Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

But the thing is, the legal precedent of government dictating to the media will last much longer than Facebook or your current need for revenge.
I am not telling FaceBook what to do

But I do want to take special protections away from them since they clearly favor only one side of the issues
But the thing is, the legal precedent of government dictating to the media will last much longer than Facebook or your current need for revenge.
I am not telling FaceBook what to do

But I do want to take special protections away from them since they clearly favor only one side of the issues
Originally you said you wanted a "level playing field". But now you've admitted it's just about getting back at the websites who banned Trump. I'm all for repealing 230, but doing so won't achieve either of these goals.
Liberals are so frail that differing opinions have to be fakely labeled as “lie” so that some bizarre justification can be extruded to remove the opinion from sight or sound and libbies can curl up in their safe space.

A lie can't be a lie?
Most people want to use the government to bully others. Doesn't mean we should give in to them.

At this point FaceBook bullying doesnt feel any worse than government bullying
LOL - except for the guns and police and stuff.
You don't understand the difference between a business and government. Hint: guns, laws and police. One has them, the other doesn't.
Breathtaking isn’t it? Full force of law or a ban from a website. What’s the difference anyway?
how would that achieve your goal of a "level playing field"?
It might not

But if not we would be no worse off than we are now with liberal censorship of conservative speech

and FaceBook would be subject to lawsuits from both sides
So, it's just retribution?
I share your concerns over private property interests, but this case is different. Facebook is clearly acting by proxy for the Federal Government so the FedGov can "legally" censor free speech. Facebook is acting as FedGov's agent. It wasn't government action, so nobody can complain about government action, right?

It's akin to 3rd-party thugs to beat a confession out of a suspect, and the police just happened to be listening in.
Facebook is doing no such thing.

And no one's free speech has been stifled. Everyone still has the freedom to speak their mind.
It doesn't apply to private businesses
In the real world private businesses can be and almost always are constrained by government in a variety of ways
Sure, to protect the public from discrimination. Conservative is not a protected class. Twitter and Facebook aren't the only services.
how would that achieve your goal of a "level playing field"?
It might not

But if not we would be no worse off than we are now with liberal censorship of conservative speech

and FaceBook would be subject to lawsuits from both sides
So, it's just retribution?

Since FaceBook is working against my interests now I think it would be a step on the right direction
The country isn't here to serve you.
Conservative is not a protected class.
Why not? Why should someone be protected from discrimination based on their religious beliefs, but not their political beliefs?
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