Democrats Denied Inciting Failed GOP Assassination Attempt, Denied Inciting Antifa Domestic Terrorism, Now Denies Inciting Anti-Semitic Violence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After Democrats openly called for their followers to criminally harass the President, his team, and Republicans in public, proclaimed they would personally 'take the President Out', and engaged in extremely violent rhetoric that incited one of their unhinged snowflakes to perpetrate a public assassination attempt of GOP politicians - resulting in the shooting of R-Steve Scalise, Democrats attempted to re-write history, proclaiming they did none of this and asked Americans to ignore all of the recorded, reported news articles and reports that still exist.

After supporting, defending, bailing out of jail felon, foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM while they looted, burned, destroyed businesses, attempted to burn federal agents alive, assaulted, murdered, and perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage.....and even after the current VP called on them to continue with their domestic terrorist attacks after the last election, Democrats STILL attempt to claim they did no such thing. (Evidently they are too ignorant to realize all of those news reports, images, and video - like those found on YouTube and on news sites on-line, hang around forever.)

Now those same Democrats - who were exposed by leaked DNC e-mails in 2016 for racist, homophobic, and extremely anti-Semitic content, whose politicians (The Squad) have been Congressionally, bipartisanly been Censured for their repeated vile anti-Semitic comments, who have more recently openly supported terrorist Hamas (who seeks the complete destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews) and open anti-Semitic rants against Israel, and who have suddenly gone silent in the midst of rising anti-Semitic violence across the country they have incited are once again attempting to re-write reported, recorded, published, documented historical fact, claiming none of this happened either:

Now Progressives Are Whitewashing Anti-Semitic Attacks


'Ilhan Omar had some interesting things to say about “Benjamin”-grubbing rootless cosmopolitans (what she called Jews) back in 2019. Though her words precipitated something of a mini-backlash, even then, most Democrats not only refused to denounce her words — the resolution mentioned Alfred Dreyfus and Leo Frank, not the Minnesotan — but they also refused to specifically condemn anti-Semitism.'

In order to protect Omar from Censure (again) Democrats responded to Bi-partisan support to Censure Omar for her comments by passing a watered-down rebuke of ALL such HATE-SPEECH...despite the onlyperson who had engaged in such 'hate-speech' at the time resulting in both backlash and call for Censure was Omar!

"Instead, Democrats passed a watered-down, platitudinous laundry list of all censurable hatreds. “We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry, especially as we see a spike in hate crimes in America,”

"Resolutions are a waste of time, of course, but the inability of progressives to simply condemn left-wing anti-Semitism, the most consequential and normalized variant, to placate their Israel-haters is telling."

"Words aren’t a form of violence, because if they were, Sanders and the rest of the congressional allies who have been ginning-up Jew-hatred would be criminals. Nor, as far as I can tell, have we seen an increase in Islamophobic violence. Sanders wants to create the impression that proxies are fighting over the Hamas–Israeli situation in the United States. This, of course, is a myth.

The ugly fact is that anti-Jewish violence (similarly with anti-Asian American attacks) is problematic for the identitarian Left. Oftentimes, both perpetrator and target fail to neatly slot into the hierarchy of progressive victimhood. Now,
if white supremacists (or even just white men) were menacing Jews on Los Angeles streets or trolling for people with yarmulkes in the Diamond District in New York, we would be a week deep into a sober national conversation about the soul of the nation."

But since it has been the already-proven anti-Semitic Left openly attacking Israel in support of terrorist Hamas, since it has been Democrats who have both incited and justified the on-going anti-Semitic violence around the country, the Democrats have suddenly fallen silent due to the backlash against their rhetoric and anti-Semitism. They continue to refuse to offer words to attempt to diffuse the violence they have helped initiate.

Hatred, division, and violence is what they have proven they have to offer and continue to stir up, keeping this nation staunchly, violently divided.
Did any of you see the Democrat Press Conference today during which Democrat leaders in the House and Senate and the Squad apologized for their anti-Semitic comments and called for an end to the anti-Semitic violence being perpetrated across the country?

