Flashback: Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Every damn day we should remember that Republican’s first act under Trump when they had full control of the House and Senate was to pass a bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for people with mental illnesses. Their priority was to make it easier for folks to get guns!

Every damn day we should remember that Republican’s first act under Trump when they had full control of the House and Senate was to pass a bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for people with mental illnesses. Their priority was to make it easier for folks to get guns!

People with mental illness still had to go through a background check. They were removed from the data base because law enforcement agencies could use that data to deny people from other legitimate activities. I remember that horseshit law Obama signed.
Every damn day we should remember that Republican’s first act under Trump when they had full control of the House and Senate was to pass a bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for people with mental illnesses. Their priority was to make it easier for folks to get guns!

Nothing in that Obama rule has any bearing on this shooting. Go read it. OTH -- I agree that if you're receiving SocSec disability SPECIFICALLY FOR "mental illness" that's enough justification to strip your guns. NOT SO -- with folks who are not capable of handling financial affairs. Since they may be alone and STILL enjoy the right to defend themselves. Being bad at finance and paying bills is NOT enough.

AND in fact -- Although Obama used Sandy Hook as the EXCUSE -- it wouldn't have mattered a twit either. Since it was his mother's gun that he shot her with and used in the crime.

BIGGEST problem -- is that Obama left no real process to APPEAL any decision. And situations change over time -- it was politically advantageous and poorly designed.
It was about mentally ill people being added to the national background check database, dumb ass. Why do you stupid MAGAs want mentally ill people armed?

Dont think you realize how specific the restricted categories were. You need to read the link and the actual scope of this poorly conceived power play.

The exclusions were VERY specific and any rational personal is not gonna trust GENERAL and VAGUE declarations of mental illness.
Nothing in that Obama rule has any bearing on this shooting. Go read it. OTH -- I agree that if you're receiving SocSec disability SPECIFICALLY FOR "mental illness" that's enough justification to strip your guns. NOT SO -- with folks who are not capable of handling financial affairs. Since they may be alone and STILL enjoy the right to defend themselves. Being bad at finance and paying bills is NOT enough.

AND in fact -- Although Obama used Sandy Hook as the EXCUSE -- it wouldn't have mattered a twit either. Since it was his mother's gun that he shot her with and used in the crime.

BIGGEST problem -- is that Obama left no real process to APPEAL any decision. And situations change over time -- it was politically advantageous and poorly designed.
So, they can't handle money, but they can handle a gun.
Dont think you realize how specific the restricted categories were. You need to read the link and the actual scope of this poorly conceived power play.

The exclusions were VERY specific and any rational personal is not gonna trust GENERAL and VAGUE declarations of mental illness.
When it comes to regulating guns, you MAGAs oppose everything, no matter what it might be. You can't be honest about that?--------that was a rhetorical question-----------we all know the answer.
When it comes to regulating guns, you MAGAs oppose everything, no matter what it might be. You can't be honest about that?--------that was a rhetorical question-----------we all know the answer.

That's far from true. But all you needed to do was read this thread to find that out. The action Obama took was reckless and poor design -- YET - I SAID I supported his idea that if you qualify for SocSec disability on MENTAL ISSUES -- not only should you never BE in a gun shop - you should have your guns stripped. That's a GOOD idea from B.H.O. WHY??

Now get this -- I'm gonna use this thing called logic. Perhaps you've heard of it.
If you collect Soc Disability on Mental grounds -- and you ARE mentally disabled -- you shouldn't have guns.
And if you collect Soc Disability on Mental grounds and you are NOT mentally disabled -- you are a FRAUD.

The "bar" is this case is high enough. Not just that a couple Psyche docs DECLARED you mentally incompetent -- but you're being SUPPORTED by the government for it. AND -- there are APPEAL processes should that change in time. Difficult to end it -- but the 1st step is STOP TAKING TAXPAYER MONEY -- if you're NOT disabled.

The other B.H.Obama idea that got canned is NOT a good idea. And that is that there are folks who just cant handle money and pay their bills but are TOTALLY CAPABLE of defending themselves. Cant begin to tell you how many feeble gramps and grammies have saved their lives by having a gun in the house so that they dont get preyed upon.

If you have invested 4 minutes READING the OPost link and my comments -- you would have seen this. Instead, you took a broad brush to what I believe and totally butchered it. This is how discussion goes.. And HOW ---- things get done.

Dont ever accuse me of "being dishonest'. That's the best way to get me angry.
So, they can't handle money, but they can handle a gun.

Sure. When you're 80, living alone you forget to pay your bills. Might forget a couple doctors appts or meals, but bad people prey on them. So -- they give up their ECONOMIC autonomy and assign a caretaker. Does not mean that they shouldnt be able to defend themselves because they are fragile targets for criminals.

And besides -- that's harder to APPEAL than the idea of being on Soc Sec disability for mental issues. Doesn't mean they are DANGEROUS or CRAZY.
Every damn day we should remember that Republican’s first act under Trump when they had full control of the House and Senate was to pass a bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for people with mental illnesses. Their priority was to make it easier for folks to get guns!

