FLDS - Abortion Hypocrites

Ahhhhhhh, but this IS WHY it is up to the man, or at least it used to be in the "old days"....he knew that if he unzipped his zipper and if the woman got pregnant that he would probably HAVE TO MARRY HER or he would certainly have to pay child support for the next 18 years....

Once the man stopped thinking about this and once the man started copping out on their responsibility in this, is actually when it all went haywire in my FEMALE OPINION. :D

They created the Birth Control pill....thought it would give them an "easy way out"..... :rofl:

Then when that wasn't good enough the males pushed the legality of abortion and had MALE doctors create safe procedures.... had the MALE congressMEN in many states make it legal, even before roe v wade federal decision...

yah dee and dah.... :)

Seeeeeeeeeeeeee, I can make up all kinds of shit to put the "blame" on to MALES as you did to females.....can't I? :cool:


woa woa woa.. back up the truth trolly for a second.

it was MEN who pushed for the pill? It was MEN who wanted sexual equality between the sexes? I'm afraid im gonna have to disagree with you. In fact, this whole "it's my body" shit is a direct result of feminism out of the 60s. And, don't get me wrong, I appriciate the close3r form of equality derived thereof... BUT, this shit isn't because MEN wanted an easy way out.

Regardless, the FACT remains that you continue to validate a double standard regarding parental rights. if I maintain the same thing regarding the workforce them IM the ogre. If you do the exact same thing here you are a goddess. Spare me the silliness.

After all, IM not the one making shit up by acknowledging the FACT of mutual decisions and genetically shared zygotes.
I don't agree. The man doesn't have to remove any more clothing than the woman and SHE decides whether or not those legs get spread.

It takes two to engage in irresponsible sexual behavior. Blaming one or the other is ridiculous. It only takes one to be responsible, however.

Say what you want but if I am the one that could end up pregnant out of the deal, I'm the one that's going to make damned sure as best I can that it doesn't happen unless the goal is to get pregnant. Trusting THAT decision to someone else is not covering one's ass, so to speak.


They had their chance at being in charge.

Likewise, you had your chance with your "it's my body" fuzzy logic. Thus far, autonomy hasn't kept females from tacking an open 24/7 neon light on the ole babymaker. Such irresponsibility is not worth the death of a human life. Or a sexist double standard. enjoy.

On the first point, tough. I can't change biology. A little advice...don't have sex with someone that doesn't want to have your child.

On the second point, go for it. Get out there and campaign to relieve men of any responsibility. I'll not oppose you. And it certainly is possible to marginalize yourselves further...you'll end up being nothing but sperm donors. That'll show the bitches.


right back atcha.. don't have sex with someone that doesn't want to pay for your cable bill for 18 years.

indeed, you might wanna remember the lesson COUGARS are starting to realize. And, just so you know, an older man can get more tail than an older woman by far. You wanna talk about being marginalized?
woa woa woa.. back up the truth trolly for a second.

it was MEN who pushed for the pill? It was MEN who wanted sexual equality between the sexes? I'm afraid im gonna have to disagree with you. In fact, this whole "it's my body" shit is a direct result of feminism out of the 60s. And, don't get me wrong, I appriciate the close3r form of equality derived thereof... BUT, this shit isn't because MEN wanted an easy way out.

Regardless, the FACT remains that you continue to validate a double standard regarding parental rights. if I maintain the same thing regarding the workforce them IM the ogre. If you do the exact same thing here you are a goddess. Spare me the silliness.

After all, IM not the one making shit up by acknowledging the FACT of mutual decisions and genetically shared zygotes.
yes, it was men that created the pill, created rubbers, created the iud, today's diaphram, and yes it was men that legislated abortion to be legal for women.... are you denying such?

we just learned to finally embrace the inventions!

i say you don't have sex with anyone that you are not willing to share a child with....

on all else, i agree with the other women! it is as fair as it can be legally, under the circumstance of who bears the weight of the burden.

but as i said before, if this were to happen to me, the father would have a say....he would be the first person i told!

Oh so you are admiting you havent had an abortion?

I'm not able to read your posts because the strobe light effect of your avatar is too distracting.

Why do you keep asking women in this thread if they've had abortions? It seems kind of personal to me.
I'm not able to read your posts because the strobe light effect of your avatar is too distracting.

Why do you keep asking women in this thread if they've had abortions? It seems kind of personal to me.

Why do you keep avoiding the question?
You prove you are an idiot every time you post drivel like this.

