Finish it the hell up - Gowdy speaks out

iceberg and his pals each is a far right Russian tool. No, he is not middle ground at all.

All of the birther material taken together is racialistic to the bone.

Even if he is a mulatto half-Kenyan Muslim, he was a far better President than Trump can ever hope to be.
"Finish It The Hell Up": Gowdy Slams Rosenstein Over Never-Ending Russia Probe

part of what he's said today:
More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single solitary damn thing! More than 60 have voted to move forward with impeachment! And he hasn't presented his first finding!

Russia attacked this country, they should be the target. But Russia isn't being hurt by this investigation right now, we are. This country is being hurt by it. We are being divided. We've seen the bias. We need to see the evidence.

If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people.

pretty telling overall. 60 people vote to impeach w/o hearing evidence. reflection of our society today - give me what i want in lynch mob fashion, laws be damned cause i hate you.
“Tough shit.” ~ Whitewater

it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Gowdy and Jordan etc were simply show boating,

And were completely, unprofessional, asses.

They should be impeached for trying to force Ray and Rosenstein to break the rules and protocol and best practices for on going investigations....

And they DO NOT care about what they are asking for....

They haven't even read, the thousands of documents they forced Rosenstein to turn over....

They are playing DIRTY TRICKS.... SAD.

Why don't people know ANYTHING? Members of Congress cannot be impeached. Impeachment is only used to remove members of the Executive Branch from their jobs.
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

Wait, wut? Obama wasn't even a blip on the radar in 2004.

He probably hadn't made it to Chicago from Kenya yet.
i know. when reading these articles you filter a lot of crap. however its painfully obvious this came from clinton supporters if not her.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
if nothing has been found in 17 months, it won't be. we need to stop this damn division and end this "payback" mentality you're advocating here now.

we all need to stop this bullshit that people must be investigated until they wind up in jail cause that's the only outcome you will sleep better at night with.
Two and a half years. That's how long Gowdy's Great Benghazi Adventure lasted. Withno indictments, no convictions, no guilty pleas and no prison time served. Two and a half years lasting until just after the 2016 elections when he announced 'nothing to see here!'

Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation has gone on for 13 months with lots of indictments, guilty pleas, charges filed and, in some cases already, jail time served.

Whitewater was on for longer. Watergate was on for longer.

It's clear that Trump's political allies want this to end, but justice does not start and stop on the urging of political allies.
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

Wait, wut? Obama wasn't even a blip on the radar in 2004.

He probably hadn't made it to Chicago from Kenya yet.
i know. when reading these articles you filter a lot of crap. however its painfully obvious this came from clinton supporters if not her.
They did not. What a member of Hillary's staff passed along was an email about Obama being a Muslim, not about him being born in Kenya.

The birther nonsense first appeared on a rightwing forum. Days later, it spread to a rightwing blog. That was the beginning of birtherism.
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?
Gowdy and Jordan etc were simply show boating,

And were completely, unprofessional, asses.

They should be impeached for trying to force Ray and Rosenstein to break the rules and protocol and best practices for on going investigations....

And they DO NOT care about what they are asking for....

They haven't even read, the thousands of documents they forced Rosenstein to turn over....

They are playing DIRTY TRICKS.... SAD.

Why don't people know ANYTHING? Members of Congress cannot be impeached. Impeachment is only used to remove members of the Executive Branch from their jobs.
The word should have been expulsion instead of impeachment. The should face expulsion from congress for trying to force Ray and Rosenstein to break the rules and protocol and best practices for on going investigations.
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why they questioned his birthplace.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency | Daily Mail Online
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why they questioned his birthplace.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency | Daily Mail Online
Nothing in your link says anything about his book jacket stating he was born in Kenya.

So again, I ask.... what the fuck are you talking about?
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why they questioned his birthplace.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency | Daily Mail Online
No one knew about that pamphlet until well after birtherism had already spread.

And when that pamphlet was first published, there was several newspaper articles which stated Obama was born in Hawaii. So why ignore news stories about him but accept a literary pamphlet that was virtually unknown?
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why they questioned his birthplace.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency | Daily Mail Online
Nothing in your link says anything about his book jacket stating he was born in Kenya.

So again, I ask.... what the fuck are you talking about?

It was on his 1991 bio.
So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?

How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why they questioned his birthplace.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency | Daily Mail Online
Nothing in your link says anything about his book jacket stating he was born in Kenya.

So again, I ask.... what the fuck are you talking about?

