Radical Gun Control Bill Introduced in the House


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Radical Gun Control Bill Introduced in the House
Why it violates the Second Amendment and Americans' due process rights.
Radical Gun Control Bill Introduced in the House | Frontpagemag
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

With Joe Biden, a strong advocate of strict gun control, in the White House, Democrats are hoping to enact radical gun control legislation that would eviscerate the Second Amendment. On January 4, 2021, the day after the swearing in of the new Congress, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill (H.R. 127) entitled the "Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act.” Her bill is named after a Pakistani exchange student who was killed in a mass shooting at a Texas school in 2018. The bill would require the federal licensing of firearm and ammunition possession under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Attorney General, establish a national firearm registry, and prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.
The centralized firearm registry is a giant step towards eventual gun confiscation from law-abiding Americans. The information that gun owners must provide to the federal government includes the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored. Sales, gifts, or even loans of one’s firearm or ammunition must be reported to the Attorney General. When government officials have the information to readily identify and locate owners’ firearms throughout the country, mandatory buy-backs and eventual confiscations become much easier to implement. Only law-abiding Americans will be impacted. Black markets for firearms used by criminals will proliferate.
The registration program is a direct assault on the privacy of law-abiding gun owners.
This time, the House, Senate and White House are all controlled by the Democrats who support radical gun control legislation. If Rep. Lee’s bill, or something like it, is passed by the House during the current congressional term, the bill could still be stopped in the Senate by a filibuster. If the Senate Democrats eliminate the filibuster and the bill is signed by President Biden, the Supreme Court could still rule that it is unconstitutional. But progressives are plotting a strategy to pack the Supreme Court with their own brethren so that they can reconstitute the Court into the equivalent of a progressive legislature. With the packed Supreme Court under their control, the progressives will be able to reverse the Heller decision and uphold the constitutionality of far left gun control laws. The Second Amendment hangs in the balance.

So the "Attorney General" now becmes the chief medical/mental health officer as well.
Do Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have the ability to Gage Howe this will turn out?
"A Centralized Firearm Registry"--The same thing the PM/DSA Dems have been screaming for since since the 1930's. Germany succeeded and see where it got them...
The UK has confiscated all the guns and there crime rate has risen.
Registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation.
The Catastrophic Consequences Of Gun Registration (jpfo.org)
National Rifle Association's Change on Gun Control in 1970s | Time
Venezuela took citizens' guns by force—now the people are regretful and helpless against oppression - TheBlaze

The time to fear this kind of Fascist control is coming! I and all Constitutional respecting citizens will fight!
If this draconian bill passes you can take to the bank that CWII will soon be necessary to preserve the Constitution. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have to see this action brewing because of their actions since China Joey Xi was sworn in.

Well, the good news is you can 3D print a gun for pretty cheap now. :)

You actually can't. Cheap 3D printers are FDM or resin printers. They can only use comparatively weak plastics such as PLA, ABS, and PETG. These plastic work in 3D printers because of their low melting points (something not conducive to making firearms which only function by creating heat and pressure).

You can make receivers and accessories with a 3D printer, but a fully 3D printed gun is effectively just a hand-removal tool.

The irony of this is, many people know that firearms, particularly small automatic firearms, are very easy to make at home using off-the-shelf steel plumbing gauges and basic tools (files, hacksaws, and drills).

You can buy the full plans for a fully-automatic machine gun with full instructions off of Amazon.

Well, the good news is you can 3D print a gun for pretty cheap now. :)

You actually can't. Cheap 3D printers are FDM or resin printers. They can only use comparatively weak plastics such as PLA, ABS, and PETG. These plastic work in 3D printers because of their low melting points (something not conducive to making firearms which only function by creating heat and pressure).

You can make receivers and accessories with a 3D printer, but a fully 3D printed gun is effectively just a hand-removal tool.

The irony of this is, many people know that firearms, particularly small automatic firearms, are very easy to make at home using off-the-shelf steel plumbing gauges and basic tools (files, hacksaws, and drills).

You can buy the full plans for a fully-automatic machine gun with full instructions off of Amazon.

View attachment 463245

Good points. I guess everyone that is worried about gun control, should go out and buy a copy of this book and start practicing making them. It would be pretty fun also to see what you could come up with. Now, the next problem. How easy is it to make bullets for these homemade guns?
I find it extremely hard to trust a government that doesn’t trust me enough to own firearms. The government should always have more fear of its citizens than the citizens fear of the government. Our government knows if it morphs into a tyranny it will face an armed uprising.

Plus, to be honest, I have very little trust in our current government to begin with. Neither do most Americans.

