination.

I even had a cook of mine request (through the translator) that I fire him so he could get the severance pay and go to another company that he wanted to work for.

Bottom line: employees can be even bigger crooks than the companies they work for and capitalism has nothing to do with it.
It assumes the worst people will do something for the worst reason, and have a good result. So Amazon workers are criminally underpaid and Bezos is flying into space in his Dick Rocket.

The problem here is that you assume that all capitalists are the worst people doing things for the worst reasons. Another problem is that you're too fucking stupid, one dimensional and blind to see that the same things happen in socialist systems. You're also too fucking stupid, one dimensional and blind to see that there are countless companies out there who value their employees.
Well, that and common sense. Like some racist cop is not going to shout obscenities at a black kid.

Irrelevant. Johnson was still wrong. If he was wrong about Brown not having been inside the cruiser, I'm most certainly not going to accept his word on this. He very clearly demonstrated that he was not objective or completely honest.
Except none of them did.... and the "investigation" was a cover up from start to finish.

Even the DOJ's investigation?
How many times did we have cases where the police made claims that were later refuted by video?

This is why I think we need to put a body cam on every last one of these fuckers.

"...every last one of these fuckers"? You've already acknowledged that most cops are good cops but now they're all "fuckers".

It's quite clear by now that when you say things like not all cops are bad, all you're doing is paying lip service.
This is true, and that's because a McDonald's restaurant sells 1,000 hamburgers a day, 700 breakfast items, 2,000 soft drinks and coffee. That loss can be spread out to the point most customers won't notice or care.

But Bob of Bob's hardware store doesn't sell 600 hammers, 20 lawnmowers, 300 screwdrivers, 500 lbs of nails and screws a day. Bob has to greatly increase the cost of the products he does sell everyday to make up that loss.

Bob usually only hires one or two guy, and a hardware store is selling a lot more than a $5.00 transaction. if anything, they need to pay more because they need more technical expertise and do a lot more upselling.

They are, but in most cases the video helps the officer and not the criminal. The only coverup is in your head. Zero evidence as usual that your claim has any merit. Most of the witnesses lied, the others were found to be lying, and only the witnesses that testified to Wilson's real actions lined up with the evidence. No coverup.
So all those people lied, even though they had no real reason to...
Or Wilson did, because he knows what they do to cops in prison.

Occam's razor, buddy. Simplest explanation is usually the right one.

We don't have the highest for one. Two, our country is very diverse unfortunately, something other European countries don't have to deal with. People of color are naturally more violent and criminal than people who are not. The more people of color, the more violent crime you have to deal with. Before you say it's racist to say that, there is nothing racist about statistics.

First, other countries like the UK are diverse.... and they have nowhere near our murder or other crime rates. They don't have crime like we do because they treat addiction as a medical problem, they don't let every fucking idiot in the country have a gun, they have extensive social programs so that poor people don't have to make the "Steal or Starve" decision.

I've said all along Bush was complicit as well, but he didn't start this idiotic plan. Why should he? Blacks typically don't vote Republican. There was nothing in it for him or the Republicans. Bush wanted to allow people to use a portion of their SS contributions to put into an IRA, why couldn't he get that passed if it was so easy?
Well, he couldn't get THAT passed because it was a really, really retarded idea. Even Republicans realized that.

Jesus, imagine that happening and then the 2008 recession hit. People would have been wiped out.

To the point, though, Bush didn't really try to reform housing because he knew housing was the only thing creating the illusion of prosperity in his otherwise shit economy. So he let the banks and the builders keep financing those McMansions.

I'm talking about the tech bubble, not the housing bubble.
Tech Bubble didn't cause the 2008 recession. It didn't even really cause the 2001 recession, that had more to do with overproduction and increased inventories of goods.

I never knew any kid that robbed a store, walked down the middle of the street high as a kite, attack a police officer and try to disarm him. Not one kid in our entire school system.

That's true.. because cops didn't escalate jaywalking into lethal events with white kids... they still don't.
I think you're misunderstanding where I'm coming from. I don't have any moral convictions against marijuana. I really don't care that some states are legalizing it and I don't give two shits about people who smoke it. But at the end of the day, it is still a drug. And what do drugs do and why do people use them? To alter their perceptions and change their moods.

Everything I said about the effects of marijuana are facts you can find at just about any health or drug website on the topic, which is exactly where I got the info.

He wasn't shot for stealing the cigars and what's more, you know this.

However, if he hadn't stolen the cigars, Wilson would not have seen them in his hands and therefore would not have tried to accost him and Brown would still be alive.
He didn't steal cigars but he totally deserve to be shot for stealing cigars. Got it.

We know you are really invested in this black child's murder.

You have already as much as acknowledged that Brown was inside the cruiser, albeit because you suppose Wilson pulled him inside or - as you even speculated once already - that Brown attacked Wilson because blacks are tired of cops giving them shit for minor offenses like jaywalking.

You have already tacitly acknowledged that Johnson lied or was incorrect so why are you arguing this point? All you're doing is contradicting yourself.

Nobody lied except Wilson.

But we know you are invested in the murder of this black child.

You're forgetting (or deliberately overlooking) the fact that Brown attacked Wilson. They have pictures of the bruises and scratches on Wilson's face to prove it.

No, it just proved he was in a fight. A fight he started.

Besides all that, if Wilson had fired from inside the cruiser while Brown was outside the vehicle, the blood would have splattered away from the vehicle. Unless you're suggesting that the laws of physics were suspended during those few seconds and that the blood sprayed in the opposite direction the force (bullet) was traveling, he was shot in the hand while inside the vehicle.

I'm suggesting that he shot this kid and age splattered everywhere.

As noted above, you already speculated Brown probably attacked because he was angry about blacks being harassed. So if it's true Wilson was angry, it's also true that Brown was as well.
I know you are invested in the murder of this child.

Wilson is supposed to be the professional who doesn't lose his cool.

No, you did not. All you said was that Brown can't buy liquor.

At this point, your refusal to answer the question tells me that you indeed know that he was an adult in the eyes of the law. You just don't want to acknowledge the fact to me as you would be conceding the point.
I know you are invested in the murder of this child.

