Finish it the hell up - Gowdy speaks out

Gowdy and Jordan etc were simply show boating,

And were completely, unprofessional, asses.

They should be impeached for trying to force Ray and Rosenstein to break the rules and protocol and best practices for on going investigations....

And they DO NOT care about what they are asking for....

They haven't even read, the thousands of documents they forced Rosenstein to turn over....

They are playing DIRTY TRICKS.... SAD.
The problem of not knowing anything about the investigation falls directly in to the hands of the Senate and congressional Intel and Judicial committees lead by Republicans....

these committee hearings have been kept from we the people....

and prematurely ended, without completion

They did not do their constitutional duties of overseeing wrong doings and the president....

With the Watergate Investigation, it was PUBLIC HEARINGS so that we the people could follow what was going on....

While the Special Prosecutor, Archibald Cox, continued with his CLASSIFIED investigation, the congressional investigations was Public.

by the Republicans in Trump's pocket, NOT having hearings that were/are Public and the witnesses under oath, is simply a COVER UP for the president....and a PLAN to shuffle the Russian investigation, under the table.

and the only REASON to do this, is they KNOW the president and his team, were involved in something illegal and wrong with Russia.
That is simply not true Jim.

6 years ago Trump was called out as a racist piece of crud by a lot of people due to his moronic "birther" accusations.....

That's how his presidency run began.... getting his "Birther" following....
1. The Birther questions began with Hillary Clinton in 2008, not with Trump, but you will be sure to tell me that I am wrong, of course.

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Andy Martin did not release his rumors without clearance from Hillary's people, we all know that.

2. The public has a right to know that all Presidential candidates have proof that they meet all qualifications to be President, and Obama knowingly toyed with his critics by not releasing his birth certificate. There is nothing racist in demanding Obama's proof.

3. Obviously Trumps Presidency did not begin prior to him taking office.
Gowdy went on with Benghazi for 17 months got nothing, Hillary was investigated for emails, for White Water,... for shitting in a men's restroom and there were a couple indictments out of Whitwater and that's it.

In a nationally televised hearing he complains and says the Russia probe should wrap up that has had how many indictments in 13 months?

He says it is tearing apart the country? No Mr. Gowdy, the idiot in the White House that is lying about everything including his weight is tearing apart this country.
/----/ "Gowdy went on with Benghazi for 17 months got nothing, " The difference is Benghazi happened and our Ambassador and staff were murdered. Just because Hildabeast couldn't be charged is quite different from Russian collusion that never happened.

Yeah you're right it was different. One involved the Secretary of State, the other involved the President, his staff, and campaign and an act of war when Russia meddled in our election.
/----/ "the other involved the President," So you admit President Obama had a hand in the Russian meddling. BTW - Trump wasn't president. He was a private citizen. It was up to Obozo to stop it.
View attachment 201689

Uh no? Trump is only President now because of the collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians. Question, do you fly your Russian flag above or under your American flag in your front yard?

Any proof of your accusations, oh I forgot liberals don’t need proof

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Yeah you're right it was different. One involved the Secretary of State, the other involved the President, his staff, and campaign and an act of war when Russia meddled in our election.
/----/ "the other involved the President," So you admit President Obama had a hand in the Russian meddling. BTW - Trump wasn't president. He was a private citizen. It was up to Obozo to stop it.
View attachment 201689

Uh no? Trump is only President now because of the collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians. Question, do you fly your Russian flag above or under your American flag in your front yard?
/----/ You can't admit you made a mistake. We understand. Go spend time with your comfort pony.
Did Russia's Facebook Ads Actually Swing the Election? - NYMag
Oct 20, 2017 - “There's no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. ... In disclosing the Russianads, Facebook stated plainly that it viewed the ability to ... During the campaign, American trolls tried to suppress the vote by creating ...

I didn't make a mistake. You can't admit you love the Russians... and support Trump who supports a killer in Putin. I mean seriously, is that what the Republican party has come to?

I'm beginning to believe Trump derangement syndrome is more than a snarky cut down.

Well duh! :eek:
That is simply not true Jim.

6 years ago Trump was called out as a racist piece of crud by a lot of people due to his moronic "birther" accusations.....

That's how his presidency run began.... getting his "Birther" following....
1. The Birther questions began with Hillary Clinton in 2008, not with Trump, but you will be sure to tell me that I am wrong, of course.