Yeah, no one else saw it either because that shit didn't happen and never will. Democrats did not apologize for the e-mails' anti-Semitic, homophobic racist content in 2016, did not apologize for their violent rhetoric that incited the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, did not apologize for the Squad's vile anti-Semitic remarks for which they were Censured, and will not apologize for inciting anti-Semitic violence in support of Hamas across the US now.
Squad Members Called Out for Anti-Semitism in Fellow Democrats' Letter to President Biden

Source: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

While violence rages between Israel and Hamas, some of the worst reactions have come from Democrats, namely members of the squad. Their fellow Democrats are finally calling them out, though, in the form of a letter addressed to President Joe Biden from Democratic members of Congress, including Reps. Josh Gottheimer (NJ), Elaine Luria (MI), Kathy Manning (NC), and Dean Phillips (MN).

Squad Members Called Out for Anti-Semitism in Fellow Democrats' Letter to President Biden
After Democrats openly called for their followers to criminally harass the President, his team, and Republicans in public, proclaimed they would personally 'take the President Out', and engaged in extremely violent rhetoric that incited one of their unhinged snowflakes to perpetrate a public assassination attempt of GOP politicians - resulting in the shooting of R-Steve Scalise, Democrats attempted to re-write history, proclaiming they did none of this and asked Americans to ignore all of the recorded, reported news articles and reports that still exist.

After supporting, defending, bailing out of jail felon, foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM while they looted, burned, destroyed businesses, attempted to burn federal agents alive, assaulted, murdered, and perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage.....and even after the current VP called on them to continue with their domestic terrorist attacks after the last election, Democrats STILL attempt to claim they did no such thing. (Evidently they are too ignorant to realize all of those news reports, images, and video - like those found on YouTube and on news sites on-line, hang around forever.)

Now those same Democrats - who were exposed by leaked DNC e-mails in 2016 for racist, homophobic, and extremely anti-Semitic content, whose politicians (The Squad) have been Congressionally, bipartisanly been Censured for their repeated vile anti-Semitic comments, who have more recently openly supported terrorist Hamas (who seeks the complete destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews) and open anti-Semitic rants against Israel, and who have suddenly gone silent in the midst of rising anti-Semitic violence across the country they have incited are once again attempting to re-write reported, recorded, published, documented historical fact, claiming none of this happened either:

Now Progressives Are Whitewashing Anti-Semitic Attacks

View attachment 493471

'Ilhan Omar had some interesting things to say about “Benjamin”-grubbing rootless cosmopolitans (what she called Jews) back in 2019. Though her words precipitated something of a mini-backlash, even then, most Democrats not only refused to denounce her words — the resolution mentioned Alfred Dreyfus and Leo Frank, not the Minnesotan — but they also refused to specifically condemn anti-Semitism.'

In order to protect Omar from Censure (again) Democrats responded to Bi-partisan support to Censure Omar for her comments by passing a watered-down rebuke of ALL such HATE-SPEECH...despite the onlyperson who had engaged in such 'hate-speech' at the time resulting in both backlash and call for Censure was Omar!

"Instead, Democrats passed a watered-down, platitudinous laundry list of all censurable hatreds. “We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry, especially as we see a spike in hate crimes in America,”

"Resolutions are a waste of time, of course, but the inability of progressives to simply condemn left-wing anti-Semitism, the most consequential and normalized variant, to placate their Israel-haters is telling."

"Words aren’t a form of violence, because if they were, Sanders and the rest of the congressional allies who have been ginning-up Jew-hatred would be criminals. Nor, as far as I can tell, have we seen an increase in Islamophobic violence. Sanders wants to create the impression that proxies are fighting over the Hamas–Israeli situation in the United States. This, of course, is a myth.

The ugly fact is that anti-Jewish violence (similarly with anti-Asian American attacks) is problematic for the identitarian Left. Oftentimes, both perpetrator and target fail to neatly slot into the hierarchy of progressive victimhood. Now,
if white supremacists (or even just white men) were menacing Jews on Los Angeles streets or trolling for people with yarmulkes in the Diamond District in New York, we would be a week deep into a sober national conversation about the soul of the nation."

But since it has been the already-proven anti-Semitic Left openly attacking Israel in support of terrorist Hamas, since it has been Democrats who have both incited and justified the on-going anti-Semitic violence around the country, the Democrats have suddenly fallen silent due to the backlash against their rhetoric and anti-Semitism. They continue to refuse to offer words to attempt to diffuse the violence they have helped initiate.