Even if what you say is true, restaurants will simply hire fewer servers or start using part time or temp workers to lower overhead costs. If they mandate a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage then businesses will simply look for ways to lower those costs to maintain the level of profit and millions will lose their jobs. That is the stark reality people like you are overlooking.

They do that no matter what the minimum wage is. I know the fast food places keep trying to roll out automated tellers. People don't use them because most people have a hard time programming their cell phones.

So to avoid dead end jobs, the solution is the even bigger dead end of staying home and doing nothing?
You miss the point of unemployment altogether. It's called "Unemployment insurance" to make sure people don't waste their skills by taking dead end jobs every time they are out of work.

You're overgeneralizing and oversimplifying again. You can't expect me to believe that of the millions of people staying home, every single one of them had a dead end job or a boss who didn't value them.

I am not so naive as you are as to completely discount the fact that people can be lazy fucks.
People who loved their jobs couldn't wait to get back to work.

What I am seeing now that Trump Plague is over is people are realizing how much their employers mistreated them and they are looking to move on.

Do you know this for a fact or are you just trying to win a point? Knowing you, I'm betting on the latter.
I know this for a fact because I was there. The times that employees were fired for stealing was usually because another employee caught them doing something.

That's the way the world works. The world is neither fair nor unfair, compassionate nor uncompassionate. Survival of the fittest.
We aren't animals, and most of our rich couldn't live in a survival of the fittest world. Put Trump or Bezos in the Ghetto for a week without the body guards, you'd see how long they last.

The problem is, of course, is our system protects the rich, because they buy the politicians. This is how the 2008 Recession cured me of Republican stupidity. The banks got bailouts, and screwed those of us with higher mortgage rates and foreclosures and fees to make up their losses. Not a one of those fuckers went to jail.

2008 had just enough socialism to keep people from breaking out the guillotines.

The problem here is that you assume that all capitalists are the worst people doing things for the worst reasons. Another problem is that you're too fucking stupid, one dimensional and blind to see that the same things happen in socialist systems. You're also too fucking stupid, one dimensional and blind to see that there are countless companies out there who value their employees.
Really? I haven't worked for one. Every company that I've worked for in the last 30 years didn't give a shit about their employees.

Even the DOJ's investigation?
Yup. Their goal was to bury this because they didn't want to get involved in a federal prosecution after a state prosecution gave the guy a pass. These agencies have their own agenda, as Trump and Obama have both found out.

"...every last one of these fuckers"? You've already acknowledged that most cops are good cops but now they're all "fuckers".

It's quite clear by now that when you say things like not all cops are bad, all you're doing is paying lip service.

No, I'm just a realist. Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You give a guy a badge and a gun, 99% of the time, he might do the right thing and that 1% of the time, he will abuse it.

So put a camera on every last one of those fuckers...
Bob usually only hires one or two guy, and a hardware store is selling a lot more than a $5.00 transaction. if anything, they need to pay more because they need more technical expertise and do a lot more upselling.

Sounds like you haven't been in a hardware store in a long time. I go them at least once a week if not more. No, there are no hardware stores operated by two or three people. In any case, losses need to be recouped and the only way to do that is with huge price increases. That creates inflation and increased cost of living. Nobody is ahead, it just makes you leftists feel good and then blame the jobs leaving on the evil rich guy instead of yourselves.

So all those people lied, even though they had no real reason to...
Or Wilson did, because he knows what they do to cops in prison.

Occam's razor, buddy. Simplest explanation is usually the right one.

Apparently all those people did lie by their own admission or their stories didn't line up. A police officer like an armed citizen has the same rights. You are legally permitted to use deadly force against an attacker (armed or not) that presents you or others with the threat of serious bodily harm or death. Only a crazed maniac would think of attacking anybody holding a gun on them. This was a violent animal we are talking about here that was twice the officers size. He was rightfully gunned down in the process of his attempted second attack against the officer.

First, other countries like the UK are diverse.... and they have nowhere near our murder or other crime rates. They don't have crime like we do because they treat addiction as a medical problem, they don't let every fucking idiot in the country have a gun, they have extensive social programs so that poor people don't have to make the "Steal or Starve" decision.

You pulled that diverse UK shit before and I posted the link showing that most of their diversity is from European countries, not people of color.

Well, he couldn't get THAT passed because it was a really, really retarded idea. Even Republicans realized that.

Jesus, imagine that happening and then the 2008 recession hit. People would have been wiped out.

To the point, though, Bush didn't really try to reform housing because he knew housing was the only thing creating the illusion of prosperity in his otherwise shit economy. So he let the banks and the builders keep financing those McMansions.

In 2008 my IRA did just fine, in fact better. If we allowed a portion to be privately invested, it would have to be with a successful reputable company in a conservative account like I have. What they were really scared of is if people seen how their money grew in their private IRA, they would keep demanding a higher and higher percentage be allowed. Eventually down the road, people would be pushing to just get rid of SS almost entirely. That's what they were scared of.

That's true.. because cops didn't escalate jaywalking into lethal events with white kids... they still don't.

No, it's because we grew up in a more religious environment in two parent households where Dad would beat you for weeks for disobeying an officer of the law yet alone attack him. We were taught to always listen to the orders of a police officer. Police don't escalate situations, only the criminal does. Police merely react properly to those escalations.

People who loved their jobs couldn't wait to get back to work.

What I am seeing now that Trump Plague is over is people are realizing how much their employers mistreated them and they are looking to move on.

But they aren't moving on. They are getting paid not to move on. And the Biden plague that so far left us with 200,000 dead Americans since he took over is far from over. They are even instituting face masks again in commie states. Are these people getting any kind of job training with all this time and money on their hands? Are they trying to improve themselves in any way? Of course not. When the gravy train finally ends, they will continue to use dope, not get any kind of well paying employment, and you on the left will be crying to increase minimum wage.
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So much for that.
He didn't steal cigars but he totally deserve to be shot for stealing cigars. Got it.

The store owner knows better than you whether Brown stole the cigars or not and he's the one who called the cops. Ergo, I'm going with the word of the person who actually owned the cigars. Besides, the store video proves Brown stole them.
Nobody lied except Wilson.