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

Andy Martin did not release his rumors without clearance from Hillary's people, we all know that.

2. The public has a right to know that all Presidential candidates have proof that they meet all qualifications to be President, and Obama knowingly toyed with his critics by not releasing his birth certificate. There is nothing racist in demanding Obama's proof.

3. Obviously Trumps Presidency did not begin prior to him taking office.
yep, I am gonna tell ya, you are wrong... ;)

Trump's False claim Clinton started Obama birther talk

The Benghazi investigations were 28 months, not 17.

Hard to get proof of anything when the DoJ and FBI are working for the guilty parties.

So now we know: One of the principal reasons Republicans spent so much public money investigating the tragic Benghazi episode was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi
All of which only supports the contention that our government is corrupt as hell.

No one h ad any problems five years ago with Trump. No claims of him being a racist, a crook, skirt chasing, or anything else.

Then he decided to run for President and all that changed.
That is simply not true Jim.

6 years ago Trump was called out as a racist piece of crud by a lot of people due to his moronic "birther" accusations.....

That's how his presidency run began.... getting his "Birther" following....
Which would be good if the left didn't call a fencepost racist daily. The left seems to feel empty demonization is sufficient and no. It's not.
All of which only supports the contention that our government is corrupt as hell.

No one h ad any problems five years ago with Trump. No claims of him being a racist, a crook, skirt chasing, or anything else.

Then he decided to run for President and all that changed.
That is simply not true Jim.

6 years ago Trump was called out as a racist piece of crud by a lot of people due to his moronic "birther" accusations.....

That's how his presidency run began.... getting his "Birther" following....
Which would be good if the left didn't call a fencepost racist daily. The left seems to feel empty demonization is sufficient and no. It's not.
I agree, the term is near meaningless because it has been over used, and claimed when it shouldn't be, which dilutes the actual deep seeded racist acts or racism, when it occurs and is pointed out...

I don't do that, but do see it being over used, by my colleagues.
"Finish It The Hell Up": Gowdy Slams Rosenstein Over Never-Ending Russia Probe

part of what he's said today:
More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single solitary damn thing! More than 60 have voted to move forward with impeachment! And he hasn't presented his first finding!

Russia attacked this country, they should be the target. But Russia isn't being hurt by this investigation right now, we are. This country is being hurt by it. We are being divided. We've seen the bias. We need to see the evidence.

If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people.

pretty telling overall. 60 people vote to impeach w/o hearing evidence. reflection of our society today - give me what i want in lynch mob fashion, laws be damned cause i hate you.
So, the asshole Gowdy who investigated Clinton going as far as redacting evidence before he distributed it to the committee wasn't "tearing the country apart". Nooolooooooooooooo

And really, lets blame the investigators & not the fat assed orange POS who l;ed about Russian contacts. " Oh No no one in my campaign had any contacts with the Russiasn"
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?
how many white candidates would be believable?

stop being a 24x7 penile projection for a bit n look for some middle ground.
it doee say clinton supporters started it however. also seeing it start as far back as 2004.

birther isnt racist, its pure political discredit weve been doing since our gov started.

So, how many recent white candidates were treated like this?
how many white candidates would be believable?

stop being a 24x7 penile projection for a bit n look for some middle ground.

So, you think you are middle ground? Really?
All of which only supports the contention that our government is corrupt as hell.

No one h ad any problems five years ago with Trump. No claims of him being a racist, a crook, skirt chasing, or anything else.

Then he decided to run for President and all that changed.
That is simply not true Jim.

6 years ago Trump was called out as a racist piece of crud by a lot of people due to his moronic "birther" accusations.....

That's how his presidency run began.... getting his "Birther" following....

I never thought the whole "birther" accusations had much merit.
But how does questioning Obamas birthplace translate to him being a racist piece of crud? Because Obama is black? What is the motivation if the same accusation is leveled at a white?
Americans have always been rowdy when it comes to politics. Accusations, insinuations, lies and rumors are commonly thrown about.
But with Obama, it became something else. Freedom of speech was a little less lively in the US. There didn't seem to be a single subject folks on the right could bring up without being called a racist. Most people dread that particular label being hung on them, so it had the chilling effect of shutting a lot of folks up.
What makes it worse is I think a lot of people on the left knew these barbs were untrue but didn't care. It's just another tool.

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