Hatred, division, and violence is what they have proven they have to offer and continue to stir up, keeping this nation staunchly, violently divided.

Don't forget the whole trying to pin Asian hate crimes on the right for having the audacity for saying the Wuhan bug originated in China.
After Democrats openly called for their followers to criminally harass the President, his team, and Republicans in public, proclaimed they would personally 'take the President Out', and engaged in extremely violent rhetoric that incited one of their unhinged snowflakes to perpetrate a public assassination attempt of GOP politicians - resulting in the shooting of R-Steve Scalise, Democrats attempted to re-write history, proclaiming they did none of this and asked Americans to ignore all of the recorded, reported news articles and reports that still exist.

After supporting, defending, bailing out of jail felon, foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM while they looted, burned, destroyed businesses, attempted to burn federal agents alive, assaulted, murdered, and perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage.....and even after the current VP called on them to continue with their domestic terrorist attacks after the last election, Democrats STILL attempt to claim they did no such thing. (Evidently they are too ignorant to realize all of those news reports, images, and video - like those found on YouTube and on news sites on-line, hang around forever.)

Now those same Democrats - who were exposed by leaked DNC e-mails in 2016 for racist, homophobic, and extremely anti-Semitic content, whose politicians (The Squad) have been Congressionally, bipartisanly been Censured for their repeated vile anti-Semitic comments, who have more recently openly supported terrorist Hamas (who seeks the complete destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews) and open anti-Semitic rants against Israel, and who have suddenly gone silent in the midst of rising anti-Semitic violence across the country they have incited are once again attempting to re-write reported, recorded, published, documented historical fact, claiming none of this happened either:

Now Progressives Are Whitewashing Anti-Semitic Attacks

View attachment 493471

'Ilhan Omar had some interesting things to say about “Benjamin”-grubbing rootless cosmopolitans (what she called Jews) back in 2019. Though her words precipitated something of a mini-backlash, even then, most Democrats not only refused to denounce her words — the resolution mentioned Alfred Dreyfus and Leo Frank, not the Minnesotan — but they also refused to specifically condemn anti-Semitism.'

In order to protect Omar from Censure (again) Democrats responded to Bi-partisan support to Censure Omar for her comments by passing a watered-down rebuke of ALL such HATE-SPEECH...despite the onlyperson who had engaged in such 'hate-speech' at the time resulting in both backlash and call for Censure was Omar!

"Instead, Democrats passed a watered-down, platitudinous laundry list of all censurable hatreds. “We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry, especially as we see a spike in hate crimes in America,”

"Resolutions are a waste of time, of course, but the inability of progressives to simply condemn left-wing anti-Semitism, the most consequential and normalized variant, to placate their Israel-haters is telling."

"Words aren’t a form of violence, because if they were, Sanders and the rest of the congressional allies who have been ginning-up Jew-hatred would be criminals. Nor, as far as I can tell, have we seen an increase in Islamophobic violence. Sanders wants to create the impression that proxies are fighting over the Hamas–Israeli situation in the United States. This, of course, is a myth.

The ugly fact is that anti-Jewish violence (similarly with anti-Asian American attacks) is problematic for the identitarian Left. Oftentimes, both perpetrator and target fail to neatly slot into the hierarchy of progressive victimhood. Now,
if white supremacists (or even just white men) were menacing Jews on Los Angeles streets or trolling for people with yarmulkes in the Diamond District in New York, we would be a week deep into a sober national conversation about the soul of the nation."

But since it has been the already-proven anti-Semitic Left openly attacking Israel in support of terrorist Hamas, since it has been Democrats who have both incited and justified the on-going anti-Semitic violence around the country, the Democrats have suddenly fallen silent due to the backlash against their rhetoric and anti-Semitism. They continue to refuse to offer words to attempt to diffuse the violence they have helped initiate.

Hatred, division, and violence is what they have proven they have to offer and continue to stir up, keeping this nation staunchly, violently divided.

Don't forget the whole trying to pin Asian hate crimes on the right for having the audacity for saying the Wuhan bug originated in China.
what else would you pin it on?

also, Gaetz is calling for armed rebellion.
18 U.S. Code § 2385
After Democrats openly called for their followers to criminally harass the President, his team, and Republicans in public, proclaimed they would personally 'take the President Out', and engaged in extremely violent rhetoric that incited one of their unhinged snowflakes to perpetrate a public assassination attempt of GOP politicians - resulting in the shooting of R-Steve Scalise, Democrats attempted to re-write history, proclaiming they did none of this and asked Americans to ignore all of the recorded, reported news articles and reports that still exist.