I also said "...or (Johnson) was incorrect...". Given that you have already acknowledged that Brown was inside the cruiser (albeit because he was angry about blacks being harassed) you're going to have to admit that Johnson lied or was incorrect. Or, if you're unwilling to do that much, you're going to have to fabricate a whole new narrative to explain how Wilson got the bruises and scratches on his face.
No, it just proved he was in a fight. A fight he started.

Nope. It only proves Wilson was in a physical altercation. It does not prove that he started it.
I'm suggesting that he shot this kid and age splattered everywhere.

"...age splattered everywhere."? What the hell does that mean?
I know you are invested in the murder of this child.

Good comeback.
Wilson is supposed to be the professional who doesn't lose his cool.

And Brown is supposed to be the good citizen who doesn't steal and attack people.

If Wilson is expected to behave professionally then Brown, just like everyone else, is expected to obey the law.
I know you are invested in the murder of this child.

Another good comeback. Keep it up, they're getting better.
They do that no matter what the minimum wage is. I know the fast food places keep trying to roll out automated tellers. People don't use them because most people have a hard time programming their cell phones.

Exactly my point.
You miss the point of unemployment altogether. It's called "Unemployment insurance" to make sure people don't waste their skills by taking dead end jobs every time they are out of work.

Bullshit. The government doesn't give two shits about people "wasting their skills" you idiot. Unemployment insurance is meant to insure you against insolvency so you can continue to pay rent and feed yourself until you find another job, dead end or not.
People who loved their jobs couldn't wait to get back to work.

People who love being self sufficient couldn't wait to get back to work.
What I am seeing now that Trump Plague is over is people are realizing how much their employers mistreated them and they are looking to move on.

So why aren't they moving on?
I know this for a fact because I was there. The times that employees were fired for stealing was usually because another employee caught them doing something.

So then the company's suspicions were correct, weren't they?
We aren't animals, and most of our rich couldn't live in a survival of the fittest world. Put Trump or Bezos in the Ghetto for a week without the body guards, you'd see how long they last.

People like Trump and Bezos took the steps necessary to keep themselves out of the ghetto. Surviving in the ghetto is not the goal, getting out of the ghetto and staying out is the goal. Ergo, Trump and Bezos have proven themselves more fit to survive (succeed and prosper) and avoid the ghetto than people who remain in the ghetto.
The problem is, of course, is our system protects the rich, because they buy the politicians. This is how the 2008 Recession cured me of Republican stupidity. The banks got bailouts, and screwed those of us with higher mortgage rates and foreclosures and fees to make up their losses. Not a one of those fuckers went to jail.
2008 had just enough socialism to keep people from breaking out the guillotines.

The people buying these homes were just as much at fault. I don't know all that much about the 2008 recession but I heard enough to know that too many people were buying homes they couldn't afford and the massive number of foreclosures is what precipitated the collapse.
Really? I haven't worked for one. Every company that I've worked for in the last 30 years didn't give a shit about their employees.

That might say more about your own choices then anything else.

The company I work for has always cared more about their employees than most others in this industry. This industry has seen many downturns in the 37 years I've been with them and while a lot of other companies resorted to layoffs and pay cuts, our company always avoided these things and they've always been one of the top payers.

None of this is to say I never had any complaints about certain things but I'm convinced I've fared much better here than I would have anywhere else.
Yup. Their goal was to bury this because they didn't want to get involved in a federal prosecution after a state prosecution gave the guy a pass. These agencies have their own agenda, as Trump and Obama have both found out.

The state prosecution didn't give the guy a pass, they simply handed it to a grand jury because the prosecutor knew that, even if the evidence supported Wilson and justification for the shooting, he and the office would have been vilified by people whose only interest was revenge against a white officer. It seems he was correct in this assumption since people like you have lied and twisted everything about this case from the beginning.
No, I'm just a realist. Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You give a guy a badge and a gun, 99% of the time, he might do the right thing and that 1% of the time, he will abuse it.

So put a camera on every last one of those fuckers...

And what about those who never do abuse it?
Sounds like you haven't been in a hardware store in a long time. I go them at least once a week if not more. No, there are no hardware stores operated by two or three people. In any case, losses need to be recouped and the only way to do that is with huge price increases. That creates inflation and increased cost of living. Nobody is ahead, it just makes you leftists feel good and then blame the jobs leaving on the evil rich guy instead of yourselves.

I agree, the local hardware store has largely been replaced by the Home Depot, the Ace Hardware and the other chains, where you try to get help and usually, they all scatter and hide when they see a customer.

Apparently all those people did lie by their own admission or their stories didn't line up. A police officer like an armed citizen has the same rights. You are legally permitted to use deadly force against an attacker (armed or not) that presents you or others with the threat of serious bodily harm or death. Only a crazed maniac would think of attacking anybody holding a gun on them. This was a violent animal we are talking about here that was twice the officers size. He was rightfully gunned down in the process of his attempted second attack against the officer.
Uh, guy, a wounded, barefoot, unarmed kid with his hand up is not a threat. Unless you think Negros have super powers.

You pulled that diverse UK shit before and I posted the link showing that most of their diversity is from European countries, not people of color.
Actually, the population of the UK is 87% white compared to 70% for the US. They have plenty of minorities, but nowhere near the crime rates.

In 2008 my IRA did just fine, in fact better.
You live in a slum and collect welfare... that's not doing fine.

No, it's because we grew up in a more religious environment in two parent households where Dad would beat you for weeks for disobeying an officer of the law yet alone attack him. We were taught to always listen to the orders of a police officer. Police don't escalate situations, only the criminal does. Police merely react properly to those escalations.

Yeah, so when they shoot a child or draw down on a commissioned army officer for a "Driving While Black", they fuckers had it coming. Got it.

I'm sure you'll come up with excuses for thee cops, too.

But they aren't moving on. They are getting paid not to move on. And the Biden plague that so far left us with 200,000 dead Americans since he took over is far from over. They are even instituting face masks again in commie states. Are these people getting any kind of job training with all this time and money on their hands? Are they trying to improve themselves in any way? Of course not. When the gravy train finally ends, they will continue to use dope, not get any kind of well paying employment, and you on the left will be crying to increase minimum wage.

