Fitness leads to right wing extremism?

"Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In “Mein Kampf,” Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with “fanatical love of the fatherland,” would do more for the German nation than any “mediocre” tactical weapons training."

Wow, so that is why out of shape fat people are more likely to be leftist democrats...

Or, the more lazy you are, the more likely you are to be a democrat
Individual strength, whether it be physical, mental or financial is the enemy of the New World Order. They need people to be weak so they can control them.
Ass for miles...
Sometimes video editing software is fun.


Photoshop is the best, IMO, but is very expensive software. To hell with them. They keep charging more and more for it.

GIMP is an opensource freeware graphics editing program that anyone with an intent to make somebody's ass look bigger can download for free and it can do almost everything that Photoshop can.

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Every mason I know lives in pain.
My sister dated a mason and was appalled by the roughness of his hands. She talked me out of becoming one as it would ruin my hands for playing guitar. Glad I listened and kept my meat cutting job.
Picture imprinted on Moonglows sheets.

Has to be on the sheets cause whenever he's in the bed he's face down.
It's better to get to the gym early before work. Less crowded, and then go for a run later in the evening.
Never run when you can walk.
Never walk when you can stand.
Never stand when you can sit.
Never sit when you can lie.
Never stay awake when you can sleep.
Life is good.
You're welcome. :)
My Militia training & frequent FTX training events got me into as good a shape as when I played HS Football so there could be something to this

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