Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do

Forgive me, but I about to eat this pork chop. :laughing0301:
I doubt the 2 of you mocking what you do to these animals didn't even watch.

If someone did these things to a dog or cat they'd be rightly thrown into prison.

Between this and the abortion thread I have nothing but contempt for the godless "conservatives" among us
I'm from PETA. People for Eating Tasty Animals. I just don't process them myself anymore, but appreciate that other people do.

You and me both. I could literally live on cheeseburgers and steak, but at the same time I respect the decisions of vegans and vegetarians. Do whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine is all I ask.
I doubt the 2 of you mocking what you do to these animals didn't even watch.

If someone did these things to a dog or cat they'd be rightly thrown into prison.

Between this and the abortion thread I have nothing but contempt for the godless "conservatives" among us

What is your solution?
You have to "process" animals? I thought they came like that from the store?

You, I suspect have been to a hog killin a time or two. I have participated in a few, but now I prefer to get my loins, pork roast, cracklins, etc from Kroger's meat department. I haven't had brains and eggs in years (though delicious) and was never a fan of chitlins or mountain oysters. I also pass on the pig ears and pigs feet. There was a time when the only thing that got away was the squeal.
You, I suspect have been to a hog killin a time or two. I have participated in a few, but now I prefer to get my loins, pork roast, cracklins, etc from Kroger's meat department. I haven't had brains and eggs in years (though delicious) and was never a fan of chitlins or mountain oysters. I also pass on the pig ears and pigs feet. There was a time when the only thing that got away was the squeal.

I used to help my Great Uncle butcher his yearly hog in Arkansas. He'd pop it in the forehead with his old single-shot Remington .22 rifle, while the big, black cast iron kettle of water was heating up over a wood fire. After gutting it, we'd put burlap sacks on the hog and pour scalding water on them to scrape the hair off the hide.

He made his own bacon, sausage, hams, pork roasts and chops, and they would hang from the rafters in the smokehouse. My Great Aunt knew just how to flavor the sausage with a perfect mixture of sage, red pepper, fennel, and salt. Haven't found any sausage as good as that since those times.
Too bad you tube can't post a late term or partial birth abortion procedure where they stab a full term human in the back of the head and suck out it's brains. Call it "this is how you get rid of your responsibilities".
You can just watch Goodfellas uncensored.
I doubt the 2 of you mocking what you do to these animals didn't even watch.

If someone did these things to a dog or cat they'd be rightly thrown into prison.

Between this and the abortion thread I have nothing but contempt for the godless "conservatives" among us
When I was a young lad my Papa, who was a cattle rancher in Okiehoma, would take me to the slaughterhouse to see how things worked.
What is your solution?
Information and reason.
SOME see what we do and decide they no longer can be a part of this.
.Do you prolifers ever notice the spiritual wall pro aborts have built up around themselves to "allow" themselves to NOT see what they're doing? The endless EXCUSES and justification?

Think about it and you CAN understand
I used to help my Great Uncle butcher his yearly hog in Arkansas. He'd pop it in the forehead with his old single-shot Remington .22 rifle, while the big, black cast iron kettle of water was heating up over a wood fire. After gutting it, we'd put burlap sacks on the hog and pour scalding water on them to scrape the hair off the hide.

He made his own bacon, sausage, hams, pork roasts and chops, and they would hang from the rafters in the smokehouse. My Great Aunt knew just how to flavor the sausage with a perfect mixture of sage, red pepper, fennel, and salt. Haven't found any sausage as good as that since those times.
Yep. A barrel over a fire below a tripod hoist works great too.
Growing up, it was a yearly thing. It seems strange now, and I never asked why, but we never butchered a steer, though grandad and later, dad, put one in the deepfreeze every year, but somebody else did the killing, processing. butchering and wrapping in butcher paper, and my uncles did likewise, not doing it on the farm. Chickens and turkeys were common as grandmother raised both.
The arguments from the "supporters" are the same. Both are not deep thinkers. Both lack a soul


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