Ray, you are projecting again... Just because you are happy being on welfare no one else is.

For Covid Deaths, even with the Delta Variant, we are only losing about 300 a day.. much better than we were losing 3000 a day under Trump.
The store owner knows better than you whether Brown stole the cigars or not and he's the one who called the cops. Ergo, I'm going with the word of the person who actually owned the cigars. Besides, the store video proves Brown stole them.

Except the store owner didn't call the cops. Probably because he didn't want to explain why his employees were trading pot for product. Not that trading pot or shoplifting or pushing Apu into the chip rack were serious enough offenses to justify the shooting, even if Wilson knew about them.

I also said "...or (Johnson) was incorrect...". Given that you have already acknowledged that Brown was inside the cruiser (albeit because he was angry about blacks being harassed) you're going to have to admit that Johnson lied or was incorrect. Or, if you're unwilling to do that much, you're going to have to fabricate a whole new narrative to explain how Wilson got the bruises and scratches on his face.
Except IF he was in the cruiser at all, it was because WIlson tried to pull him in.
But we know you are invested in the murder of this black child.

And Brown is supposed to be the good citizen who doesn't steal and attack people.
Is he being paid to not do that?

If Wilson is expected to behave professionally then Brown, just like everyone else, is expected to obey the law.
Wilson is a trained professional being paid by the taxpayers... that he lost his cool and shot an unarmed kid is the problem here.

But we know you are invested in the murder of this black child.

Bullshit. The government doesn't give two shits about people "wasting their skills" you idiot. Unemployment insurance is meant to insure you against insolvency so you can continue to pay rent and feed yourself until you find another job, dead end or not.

Um, no... the purpose was always to protect the value of training provided to employees. That's why employers are paying it and not workers. You see, before Republicans fucked it up, unemployment was meant to cover people during layoffs. it was always expected that you'd go back to work at your old employer. Now they lay a bunch of people off and then try to hire people for cheaper.

So why aren't they moving on?
They are. Most of the resume customers I am getting now are people who don't want to go back to their old employers, because of the shitty way most of them acted during TRUMP PLAGUE.

So then the company's suspicions were correct, weren't they?
Uh. No, one of the people they caught was someone they had promoted to a shift supervisor. He used his codes to come in on saturday and fill up his car with product. An employee turned him in, not the very expensive private eye we all made.

People like Trump and Bezos took the steps necessary to keep themselves out of the ghetto. Surviving in the ghetto is not the goal, getting out of the ghetto and staying out is the goal. Ergo, Trump and Bezos have proven themselves more fit to survive (succeed and prosper) and avoid the ghetto than people who remain in the ghetto.
Trump was born rich, because his father routinely cheated his tenants.

But as usual you miss the point. "Survival of the fittest" are usually white people who couldn't stand adversity. Some fucking Karen who wants to talk to your manager doesn't get why the black people are upset they can't drive to the store without some fascist with a badge hassling them.

The people buying these homes were just as much at fault. I don't know all that much about the 2008 recession but I heard enough to know that too many people were buying homes they couldn't afford and the massive number of foreclosures is what precipitated the collapse.

Except the banks were the ones who should have said, "You can barely make the payments with your salary, and this is more house than you really need. You don't need four bedrooms with only three people. " Nope, the banks SOLD people on getting in over their heads.

That might say more about your own choices then anything else.
Nope. Frankly, I made all the right choices. I even went above and beyond, like serving my country.

The company I work for has always cared more about their employees than most others in this industry. This industry has seen many downturns in the 37 years I've been with them and while a lot of other companies resorted to layoffs and pay cuts, our company always avoided these things and they've always been one of the top payers.
Uh, huh.... Sounds like some stockholm syndrome to me.

The state prosecution didn't give the guy a pass, they simply handed it to a grand jury because the prosecutor knew that, even if the evidence supported Wilson and justification for the shooting, he and the office would have been vilified by people whose only interest was revenge against a white officer. It seems he was correct in this assumption since people like you have lied and twisted everything about this case from the beginning.

He did a lot more than that. he let Wilson make a self-serving statement without challenge. Most suspects don't testify in front of Grand Juries because they don't get a lawyer and the prosecutors tear them a new one. The old Law and Order joke is you can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich.

But we know you are invested in the murder of this black child.

And what about those who never do abuse it?

What about them?
Except the store owner didn't call the cops. Probably because he didn't want to explain why his employees were trading pot for product. Not that trading pot or shoplifting or pushing Apu into the chip rack were serious enough offenses to justify the shooting, even if Wilson knew about them.

Only a leftist can look into the eyes of Jesus Christ and lie to him. You obey to your master very well.

Except IF he was in the cruiser at all, it was because WIlson tried to pull him in.

Yes, we see police do that all the time; sit in their cruiser and try to pull suspects into the car.

Except the banks were the ones who should have said, "You can barely make the payments with your salary, and this is more house than you really need. You don't need four bedrooms with only three people. " Nope, the banks SOLD people on getting in over their heads.

Yes, they could have refused the loans, but then they wouldn't be able to sell them off in the market like most loans are. You have to abide by government standards if you want to sell the loan, and it's the government that created the standards of giving un-credit worthy applicants house loans.
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Uh, guy, a wounded, barefoot, unarmed kid with his hand up is not a threat. Unless you think Negros have super powers.

He didn't have his arms up but only for one second. He put them down, charged at the officer, and he had no choice but to fire.

Actually, the population of the UK is 87% white compared to 70% for the US. They have plenty of minorities, but nowhere near the crime rates.

Not people of color.

You live in a slum and collect welfare... that's not doing fine.

What does where I live have to do with my IRA? Just because you gave your money to Harry at Harry's barber shop to invest and lost your ass doesn't mean most people did. Those of us that had a conservative growth account with a very reputable investment company did just fine.

Yeah, so when they shoot a child or draw down on a commissioned army officer for a "Driving While Black", they fuckers had it coming. Got it.