You are a moron............

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.


The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community.

This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.
When it comes to regulating guns, you MAGAs oppose everything, no matter what it might be. You can't be honest about that?--------that was a rhetorical question-----------we all know the answer.

No.....we oppose laws intentionally designed to target law abiding gun owners while doing nothing to stop criminals...

You refuse to list what you want for gun control, because you know we will expose each point for the gun grabbing plan it is..........

We are honest and dismantle each stupid point you make, so now you just throw out wild accusations....
Sure. When you're 80, living alone you forget to pay your bills. Might forget a couple doctors appts or meals, but bad people prey on them. So -- they give up their ECONOMIC autonomy and assign a caretaker. Does not mean that they shouldnt be able to defend themselves because they are fragile targets for criminals.

And besides -- that's harder to APPEAL than the idea of being on Soc Sec disability for mental issues. Doesn't mean they are DANGEROUS or CRAZY.

The democrats, like other leftists, support euthanasia for the elderly, just like in Europe and Canada.......so 80 year olds won't be around to have those issues....
That's far from true. But all you needed to do was read this thread to find that out. The action Obama took was reckless and poor design -- YET - I SAID I supported his idea that if you qualify for SocSec disability on MENTAL ISSUES -- not only should you never BE in a gun shop - you should have your guns stripped. That's a GOOD idea from B.H.O. WHY??

Now get this -- I'm gonna use this thing called logic. Perhaps you've heard of it.
If you collect Soc Disability on Mental grounds -- and you ARE mentally disabled -- you shouldn't have guns.
And if you collect Soc Disability on Mental grounds and you are NOT mentally disabled -- you are a FRAUD.

The "bar" is this case is high enough. Not just that a couple Psyche docs DECLARED you mentally incompetent -- but you're being SUPPORTED by the government for it. AND -- there are APPEAL processes should that change in time. Difficult to end it -- but the 1st step is STOP TAKING TAXPAYER MONEY -- if you're NOT disabled.

The other B.H.Obama idea that got canned is NOT a good idea. And that is that there are folks who just cant handle money and pay their bills but are TOTALLY CAPABLE of defending themselves. Cant begin to tell you how many feeble gramps and grammies have saved their lives by having a gun in the house so that they dont get preyed upon.

If you have invested 4 minutes READING the OPost link and my comments -- you would have seen this. Instead, you took a broad brush to what I believe and totally butchered it. This is how discussion goes.. And HOW ---- things get done.

Dont ever accuse me of "being dishonest'. That's the best way to get me angry.
You're a MAGA. Fox and like minded sources spend millions to keep you angry. That's why you don't mind repeating all the dishonest crap they feed you. Your politicians are openly saying there is nothing they can do to stop kids being slaughtered. They are too busy banning books. About 90% of the country support red flag laws, and universal background checks, but the NRA ownes your party, so nothing will be done.
You're a MAGA. Fox and like minded sources spend millions to keep you angry. That's why you don't mind repeating all the dishonest crap they feed you. Your politicians are openly saying there is nothing they can do to stop kids being slaughtered. They are too busy banning books. About 90% of the country support red flag laws, and universal background checks, but the NRA ownes your party, so nothing will be done.
What media can I blame for your inability to discuss and refute all those points you never addressed? You accused me of being dishonest and closed minded. What media has caused YOUR symptoms of the same.

I honestly take the time to walk you through my initial response -- especially the part where I praised and justified ONE of the aspects that was in the "repealed" Obama law. And you punt.

I'm not the one with the issues here. I was ADDRESSING the topic. You are not capable of that. I think I'll stick with WSJournal, Reason Mag and my other main sources of news. One of which WAS USMB and all leftist, marxist propaganda posted here.

I'd hate to catch what you suffer from. :poke:
It was about mentally ill people being added to the national background check database, dumb ass. Why do you stupid MAGAs want mentally ill people armed?

No. Mentally mentally ill is large field of possible problems. The "Obama order" was limited to people on DECLARED mental disability taking SDI -- and folks who are declared incompetent to conduct their financial affairs.
What media can I blame for your inability to discuss and refute all those points you never addressed? You accused me of being dishonest and closed minded. What media has caused YOUR symptoms of the same.

I honestly take the time to walk you through my initial response -- especially the part where I praised and justified ONE of the aspects that was in the "repealed" Obama law. And you punt.

I'm not the one with the issues here. I was ADDRESSING the topic. You are not capable of that. I think I'll stick with WSJournal, Reason Mag and my other main sources of news. One of which WAS USMB and all leftist, marxist propaganda posted here.

I'd hate to catch what you suffer from. :poke:
Bulldog is now deflecting and doing what so many on their side have done, deflect, call you a Trumper, Maga, whatever and then completely ignore the opportunity for a reasonable conversation. If anyone is angry, it's the left, who continually resort these types of emotional and illogical tactics.

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