FLASHBACK: Gallup Had Carter Up 4 Points Over Ronald Reagan in September 1980


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.

So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.


The purpose of polls is not to tell you what's going to happen 2 months from now, they are designed to tell you where things are now,

and they are very good at doing that.
So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.


The purpose of polls is not to tell you what's going to happen 2 months from now, they are designed to tell you where things are now,

and they are very good at doing that.
You need to reread the OP. You didn't comprehend it.
So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.


The purpose of polls is not to tell you what's going to happen 2 months from now, they are designed to tell you where things are now,

and they are very good at doing that.
You need to reread the OP. You didn't comprehend it.

You're the idiot who started the thread about the internet poll and claimed it proved Romney was going to win.

Go home and get your head on straight.
So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.

I would question any gallup poll stats since obama's DOJ sued them for poll numbers that favored Romney over obama.
So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.


We can only hope history repeats itself this fall and BO loses big just like the the peanut nutty farmer in 1980.

But this time we also need a total repudiation of Liberalism and all its horrific consequences....so that it can't be repeated. Imagine how great America would be if only it would follow conservative/libertarian policies for 50 years, rather than shitty liberalism.
The purpose of polls is not to tell you what's going to happen 2 months from now, they are designed to tell you where things are now,

and they are very good at doing that.
You need to reread the OP. You didn't comprehend it.

You're the idiot who started the thread about the internet poll and claimed it proved Romney was going to win.

Go home and get your head on straight.
The OP points out that a poll had peanut chump ahead of Reagan just days before the election, and then Reagan won by a landslide. Then you come on here and comment that polls are to tell us "WHERE THINGS ARE NOW." Well back then, that's WHERE THEY WERE, and they were WRONG. Get it now, shit for fucking brains.

Quit soaking your fucking head in the toilet ya butt nugget and maybe your thoughts will clear up.

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Didn't Reagan stomp Carter in the only debate in 1980 just about a week before the election? I'm too young to remember, was born in '80.

Does anyone really think Romney can turn out that type of debate performance?
Didn't Reagan stomp Carter in the only debate in 1980 just about a week before the election? I'm too young to remember, was born in '80.

Does anyone really think Romney can turn out that type of debate performance?

If he stays on the economy it will help. But he has to be prepared to rebut Obama's bogus numbers
The media are gushing and fawning over new poll numbers showing Barack Obama getting a bounce from the just ended Democratic National Convention putting him four points ahead of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Before they get too cocky, they might want to recall that after his convention ended in 1988, Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis led George H.W. Bush by seventeen points.

The New York Times reported July 26, 1988:

This was among the findings of a national public opinion poll of 948 registered voters conducted late last week for Newsweek magazine by the Gallup Organization. The telephone interviews took place on July 21, which was the last night of the convention, and on the night after that.

Fifty-five percent of the 948 registered voters interviewed in the poll said they preferred to see Mr. Dukakis win the 1988 Presidential election, while 38 percent said they preferred to see Mr. Bush win.

Flashback: Dukakis Led Bush By 17 Points After 1988 DNC | NewsBusters.org
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Gawd, every freakin' time I hear the name "Dukakis", that image of him in that tank pops to mind AND IT WON'T LEAVE. That picture is BURNED into my BRAIN.



So... it would appear the mutton head odumbo supporters here that think all these "SCIENTIFIC" polls are so damn great, well, guess this just makes them look pretty dumb...

Gallup polling today put Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points after the godless DNC Convention.

Back in 1980 Gallup had Jimmy Carter up over Ronald Reagan by 4 points in mid to late September… And, Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27.

Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states.


I said this a week ago. They all have been wetting themselves over the polls. The Colorado projection of course, they... for the most part..ignore. That too can very well be wrong this time.

Yet one fact remains that Reagan was behind. We all know what happened, don't we...TWICE! :D

They relentlessly mock GWB. We all know what happened, don't we...TWICE! :D
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You need to reread the OP. You didn't comprehend it.

You're the idiot who started the thread about the internet poll and claimed it proved Romney was going to win.

Go home and get your head on straight.
The OP points out that a poll had peanut chump ahead of Reagan just days before the election, and then Reagan won by a landslide. Then you come on here and comment that polls are to tell us "WHERE THINGS ARE NOW." Well back then, that's WHERE THEY WERE, and they were WRONG. Get it now, shit for fucking brains.

Quit soaking your fucking head in the toilet ya butt nugget and maybe your thoughts will clear up.


The final Gallup poll had Reagan winning.

The final Harris poll had Reagan winning.

Go post us another internet poll from one of your ghey websites and tell us again how that proves Romney will win.

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