Listen to the orders of a police officer and you'll never have a problem.

Ray, you are projecting again... Just because you are happy being on welfare no one else is.

For Covid Deaths, even with the Delta Variant, we are only losing about 300 a day.. much better than we were losing 3000 a day under Trump.

They are very happy getting paid more by government than working. That's why there's an employee shortage with a 5.9% unemployment rate. But as we predicted before Dementia got into office, the Democrats are fucking this country up so badly it may take years to fix it back up after we kick them out. 200,000 dead because Biden Fd up covid response, gasoline more expensive and expected to get worse, our border a mess where we have people coming in from over 100 different countries, spreading covid they have from coast to coast. So what are the commies doing about it? They are forming a 1/6 commission to try and keep the invasion alive until 2022 because they are working to destroy this country and know we are very aware of it. Our Capital looks like a war zone over six months later.
Except the store owner didn't call the cops.

Somebody called the cops or the call would have never gone out on the police net. So if it wasn't the store owner or one of the clerks, who do you think called the police?

Besides all that, Andy Patel, the store's co-owner, denied that his clerks traded dope for cigars anyway.
Probably because he didn't want to explain why his employees were trading pot for product. Not that trading pot or shoplifting or pushing Apu into the chip rack were serious enough offenses to justify the shooting, even if Wilson knew about them.

Who or what is "Apu"?
Except IF he was in the cruiser at all, it was because WIlson tried to pull him in.

Of course he was in the cruiser, dumbass. Not a single witness (even the ones who lied) gave any kind of testimony to suggest that Wilson and Brown tussled outside the vehicle. Therefore, Wilson got the bruises and scratches inside the cruiser which means Johnson lied or was incorrect.
Is he being paid to not do that?

I wasn't aware that people are supposed to be paid to obey the law.
Wilson is a trained professional being paid by the taxpayers... that he lost his cool and shot an unarmed kid is the problem here.

He shot a man who assaulted and then threatened him, just as his training required him to do.
Um, no... the purpose was always to protect the value of training provided to employees. That's why employers are paying it and not workers. You see, before Republicans fucked it up, unemployment was meant to cover people during layoffs. it was always expected that you'd go back to work at your old employer. Now they lay a bunch of people off and then try to hire people for cheaper.

First, employers are required by law to pay unemployment insurance. Second, they pay for unemployment insurance AND workers. So your comment that they "pay for it (unemployment insurance) and not workers" is incorrect.
They are.

The thousands of understaffed businesses across the country suggests that they are not.
Most of the resume customers I am getting now are people who don't want to go back to their old employers, because of the shitty way most of them acted during TRUMP PLAGUE.

Put a rein on your Trump obsession for one minute, he has nothing to do with this. If these people were shitty during the pandemic, they would have been shitty anyway.
Uh. No, one of the people they caught was someone they had promoted to a shift supervisor. He used his codes to come in on saturday and fill up his car with product. An employee turned him in, not the very expensive private eye we all made.

So again, expensive private eyes or not, the company's suspicions that employees might steal from them were correct, yes?

It is quite telling that you are more critical of the company that paid a lot of money to a private eye on suspicion that they were being robbed than of the crook who stole from the company thus confirming the company's suspicions that they were being robbed. Jesus, what a joke you are.
Trump was born rich, because his father routinely cheated his tenants.

But as usual you miss the point. "Survival of the fittest" are usually white people who couldn't stand adversity. Some fucking Karen who wants to talk to your manager doesn't get why the black people are upset they can't drive to the store without some fascist with a badge hassling them.

Irrelevant and conjecture.
Except the banks were the ones who should have said, "You can barely make the payments with your salary, and this is more house than you really need. You don't need four bedrooms with only three people. " Nope, the banks SOLD people on getting in over their heads.

I said that the people buying these homes were "just as much at fault". Basic English comprehension should tell you that this does not absolve the banks for their part in it. With your horrible reading comprehension skills, I find it hard to believe you write resumes.

The banks were stupid and reckless to sell homes to people who could ill afford them and the people buying were stupid and reckless for buying homes they could ill afford.
Nope. Frankly, I made all the right choices. I even went above and beyond, like serving my country.

So are you now saying that working for companies you came to despise were the right choices for you?
Uh, huh.... Sounds like some stockholm syndrome to me.

And by this remark, can I assume you don't believe anyone can be happy with their employer?
He did a lot more than that. he let Wilson make a self-serving statement without challenge. Most suspects don't testify in front of Grand Juries because they don't get a lawyer and the prosecutors tear them a new one. The old Law and Order joke is you can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich.

Wilson made a statement as required by the proceedings. "Self serving" is your subjective opinion.
What about them?

"What about them"? Can you acknowledge that there are officers who do not abuse their power? If so, do they fall under your blanket appellation of "fuckers"?
What I am seeing now that Trump Plague is over is people are realizing how much their employers mistreated them and they are looking to move on.

We aren't animals, and most of our rich couldn't live in a survival of the fittest world. Put Trump or Bezos in the Ghetto for a week without the body guards, you'd see how long they last.

The problem is, of course, is our system protects the rich, because they buy the politicians. This is how the 2008 Recession cured me of Republican stupidity. The banks got bailouts, and screwed those of us with higher mortgage rates and foreclosures and fees to make up their losses. Not a one of those fuckers went to jail.

2008 had just enough socialism to keep people from breaking out the guillotines.

Really? I haven't worked for one. Every company that I've worked for in the last 30 years didn't give a shit about their employees

Sucks for you. Maybe the problem is with you. It couldn’t possibly be that militant “everyone is out to get me and owes me for everything” attitude could it?

But as usual you miss the point. "Survival of the fittest" are usually white people who couldn't stand adversity. Some fucking Karen who wants to talk to your manager doesn't get why the black people are upset they can't drive to the store without some fascist with a badge hassling them

Boo freakin’ hoo. What a load of crap. Yeah, black people can’t drive to the store without getting pulled over. What a joke you you are.

Except the banks were the ones who should have said, "You can barely make the payments with your salary, and this is more house than you really need. You don't need four bedrooms with only three people. " Nope, the banks SOLD people on getting in over their heads.

