Finish it the hell up - Gowdy speaks out


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
"Finish It The Hell Up": Gowdy Slams Rosenstein Over Never-Ending Russia Probe

part of what he's said today:
More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single solitary damn thing! More than 60 have voted to move forward with impeachment! And he hasn't presented his first finding!

Russia attacked this country, they should be the target. But Russia isn't being hurt by this investigation right now, we are. This country is being hurt by it. We are being divided. We've seen the bias. We need to see the evidence.

If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people.

pretty telling overall. 60 people vote to impeach w/o hearing evidence. reflection of our society today - give me what i want in lynch mob fashion, laws be damned cause i hate you.
Its time to end it...Mueller needs to stand before the American people and tell us what he has.....not next month or next week....NOW!!!!!
Its time to end it...Mueller needs to stand before the American people and tell us what he has.....not next month or next week....NOW!!!!!
if you found something substantial to warrant keeping this going - present it and let's go. if not, end it cause you never will.
"Finish It The Hell Up": Gowdy Slams Rosenstein Over Never-Ending Russia Probe

part of what he's said today:
More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single solitary damn thing! More than 60 have voted to move forward with impeachment! And he hasn't presented his first finding!

Russia attacked this country, they should be the target. But Russia isn't being hurt by this investigation right now, we are. This country is being hurt by it. We are being divided. We've seen the bias. We need to see the evidence.

If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people.

pretty telling overall. 60 people vote to impeach w/o hearing evidence. reflection of our society today - give me what i want in lynch mob fashion, laws be damned cause i hate you.

Gowdy and Jordan were magnificent.
"Finish It The Hell Up": Gowdy Slams Rosenstein Over Never-Ending Russia Probe

part of what he's said today:
More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single solitary damn thing! More than 60 have voted to move forward with impeachment! And he hasn't presented his first finding!

Russia attacked this country, they should be the target. But Russia isn't being hurt by this investigation right now, we are. This country is being hurt by it. We are being divided. We've seen the bias. We need to see the evidence.

If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people.

pretty telling overall. 60 people vote to impeach w/o hearing evidence. reflection of our society today - give me what i want in lynch mob fashion, laws be damned cause i hate you.

Gowdy and Jordan were magnificent.
reading more on the day now. rosenstein won't say one way or another if they were spying on trump. could mean something, could just be very careful in what he says because people fishing will make it mean something. but we need some very base questions answered all around with very open answers if this is ever going to be put behind us.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
if nothing has been found in 17 months, it won't be. we need to stop this damn division and end this "payback" mentality you're advocating here now.

we all need to stop this bullshit that people must be investigated until they wind up in jail cause that's the only outcome you will sleep better at night with.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
Benghazi resulted in dead Americans and established the fact that a terrorist enemy still thrived.
Benghazi involved a coordinated campaign of lies aided by a complicit media by an admin seeking re-election.
No comparison to a phantom Russian collusion investigation.
This is a reflection of a self-serving, corrupt democrat party and equally corrupt and complicit FBI.
They want to drag this into the midterm election season and make it front page at the most convenient time.
A corrupt media will comply.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
Do you know why? Because they were stonewalled. And they never did receive all the documents.
Mueller will release the bombshells with the reports about Sep 15, 2018, right in the middle of Trump's latest SCOTUS struggle.

That will rev up women and antiTrumpers like nothing else could.

Comey ensured Clinton was defeated. Politics is a bitch.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
if nothing has been found in 17 months, it won't be. we need to stop this damn division and end this "payback" mentality you're advocating here now.

we all need to stop this bullshit that people must be investigated until they wind up in jail cause that's the only outcome you will sleep better at night with.

You didn't listen. Benghazi was 17 months. The Russia probe just his the 12 month mark last month.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
Benghazi resulted in dead Americans and established the fact that a terrorist enemy still thrived.
Benghazi involved a coordinated campaign of lies aided by a complicit media by an admin seeking re-election.
No comparison to a phantom Russian collusion investigation.

Russia was an attack on our election process, and an attack on AMERICA... and Americans helped them.
Lewdog, on this the pubs are right to be afraid: 15 Sep is just around the corner, and seven weeks before the election.

They should be afraid. I think the DOJ and FBI have decided to stick to the Trumpers and their GOP supporters just before election time.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
Benghazi resulted in dead Americans and established the fact that a terrorist enemy still thrived.
Benghazi involved a coordinated campaign of lies aided by a complicit media by an admin seeking re-election.
No comparison to a phantom Russian collusion investigation.

Russia was an attack on our election process, and an attack on AMERICA... and Americans helped them.
The time will come when the American sycophants and tools will be jailed.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
So, you fucks are hypocrites, Gowdy is a hypocrite, everyone is a hypocrite.

Now that is out of the about addressing his points? It's a simple, "Put up or shut up".

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
Benghazi resulted in dead Americans and established the fact that a terrorist enemy still thrived.
Benghazi involved a coordinated campaign of lies aided by a complicit media by an admin seeking re-election.
No comparison to a phantom Russian collusion investigation.

Russia was an attack on our election process, and an attack on AMERICA... and Americans helped them.
The time will come when the American sycophants and tools will be jailed.
well let us know which one they put you in when you get an internet break.

How long did Gowdy spend on the Benghazi investigation?

It last SEVENTEEN MONTHS. He is a fucking hypocrite. While Benghazi was horrible, the Russia investigation is by far more important.
Benghazi resulted in dead Americans and established the fact that a terrorist enemy still thrived.
Benghazi involved a coordinated campaign of lies aided by a complicit media by an admin seeking re-election.
No comparison to a phantom Russian collusion investigation.

Russia was an attack on our election process, and an attack on AMERICA... and Americans helped them.
Except there is zero evidence.
I totally agree with Gowdy, Mueller should present a report within 30 days to the President and to us, this is what we found and these are our conclusions. The whole thing smells like political shit, and I'm tired of it. If you ain't got enough to nail somebody by now, then I'm sorry but time's up. And I don't care who it is, Repub or Dem.

This whole mess really makes the DOJ and FBI look really bad, first for all that animosity against Trump and second it looks like a cover-up is going on and people are covering their asses or somebody else's ass. All these protestations of innocence and pleas for more time are not working, there's a whole bunch of people out there that do not trust their gov't and this bullshit is not helping.

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