I also see the Democratic Party is pushing to change this nation into a socialist state. I have no desire to live in a “worker’s paradise“ like Venezuela or a communist nation like China or Cuba let alone North Korea.

in passing the Scandinavian nations like Norway and Sweden are not socialist.

How easy is it to make bullets for these homemade guns?

The only difficult thing in making a bullet is the case, which must be pressed out of brass or nickel on an industrial scale. But, cases are reusable many times over.
How easy is it to make bullets for these homemade guns?

The only difficult thing in making a bullet is the case, which must be pressed out of brass or nickel on an industrial scale. But, cases are reusable many times over.

I guess in beating them in their own game. I have to wonder how difficult it would be to make homemade laser guns. That would cut out the need for bullets. I am sure the technology is already here to do it.
Radical Gun Control Bill Introduced in the House
Why it violates the Second Amendment and Americans' due process rights.
Radical Gun Control Bill Introduced in the House | Frontpagemag
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

With Joe Biden, a strong advocate of strict gun control, in the White House, Democrats are hoping to enact radical gun control legislation that would eviscerate the Second Amendment. On January 4, 2021, the day after the swearing in of the new Congress, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill (H.R. 127) entitled the "Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act.” Her bill is named after a Pakistani exchange student who was killed in a mass shooting at a Texas school in 2018. The bill would require the federal licensing of firearm and ammunition possession under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Attorney General, establish a national firearm registry, and prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.
The centralized firearm registry is a giant step towards eventual gun confiscation from law-abiding Americans. The information that gun owners must provide to the federal government includes the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored. Sales, gifts, or even loans of one’s firearm or ammunition must be reported to the Attorney General. When government officials have the information to readily identify and locate owners’ firearms throughout the country, mandatory buy-backs and eventual confiscations become much easier to implement. Only law-abiding Americans will be impacted. Black markets for firearms used by criminals will proliferate.
The registration program is a direct assault on the privacy of law-abiding gun owners.
This time, the House, Senate and White House are all controlled by the Democrats who support radical gun control legislation. If Rep. Lee’s bill, or something like it, is passed by the House during the current congressional term, the bill could still be stopped in the Senate by a filibuster. If the Senate Democrats eliminate the filibuster and the bill is signed by President Biden, the Supreme Court could still rule that it is unconstitutional. But progressives are plotting a strategy to pack the Supreme Court with their own brethren so that they can reconstitute the Court into the equivalent of a progressive legislature. With the packed Supreme Court under their control, the progressives will be able to reverse the Heller decision and uphold the constitutionality of far left gun control laws. The Second Amendment hangs in the balance.

So the "Attorney General" now becmes the chief medical/mental health officer as well.
Do Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have the ability to Gage Howe this will turn out?
"A Centralized Firearm Registry"--The same thing the PM/DSA Dems have been screaming for since since the 1930's. Germany succeeded and see where it got them...
The UK has confiscated all the guns and there crime rate has risen.
Registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation.
The Catastrophic Consequences Of Gun Registration (jpfo.org)
National Rifle Association's Change on Gun Control in 1970s | Time
Venezuela took citizens' guns by force—now the people are regretful and helpless against oppression - TheBlaze

The time to fear this kind of Fascist control is coming! I and all Constitutional respecting citizens will fight!
If this draconian bill passes you can take to the bank that CWII will soon be necessary to preserve the Constitution. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have to see this action brewing because of their actions since China Joey Xi was sworn in.

Coming!? When a political party goes against our freedoms and rights they are tyrants. YOU DON'T LET THEM RULE , MAKE UNHOLY LAWS. yOU SEE WHAT ONE MONTH HAS DONE. END THIS FRAUD NOW WITH WHAT EVER IT TAKES. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE TROOPS IN DC WOULD SHOOT AT PATRIOTS OR FILL THE WHITE HOUSE WITH LEAD.. When you look at what joe the fraud has done in a month it could not be worse that a full revolution. Is there any Americans left
fuck the communist demonRATS...they are afraid, that AMERICANS own guns....try to come on my property, thats called trespassing, i will shoot you if you do not listen to the warnings---government or not.....my property--not yours. lets see what size balls they have
How easy is it to make bullets for these homemade guns?

The only difficult thing in making a bullet is the case, which must be pressed out of brass or nickel on an industrial scale. But, cases are reusable many times over.

I guess in beating them in their own game. I have to wonder how difficult it would be to make homemade laser guns. That would cut out the need for bullets. I am sure the technology is already here to do it.
:Boom2: :th_BlackHelicopter::bsflag:
Now we are talking!! :D Nice!

And also even if they try to ban guns, their are still swords and ninja stars that can do just as much damage.

Try using that against an attacker with a gun because no matter how many laws you write against them, the only ones that will obey them are law abiding citizens.

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