Do some reasearch. This was caused by Clinton. Loan restrictions were loosened to help those that couldn’t previously qualify for home loans. Banks took advantage of the situation, no doubt, by taking risky loans and then selling them off. If it weren’t for you bleeding hearts, this wouldn’t have occurred in the first place.

Uh, huh.... Sounds like some stockholm syndrome to me.

Yeah, because it is impossible for a person to enjoy where they work and respect their employer. Like I said above, the problem is likely with YOU, not your employers.
Sucks for you. Maybe the problem is with you. It couldn’t possibly be that militant “everyone is out to get me and owes me for everything” attitude could it?
Nope. Realizing that my enemy is my enemy is just realism. You have an economic system based on rewarded awful behavior by awful people for awful reasons, you will get awful results.

Let's leave my own work history to the side (where I've really only been downsized because of recessions or the company going out of business, and I've quit as many jobs as I've been fired from.)

Let's look at some of the shitty behavior I've seen directed towards others.

I saw a guy fired once because a manager was fucking his ex-girlfriend.
I saw another woman fired because she was gay. (This is one of the jobs I quit, largely because of this incident)
The Company I worked for when I got out of the Army, they lied to us for six months about the intention to close down our branch, then streeted us all with no warning.
I knew a lady who was let go so that a manager could create a job for one of his drinking buddies.

This is the kind of shit that happens when you give up all your rights as a worker and let the rich run roughshod over you.

Boo freakin’ hoo. What a load of crap. Yeah, black people can’t drive to the store without getting pulled over. What a joke you you are.

A new study, undertaken by Ravi Shroff, an assistant professor holding joint appointments at NYU Steinhardt and NYU CUSP, and his colleagues at the Stanford Open Policing Project, found that in a dataset of nearly 100 million traffic stops across the United States, black drivers were about 20 percent more likely to be stopped than white drivers relative to their share of the residential population.

The study also found that once stopped, black drivers were searched about 1.5 to 2 times as often as white drivers, while they were less likely to be carrying drugs, guns, or other illegal contraband compared to their white peers.

Do some reasearch. This was caused by Clinton. Loan restrictions were loosened to help those that couldn’t previously qualify for home loans. Banks took advantage of the situation, no doubt, by taking risky loans and then selling them off. If it weren’t for you bleeding hearts, this wouldn’t have occurred in the first place.
I did some research. The claim that Clinton had anything to do with this is hate radio bullshit.

Nobody forced a bank to make a bad loan, but the thing was, the only thing the CRA did was prevent banks from redlining certain neighborhoods or people.

The problem was that the banks made all these loans to white people buying McMansions, who saw their houses as a short term investment to "flip".

Yeah, because it is impossible for a person to enjoy where they work and respect their employer. Like I said above, the problem is likely with YOU, not your employers.

Nope, pretty sure it's them. I actually did okay, until I got tired of the rat race and started my own business. I mean, again, not topping your accomplishment of being named Head Possum Catcher...

Yup. So what.

The Zionists are racist scum, fuck 'em.

BLM protested peacefully for about 10 years, starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Then they realized an important fact. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
BLM does not protest they riot and Martin was not murdered
Somebody called the cops or the call would have never gone out on the police net. So if it wasn't the store owner or one of the clerks, who do you think called the police?

Besides all that, Andy Patel, the store's co-owner, denied that his clerks traded dope for cigars anyway.

I'm sure Apu did deny it... but the fact the question even had to be asked when the earlier video tape of his employees doing EXACTLY that is telling. Apu isn't the guy who called it in, though. One of the customers did.

He shot a man who assaulted and then threatened him, just as his training required him to do.

Then his training sucks... Although "I followed my Training" ranks right up there with "I was only following orders". We hanged Nazis for that bullshit.

First, employers are required by law to pay unemployment insurance. Second, they pay for unemployment insurance AND workers. So your comment that they "pay for it (unemployment insurance) and not workers" is incorrect.
Go back and read what I said. Employers pay unemployment insurance, not employees. God, you are a stupid fuck.

Put a rein on your Trump obsession for one minute, he has nothing to do with this. If these people were shitty during the pandemic, they would have been shitty anyway.
Actually, Trump Plague was like a Zombie Outbreak. The really shitty people outed themselves when things got tough. And man, there were a lot of shitty people.

So again, expensive private eyes or not, the company's suspicions that employees might steal from them were correct, yes?

It is quite telling that you are more critical of the company that paid a lot of money to a private eye on suspicion that they were being robbed than of the crook who stole from the company thus confirming the company's suspicions that they were being robbed. Jesus, what a joke you are.
Actually, they passed me over for a supervisory position to promote this guy and give him the access they gave him. (I later got that position, after he was fired and did a lot to turn things around, but it was like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic). The point is, moral at this place was awful, they never had good enough equipment.

If they took the money they spent paying Barney Fife to watch the place and put it into better working conditions, they probably wouldn't have had the problems they had.

I said that the people buying these homes were "just as much at fault". Basic English comprehension should tell you that this does not absolve the banks for their part in it. With your horrible reading comprehension skills, I find it hard to believe you write resumes.
No, but you believe unarmed black children deserve to be shot...

The point is, the BANKS were supposed to be responsible. They weren't. I don't blame Joe consumer for wanting a better house or trying to make a buck flipping a house. I blame the banks for encouraging the bad behavior and not setting limits. Then again, when you capitalize gains and socialize risk, why should they?

And by this remark, can I assume you don't believe anyone can be happy with their employer?
Oh, I'm sure there are grovelling brown-nosers who are very happy with their positions.

Wilson made a statement as required by the proceedings. "Self serving" is your subjective opinion.
Actually, he wasn't required to make a statement at all. Most subjects of Grand Jury Proceedings DON'T make statements. Usually because if they do, they are subject to questioning and they don't have their lawyer present to object. But when you have a prosecutor who decides from the outset he is going to absolve the guy, no matter how many witnesses come forward, you can make a self-serving statement with no fear of being questioned.

"What about them"? Can you acknowledge that there are officers who do not abuse their power? If so, do they fall under your blanket appellation of "fuckers"?