It was on his 1991 bio.
You said it was on his book jacket.
How many of them had a book jacket that said they were born in Kenya?
Not even Obama had that. What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why they questioned his birthplace.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency | Daily Mail Online
Nothing in your link says anything about his book jacket stating he was born in Kenya.

So again, I ask.... what the fuck are you talking about?

It was on his 1991 bio.
You said it was on his book jacket.

Now we get to the point of your posts.:backpedal:
Semantics.Wow didnt see that coming......
Its time to end it...Mueller needs to stand before the American people and tell us what he has.....not next month or next week....NOW!!!!!
How long was Benghazi?
This isn't a game of gotcha Coyote....we are investigating the leader of the free involves all of us one way or the died in Benghazi and we needed to know why and how...if Hillary and Obama had been as forth coming as Trump has been her investigation would have been short and informative but her and Obama fought every step of the way.... Blame her for the length of time...

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
if nothing has been found in 17 months, it won't be. we need to stop this damn division and end this "payback" mentality you're advocating here now.

we all need to stop this bullshit that people must be investigated until they wind up in jail cause that's the only outcome you will sleep better at night with.
Two and a half years. That's how long Gowdy's Great Benghazi Adventure lasted. Withno indictments, no convictions, no guilty pleas and no prison time served. Two and a half years lasting until just after the 2016 elections when he announced 'nothing to see here!'

Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation has gone on for 13 months with lots of indictments, guilty pleas, charges filed and, in some cases already, jail time served.

Whitewater was on for longer. Watergate was on for longer.

It's clear that Trump's political allies want this to end, but justice does not start and stop on the urging of political allies.
it's clear people want this to end.

name 1 "conviction" that is actually tied to RUSSIA and the core reason for the "investigation"
Gowdy and Jordan etc were simply show boating,

And were completely, unprofessional, asses.

They should be impeached for trying to force Ray and Rosenstein to break the rules and protocol and best practices for on going investigations....

And they DO NOT care about what they are asking for....

They haven't even read, the thousands of documents they forced Rosenstein to turn over....

They are playing DIRTY TRICKS.... SAD.

Why don't people know ANYTHING? Members of Congress cannot be impeached. Impeachment is only used to remove members of the Executive Branch from their jobs.
yeah, WHY don't they Know anything? :rolleyes:

At the federal level, Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution grants to the House of Representatives "the sole power of impeachment", and Article I, Section 3, Clause 6 grants to the Senate "the sole Power to try all Impeachments". In considering articles of impeachment, the House is obligated to base any charges on the constitutional standards specified in Article II, Section 4: "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors".[2] (Full text of clauses )

Recall of Legislators and the Removal
of Members of Congress from Office
Congressional Research Service
Under the United States Constitution and congressional practice, Members of Congress may have
their services ended prior to the normal expiration of their constitutionally established terms of
office by their resignation or death, or by action of the house of Congress in which they are a
Member by way of an “expulsion,” or by a findin
g that in accepting a subsequent “incompatible”
public office, the Member would be deemed to have vacated his congressional seat.
Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution, a Member of Congress may be removed
from office before the normal expiration of his or her constitutional term by an “expulsion” from
the Senate (if a Senator) or from the House of Representatives (if a Representative) upon a formal
vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of
the Members of that body present and voting.
While there are no specific grounds for an expulsion expressed in the Constitution, expulsion
actions in both the House and the Senate have generally concerned cases of perceived disloyalty
to the United States, or the conviction of a criminal statutory offense which involved abuse of
one’s official position. Each house has broad authority as to the grounds, nature, timing, and
procedure for an expulsion of a Member. However,
considerations, as opposed to questions
of authority, have appeared to restrain the Senate and House in the exercise of expulsion when it
might be considered as infringing on the electoral process, such as when the electorate knew of
the past misconduct under consideration and still elected or re-elected the Member.

It is called an expulsion, and needs 2/3's vote of the chamber
Nothing in your link says anything about his book jacket stating he was born in Kenya.

So again, I ask.... what the fuck are you talking about?

It was on his 1991 bio.
You said it was on his book jacket.

Now we get to the point of your posts.:backpedal:
Semantics.Wow didnt see that coming......

What you call "semantics" is actually a lame dismissal by you after being exposed as not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.

Now that we've clarified that, can you discern the difference between a book jacket, which appears in the public on millions of copies of books and represents the account of the author of the book(Obama) -- with a promotional pamphlet that was privately sent to a few thousand people on a literary agent's mailing list and represents the account of the author of the pamphlet (Acton & Dystel)?

And you didn't answer the question .... there were several news articles written around the time of that pamphlet stating Obama was born in Hawaii .... why would anyone ignore the news but accept a virtually unknown literary pamphlet?

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