Florida surgeon general says Biden admin 'actively preventing' monoclonal antibody treatments

Fuck you Jack, if you can't debate the issues, then get lost. I will stop responding as soon as you stop your blatant lying, spinning, and grow a brain. Now tell me:

Everyone. Back to your alt-right reality. Take your road show somewhere else.
This is my last response to you.
🥱 How predictably juvenile.

This is my last response to you.
Good! That'll save a lot of time. Just shut up then while I tear a new asshole in every lie, evasion and fraud you try to float! I want to be sure you get your money's worth! After all, someone has to champion a poor schmuck like you who has been on the losing end of life YOUR WHOLE LIFE!

Never mind that Fauci and the Biddums have literally WITHHELD life saving therapies from Covid patients killing thousands of them to promopte greater profits for Fauci and Pfizer, any country which will stand for a fraud like Biddum, an incompetent BOOB who stole his way into the WH and is now breaking his promise to eradicate Covid will stand for people like YOU. :th_waiting:
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The Democrat Cult's corruption is so bad that they are now even weaponizing medicine.
This crap will make great campaign ads against the crazy cult.
I don't know that any of us should be wanting the monoclonal antibody treatment. have you read what is in that? Do you know the origin of the cell lines used? It's........frightening...not to mention repulsive.

then there's this:

um. i think this is a lie. It's the bait and switch to get you to take the monoclonal antibodies. you ought to read what is in these experimental treatments. Hospitals are pushing this treatment and they pushed the remdesivir and they pushed ventilators...and you saw what those did.

Why trust these folk now when they have lied to us all the entire time. Besides. Monoclonal antibodies don't work on the omicron bullshit virus manufactured by our own federally funded health agencies.

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