I'm sure there are.. and they have nothing to worry about.

There's a reason why the cop unions are so against Cameras, and it's not because they are all doing a wonderful job.
I'm sure Apu did deny it...

Who is "Apu"?
but the fact the question even had to be asked when the earlier video tape of his employees doing EXACTLY that is telling. Apu isn't the guy who called it in, though. One of the customers did.

Telling of what? The video shows Brown leaving with his dope in his hand when he first went in there early in the morning. So when he went back later in the day, the store did not have his dope, therefore he stole the cigars. When the owner approached him to get the cigars back, Brown threatened him.

I have to ask: If there was some kind of agreement between Brown and the clerk to exchange dope for cigars then why did they not complete the transaction? Why did Brown leave the store with his dope in hand and without the cigars or even the two sodas he had grabbed out of the cooler?
Then his training sucks... Although "I followed my Training" ranks right up there with "I was only following orders". We hanged Nazis for that bullshit.

The Jews weren't attacking police officers. Not until later, anyway. Nice try.
Go back and read what I said. Employers pay unemployment insurance, not employees. God, you are a stupid fuck.

You're saying employers don't pay employees and you've said it twice now. How stupid is that?
Actually, Trump Plague was like a Zombie Outbreak. The really shitty people outed themselves when things got tough. And man, there were a lot of shitty people.

I still don't see what employers and bosses behaving like shit during the pandemic has to do with Trump.
Actually, they passed me over for a supervisory position to promote this guy and give him the access they gave him. (I later got that position, after he was fired and did a lot to turn things around, but it was like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic). The point is, moral at this place was awful, they never had good enough equipment.

If they took the money they spent paying Barney Fife to watch the place and put it into better working conditions, they probably wouldn't have had the problems they had.

So, blame the company because one of their douchebag employees chose to break the law?
No, but you believe unarmed black children deserve to be shot...

Unarmed black children, no. Potentially armed black adults who attack police officers for being asked to get on the sidewalk and then move towards the officer in a threatening manner, yes.

There's no way you can spin this to get beyond the fact that Brown made horrible choices that day. He was not a child, he was an adult. His losing his sandals is irrelevant because he attacked the officer while wearing them and losing them didn't render him suddenly not violent or dangerous.

Face it, he fucked up and got shot for it.
The point is, the BANKS were supposed to be responsible.

So who's responsible for Joe Smith's finances? Who's responsible for telling Joe that he really can't afford the house? How fucking stupid do you have to be to buy a three hundred thousand dollar home when your income and finances will only support a hundred thousand dollar home?

Jesus Christ, do you EVER hold individuals responsible for their own actions or do you always find a way to blame cops and rich people for others making mistakes?
They weren't. I don't blame Joe consumer for wanting a better house or trying to make a buck flipping a house.

I don't blame him for wanting a better house, I blame him for buying a house he can't afford.

Fuck man, it's not rocket science, it's simple mathematics.
I blame the banks for encouraging the bad behavior and not setting limits.

So do I. Problem is, in your obsessive hatred of rich people you willfully overlook the consumer's personal responsibilities.
Oh, I'm sure there are grovelling brown-nosers who are very happy with their positions.

So no, you don't believe anyone can be happy with their job and employer? Am I reading that right?
Actually, he wasn't required to make a statement at all. Most subjects of Grand Jury Proceedings DON'T make statements. Usually because if they do, they are subject to questioning and they don't have their lawyer present to object. But when you have a prosecutor who decides from the outset he is going to absolve the guy, no matter how many witnesses come forward, you can make a self-serving statement with no fear of being questioned.

The witnesses who lied in their testimony about things like Wilson shooting Brown in the back decided from the outset to hang the officer. So what difference does it make?
I'm sure there are.. and they have nothing to worry about.

So then why do you refer to them as "fuckers"?
There's a reason why the cop unions are so against Cameras, and it's not because they are all doing a wonderful job.

What reasons have they given? Not your opinion. I want to know what the unions have to say on the matter.
Telling of what? The video shows Brown leaving with his dope in his hand when he first went in there early in the morning. So when he went back later in the day, the store did not have his dope, therefore he stole the cigars. When the owner approached him to get the cigars back, Brown threatened him.

I have to ask: If there was some kind of agreement between Brown and the clerk to exchange dope for cigars then why did they not complete the transaction? Why did Brown leave the store with his dope in hand and without the cigars or even the two sodas he had grabbed out of the cooler?
Maybe he thought he could come back later for them, AFTER he gave his friends the dope. Gee, I mean, it would have been nice if the DA had actually BOTHERED To call these guys and ask serious questions about what actually went down, and what their relationship with Brown was. But look, he lightly shoved Apu and if we play that in slow motion, it looks really sinister.

The Jews weren't attacking police officers. Not until later, anyway. Nice try.

The police followed their training. The Gestapo followed their training. Same thing.

You're saying employers don't pay employees and you've said it twice now. How stupid is that?
I can't be responsible for your lack of reading comprehension skills. Employees don't pay into Unemployment, employers do. Any REASONABLE person would understand that was my meaning, but you are about the most obtuse fuck I've ever met. Do you do special exercises to be this stupid?

I still don't see what employers and bosses behaving like shit during the pandemic has to do with Trump.
Everything. You see, here's the thing. Democrats are for workers and consumers. Republicans are for businesses and investors. Clearly, when you have a pro-business president, you KNOW you can get away with the shitty behavior.

Look at the whining that is going on. Businesses are whining that people aren't willing to risk their lives for crappy salaries, as long as people can collect enhanced unemployment for another couple of weeks. Republicans solution, don't give them better salaries, slash their benefits.

So, blame the company because one of their douchebag employees chose to break the law?
Naw, I blame the company for creating an atmosphere where people thought that was okay. They made this guy a shift supervisor. He promptly thanked them by driving in his car on saturday and loading up on product.

Unarmed black children, no. Potentially armed black adults who attack police officers for being asked to get on the sidewalk and then move towards the officer in a threatening manner, yes.
We know you are invested in the murder of this black child.