After supporting, defending, bailing out of jail felon, foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM while they looted, burned, destroyed businesses, attempted to burn federal agents alive, assaulted, murdered, and perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage.....and even after the current VP called on them to continue with their domestic terrorist attacks after the last election, Democrats STILL attempt to claim they did no such thing. (Evidently they are too ignorant to realize all of those news reports, images, and video - like those found on YouTube and on news sites on-line, hang around forever.)

Now those same Democrats - who were exposed by leaked DNC e-mails in 2016 for racist, homophobic, and extremely anti-Semitic content, whose politicians (The Squad) have been Congressionally, bipartisanly been Censured for their repeated vile anti-Semitic comments, who have more recently openly supported terrorist Hamas (who seeks the complete destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews) and open anti-Semitic rants against Israel, and who have suddenly gone silent in the midst of rising anti-Semitic violence across the country they have incited are once again attempting to re-write reported, recorded, published, documented historical fact, claiming none of this happened either:

Now Progressives Are Whitewashing Anti-Semitic Attacks

View attachment 493471

'Ilhan Omar had some interesting things to say about “Benjamin”-grubbing rootless cosmopolitans (what she called Jews) back in 2019. Though her words precipitated something of a mini-backlash, even then, most Democrats not only refused to denounce her words — the resolution mentioned Alfred Dreyfus and Leo Frank, not the Minnesotan — but they also refused to specifically condemn anti-Semitism.'

In order to protect Omar from Censure (again) Democrats responded to Bi-partisan support to Censure Omar for her comments by passing a watered-down rebuke of ALL such HATE-SPEECH...despite the onlyperson who had engaged in such 'hate-speech' at the time resulting in both backlash and call for Censure was Omar!

"Instead, Democrats passed a watered-down, platitudinous laundry list of all censurable hatreds. “We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry, especially as we see a spike in hate crimes in America,”

"Resolutions are a waste of time, of course, but the inability of progressives to simply condemn left-wing anti-Semitism, the most consequential and normalized variant, to placate their Israel-haters is telling."

"Words aren’t a form of violence, because if they were, Sanders and the rest of the congressional allies who have been ginning-up Jew-hatred would be criminals. Nor, as far as I can tell, have we seen an increase in Islamophobic violence. Sanders wants to create the impression that proxies are fighting over the Hamas–Israeli situation in the United States. This, of course, is a myth.

The ugly fact is that anti-Jewish violence (similarly with anti-Asian American attacks) is problematic for the identitarian Left. Oftentimes, both perpetrator and target fail to neatly slot into the hierarchy of progressive victimhood. Now,
if white supremacists (or even just white men) were menacing Jews on Los Angeles streets or trolling for people with yarmulkes in the Diamond District in New York, we would be a week deep into a sober national conversation about the soul of the nation."

But since it has been the already-proven anti-Semitic Left openly attacking Israel in support of terrorist Hamas, since it has been Democrats who have both incited and justified the on-going anti-Semitic violence around the country, the Democrats have suddenly fallen silent due to the backlash against their rhetoric and anti-Semitism. They continue to refuse to offer words to attempt to diffuse the violence they have helped initiate.

Hatred, division, and violence is what they have proven they have to offer and continue to stir up, keeping this nation staunchly, violently divided.

Don't forget the whole trying to pin Asian hate crimes on the right for having the audacity for saying the Wuhan bug originated in China.
what else would you pin it on?

also, Gaetz is calling for armed rebellion.
18 U.S. Code § 2385
His comment is about our government. The left is actively engaged in attacking CITIZENS.
After Democrats openly called for their followers to criminally harass the President, his team, and Republicans in public, proclaimed they would personally 'take the President Out', and engaged in extremely violent rhetoric that incited one of their unhinged snowflakes to perpetrate a public assassination attempt of GOP politicians - resulting in the shooting of R-Steve Scalise, Democrats attempted to re-write history, proclaiming they did none of this and asked Americans to ignore all of the recorded, reported news articles and reports that still exist.