Is this honestly all you are able to do? If its such a bad argument, counter it. Otherwise stop following me around like an annoying little poodle, nipping at my heels.
Is this honestly all you are able to do? If its such a bad argument, counter it. Otherwise stop following me around like an annoying little poodle, nipping at my heels.

Nono, that's the pink chick.. He's more like an angry bulldog..
Nope. Definitely a poodle. Loud, yappy, harmless, and overall just pretty annoying.

Or maybe one of those tiny shivering hairless dogs.

As opposed to a ball less eunich pandering to women.

Not quite. Unlike you I base my beliefs on principle and not who they are effecting. Why is why you don't give a shit about individual rights here, but bitch and whine and moan when FLDS rapists possibly (but unlikely) have their rights infringed.

BTW...I like how you didn't deny your like the hairless dog. For once in your life , the truth just shocked you so bad you couldn't lie, eh ? :rofl:
Not quite. Unlike you I base my beliefs on principle and not who they are effecting. Why is why you don't give a shit about individual rights here, but bitch and whine and moan when FLDS rapists possibly (but unlikely) have their rights infringed.

BTW...I like how you didn't deny your like the hairless dog. For once in your life , the truth just shocked you so bad you couldn't lie, eh ? :rofl:

Yup your overriding higher intelliegence just caught me by surprise and I caved like the yapping dog I am.

You should sue your parents for not aborting YOU.
Yup your overriding higher intelliegence just caught me by surprise and I caved like the yapping dog I am.

I find it amusing that you just can't get over the fact that I'm smarter than you. It bothers you so much you bring it up whenever you can.

You should sue your parents for not aborting YOU.

No thanks, I rather enjoy life. Considering the only thing you are able to do is follow me around whining and yapping I'd think the advice would be better for you. I'll even represent you pro bono. :rofl:
I find it amusing that you just can't get over the fact that I'm smarter than you. It bothers you so much you bring it up whenever you can.

No thanks, I rather enjoy life. Considering the only thing you are able to do is follow me around whining and yapping I'd think the advice would be better for you. I'll even represent you pro bono. :rofl:

Laugh all you want. At least when you laugh at your jokes it is cause you think they are funny as opposed to when we laugh at you.
There is a difference between the living and the unborn, or the "potential" for life.

Pathetic reasoning. A fetus isn't a "potential" life. It is already ALIVE -and it is human, not a puppy or a goldfish. A fetus may naturally die before birth -but when that happens, it wasn't a POTENTIAL life that was lost. It was a real one. Just because government doesn't count that life as a CITIZEN until it takes a breath doesn't mean it isn't a human LIFE. So you are actually saying that you believe it is the level of maturity a human reaches that determines whether that life has any value or not.

Human life is inherently valuable -and its value cannot be determined by the age or level of maturity of that life -and can NEVER be based on whether OTHERS find value in that life or not. I think it is absolutely revolting that it is ALWAYS people who don't actually own that life who decide someone else can't be allowed to keep it. Once you draw a line and say human life on THIS side of the line is valuable and may not be killed -but all those on the other side of that line are fair game and we all have a "right" to slaughter them at will, then you can expect to see people insist that line needs to be moved further out.

And we already have. People now arguing the severely brain damaged shouldn't be allowed to live, the "right" to deliberately create human life in the lab for the SPECIFIC purpose of killing it in order to save another, OLDER human life. Just more life judged to be not quite "alive". And funny, but its always people who don't even own that life who insist that human life cannot be allowed to KEEP IT.

I also find it absolutely AMAZING that the people who argue the hardest for the "right" to kill someone if their existence is a mere inconvience to someone else -also argue the hardest against the death penalty. Kill the innocent and kill them by the MILLIONS for the "crime" that their mother finds their very existence to be inconvenient? Even kill the less than perfect because THEY have decided that life is meant only for the "perfect". But those who actually pose a great danger to others -even while in prison -must not be executed? Those people have their priorities so screwed up it is mindboggling. A death sentence is reserved only for those who have CHOSEN to forfeit their life by their ACTS -and knew full well in ADVANCE, that those actions would result in that forfeiture. They had a CHOICE.

All societies are judged by how they treat the most vulnerable among them. We said it was open season on our most vulnerable -and worst of all, who is vulnerable to that open season just keeps getting larger. Hitler -who first started off by allowing abortion on demand, then forced abortion then slaughter of the physically and mentally handicapped and then moved on to what he considered undesirable "races and groups" -appears to have just been a few decades too early and needed to wait for the generation that had the stomach for it. Those who insist that others have a "right" to judge the worthiness of any human life to continue owning that life -have sold their soul.

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