There's no way you can spin this to get beyond the fact that Brown made horrible choices that day. He was not a child, he was an adult. His losing his sandals is irrelevant because he attacked the officer while wearing them and losing them didn't render him suddenly not violent or dangerous.
We know you are invested in the murder of this black child.

So who's responsible for Joe Smith's finances? Who's responsible for telling Joe that he really can't afford the house? How fucking stupid do you have to be to buy a three hundred thousand dollar home when your income and finances will only support a hundred thousand dollar home?
Again, the banks are the ones who should have shut that down, and they didn't. They were happy to milk Joe Smith for every penny they could get out of him, then foreclose and sell that same house to the next sucker. Then take those mortgages, misrepresent their value and sell them as investments. And it all went fine until the bubble burst.

Then we have to rush out and do a big old bailout the taxpayers will be paying for until they are dead, while these same cocksuckers who caused this paid themselves eight figure bonuses

Seriously, man, we need to break out the fucking guillotine.


Jesus Christ, do you EVER hold individuals responsible for their own actions or do you always find a way to blame cops and rich people for others making mistakes?
I expect the banks and the cops to be more responsible, because - get this- WE GAVE THEM THE RESPONSIBILITY.

I mean, if you want to hold people equally responsible, let's remove qualified immunity from cops so they can be personally sued for wrongful deaths, and let's get rid of FDIC and FSLIC so that banks will be responsible for their own bad investments. If we give someone authority and give them protection for the decisions they make, then YES< I want them held to a higher standard than some kid who jaywalked or some dipstick who watched a house flipping show on HGTV and thought he could get rich quick.

I don't blame him for wanting a better house, I blame him for buying a house he can't afford.

Fuck man, it's not rocket science, it's simple mathematics.
If the math were simple, then the banks should have known, "Your salary won't support this house."

So do I. Problem is, in your obsessive hatred of rich people you willfully overlook the consumer's personal responsibilities.

Not at all. Again, we socialize risk and we capitalize profits. I WISH we were holding the rich responsible.

Where was the bailout for the people who lost their jobs and homes in 2008 recession? I live out here in McMansion land, and I was a census enumerator in 2010... a lot of those people lost their homes, but the banksters all got bailouts and got to keep their bonuses and not a one of those fuckers went to jail.

Let's look at another angle of this. 62% of bankruptcies are not because people bought too much house or spent too much on goodies. 62% of them are because of a medical crisis because we are the only industrialized country that doesn't have universal health care.

Now, me, I've done everything right. I don't over spend, I don't own more house than I need, I am not carrying any unsecured debt. And I know one serious illness will wipe me out.

So no, you don't believe anyone can be happy with their job and employer? Am I reading that right?
I can't be responsible for your lack of reading comprehension skills.

The witnesses who lied in their testimony about things like Wilson shooting Brown in the back decided from the outset to hang the officer. So what difference does it make?
We know you are invested in the murder of this child.

So then why do you refer to them as "fuckers"?
Because a lot of them are... I see the police as a necessary evil at best. Yes, we need them, but you give someone authority, and they will tend to abuse it if there aren't checks in place.

What reasons have they given? Not your opinion. I want to know what the unions have to say on the matter.
Then do your own google search.

I really stopped caring about what the FOP and PBA's "reasons" are. As pro-Union as I am, those are the two unions I'd like to get rid of.


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I saw a guy fired once because a manager was fucking his ex-girlfriend.
I saw another woman fired because she was gay. (This is one of the jobs I quit, largely because of this incident)
The Company I worked for when I got out of the Army, they lied to us for six months about the intention to close down our branch, then streeted us all with no warning.
I knew a lady who was let go so that a manager could create a job for one of his drinking buddies.

This is the kind of shit that happens when you give up all your rights as a worker and let the rich run roughshod over you.

Maybe the issue is where you live. Godless people are certainly much more likely to be immoral and self-serving.

The other possibility is that you are working for loser companies with loser management. This tends to happen when you are on the low end of the pay scale with few marketable skills. If you work for a pay day loan joint I wouldn’t necessarily expect management to be high quality. There tend to be much more office politics involved in companies with less professional staff. Based on your stated income, particularly in a high cost of living area, and your age, I can only assume you have never matriculated to a truly professionally managed company.

A new study, undertaken by Ravi Shroff, an assistant professor holding joint appointments at NYU Steinhardt and NYU CUSP, and his colleagues at the Stanford Open Policing Project, found that in a dataset of nearly 100 million traffic stops across the United States, black drivers were about 20 percent more likely to be stopped than white drivers relative to their share of the residential population.

The study also found that once stopped, black drivers were searched about 1.5 to 2 times as often as white drivers, while they were less likely to be carrying drugs, guns, or other illegal contraband compared to their white peers.

LOL. So according to this study, they are 20% more likely to get pulled over. Let’s go with that number just for fun, though I believe there are quite a few holes in it. If a white person got pulled over 1 time per year, a black person gets pulled over 1.2 times per year. In 5 years, the black person would get pulled over 6 times vs a white person 5 times. Furthermore, most people, black or white, don’t get even pulled over once per year, so that 20% increase is evern more misleading. I am not sure how that would have played a major role with me getting to work, which was the original premise.

I did some research. The claim that Clinton had anything to do with this is hate radio bullshit.

Nobody forced a bank to make a bad loan, but the thing was, the only thing the CRA did was prevent banks from redlining certain neighborhoods or people.

The problem was that the banks made all these loans to white people buying McMansions, who saw their houses as a short term investment to "flip".

The Democrats opened to door to this behavior by the banks because they were shortsighted, as usual. They may not have told the criminal to rob the bank, but they gave him the keys and even told him that stealing a little bit of stuff would be ok.

Ultimately, it was their change in policy and that caused the problem and the subsequent crash.

Nope, pretty sure it's them. I actually did okay, until I got tired of the rat race and started my own business. I mean, again, not topping your accomplishment of being named Head Possum Catcher..

Right, we have been through this. This “possum catcher” makes a lot more money than you. You are a loser, which is why you continue to vote for loser policies and continue to have a chip on your shoulder and oppose those of us that are more successsul than you.

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