After supporting, defending, bailing out of jail felon, foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM while they looted, burned, destroyed businesses, attempted to burn federal agents alive, assaulted, murdered, and perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage.....and even after the current VP called on them to continue with their domestic terrorist attacks after the last election, Democrats STILL attempt to claim they did no such thing. (Evidently they are too ignorant to realize all of those news reports, images, and video - like those found on YouTube and on news sites on-line, hang around forever.)

Now those same Democrats - who were exposed by leaked DNC e-mails in 2016 for racist, homophobic, and extremely anti-Semitic content, whose politicians (The Squad) have been Congressionally, bipartisanly been Censured for their repeated vile anti-Semitic comments, who have more recently openly supported terrorist Hamas (who seeks the complete destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews) and open anti-Semitic rants against Israel, and who have suddenly gone silent in the midst of rising anti-Semitic violence across the country they have incited are once again attempting to re-write reported, recorded, published, documented historical fact, claiming none of this happened either:

Now Progressives Are Whitewashing Anti-Semitic Attacks

View attachment 493471

'Ilhan Omar had some interesting things to say about “Benjamin”-grubbing rootless cosmopolitans (what she called Jews) back in 2019. Though her words precipitated something of a mini-backlash, even then, most Democrats not only refused to denounce her words — the resolution mentioned Alfred Dreyfus and Leo Frank, not the Minnesotan — but they also refused to specifically condemn anti-Semitism.'

In order to protect Omar from Censure (again) Democrats responded to Bi-partisan support to Censure Omar for her comments by passing a watered-down rebuke of ALL such HATE-SPEECH...despite the onlyperson who had engaged in such 'hate-speech' at the time resulting in both backlash and call for Censure was Omar!

"Instead, Democrats passed a watered-down, platitudinous laundry list of all censurable hatreds. “We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry, especially as we see a spike in hate crimes in America,”

"Resolutions are a waste of time, of course, but the inability of progressives to simply condemn left-wing anti-Semitism, the most consequential and normalized variant, to placate their Israel-haters is telling."

"Words aren’t a form of violence, because if they were, Sanders and the rest of the congressional allies who have been ginning-up Jew-hatred would be criminals. Nor, as far as I can tell, have we seen an increase in Islamophobic violence. Sanders wants to create the impression that proxies are fighting over the Hamas–Israeli situation in the United States. This, of course, is a myth.

The ugly fact is that anti-Jewish violence (similarly with anti-Asian American attacks) is problematic for the identitarian Left. Oftentimes, both perpetrator and target fail to neatly slot into the hierarchy of progressive victimhood. Now,
if white supremacists (or even just white men) were menacing Jews on Los Angeles streets or trolling for people with yarmulkes in the Diamond District in New York, we would be a week deep into a sober national conversation about the soul of the nation."

But since it has been the already-proven anti-Semitic Left openly attacking Israel in support of terrorist Hamas, since it has been Democrats who have both incited and justified the on-going anti-Semitic violence around the country, the Democrats have suddenly fallen silent due to the backlash against their rhetoric and anti-Semitism. They continue to refuse to offer words to attempt to diffuse the violence they have helped initiate.

Hatred, division, and violence is what they have proven they have to offer and continue to stir up, keeping this nation staunchly, violently divided.

Don't forget the whole trying to pin Asian hate crimes on the right for having the audacity for saying the Wuhan bug originated in China.
what else would you pin it on?

also, Gaetz is calling for armed rebellion.
18 U.S. Code § 2385

Inner city minorities, who are actually performing the attacks?

And if a government has truly gone off the deep end, you are supposed to sit there and take it?
Squad Members Called Out for Anti-Semitism in Fellow Democrats' Letter to President Biden ' Letter to President Biden

Source: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

While violence rages between Israel and Hamas, some of the worst reactions have come from Democrats, namely members of the squad. Their fellow Democrats are finally calling them out, though, in the form of a letter addressed to President Joe Biden from Democratic members of Congress, including Reps. Josh Gottheimer (NJ), Elaine Luria (MI), Kathy Manning (NC), and Dean Phillips (MN).

Squad Members Called Out for Anti-Semitism in Fellow Democrats' Letter to President Biden
This group is evil and its power seems to be growing. That Somali bitch deserves a visit from some SERIOUS KARMA...

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