Final Nobel Peace Prize Update: Obama Uses B-2 Bombers on Libya


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.
Practice, practice practice..
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
Sorry Jillaloon, but the one trolling is you. All you did was put your butthurt on display. Barry never deserved the Nobel in the first place. Just what did he do, other than being a half negro, to earn it?
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

That's an awesome way for Obama Bin Lying to get rid of the Evidence that he and Hillary Clinton were employing ISIS in Libya to take out Qaddafi. He and Hildabeast gave them money and weapons, and then dumb Hildabeast went and spilled the beans about this to Blumenthal (an act of espionage itself) who had his account hacked (probably by ISIS) and that is why they attacked the Benghazi Post AKA WEAPONS DUMP.

And now you know THE REST OF THE STORY!

When you negotiate with Terrorists, when you aide and abet our enemies and employ them to do your dirty work, don't be surprised when they see a bigger prize that they will break your clandestine agreement and take down an embassy outpost to get it.
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.
Because Libya is now a friend to the are the ISIS fighters our military was bombing.
Also don't be surprised when your Secretary of State makes up a story about a video 13 hours later while embassy employees were brutalized and begging for help and she and Obama Bin Lying refused to send any in a CYA operation to keep your presidential hopes alive.

And then don't be surprised when The President who conspired to commit treason with Clinton in a gun running operation and assassination plot using terrorists to kill Qaddafi, decides to eradicate the last bit of evidence tying him and Hildabeast to this Treasonous Act in Benghazi, by bombing the ever living shit out of an ISIS outpost they knew was in Libya and knew the exact location of for the past several years in his last week in office.

But hey.... Legacy Man... Legacy!
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Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.
Because Libya is now a friend to the are the ISIS fighters our military was bombing.

WOW. I did not know Mental Illness was that severe in Lefty Land.
Obama and Hillary paid ISIS to kill Qaddafi. You know that, right?
ISIS was able to get classified information Dunce Hillary sent Blumenthal who was unauthorized to receive it. An act of Espionage By Hillary Clinton.

This classified information was compromised and fell in to the hands of the very people Obama Bin Lying and Criminal Clinton employed to kill Qaddafi, who then turned on Obama and Clinton and attacked the Benghazi Outpost that was being used as a weapons dump per what was said in Hillary's Classified and Illegal Emails to Blumenthal.

They were gun running to our enemies & planned an assassination plot with ISIS against Qaddafi. That is a Treasonous and Impeachable Act. This is the reason we have such severe penalties for betraying the trust our country places in you. People die when you betray that trust.

Hell, screw impeachment and jail. They should be strung up or face a firing squad for that shit.
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After Winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Barry has Bombed:
* Countries bombed by the U.S. under Obama administration -

Special Ops Teams have been deployed in over 82 nations

War-related Initiatives under Obama total $866 Billion (versus $811 under Bush - and Bush was President during 9/11/01 and 2 Authorized Wars)

There have been approx. 2,000 casualties under Obama.

Obama oversaw 372 drone strikes (opposed to 51 under Bush)

In fiscal year 2014 alone, U.S. special-operations forces deployed to 133 countries, or roughly 70 percent of the entire world.

Has Obama Started More Wars Than He's Ended?
He and Clinton has also participated in plots to overthrow the Governments of Egypt and Libya by funding and arming terrorists which is in direct violation of The Patriot Act, and just about every US Code dealing with Espionage, Treason and Sedition.

When you look at those two buffoon's records, nothing can be clearer than this.
They intentionally undermined US Positions and Standing in the World, Jeopardized Our Security, and Aided and Comforted our enemies, while attempting to undermine and weaken our allies.

Does anyone have The Balls to dispute this with me?
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.
"In a just-released book, Geir Lundestad, director of the Nobel Institute for 25 years until stepping down last year, said the prize committee had expected the honor to deliver a boost to Obama, something he believes did not happen.

Speaking to The Associated Press, Lundestad, who sat in on the secretive committee's meetings but did not have a vote, said the committee "thought it would strengthen Obama and it didn't have this effect."

The Nobel Panel admit the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Barak Obama, not because it was in any way EARNED, but in an attempt to MANIPULATE him. It FAILED ... spectacularly!

Obama dragged the US into the middle of 2 civil wars, into 2 UN-Authorized wars, 'lost' Iran and the US had to fight in Iraq again, and Barry sky-rocketed the number of drone strikes over 7 nations.

Former Nobel chief: Obama Peace Prize a failure
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Tell me this, has Trump given money and weapons or support to Al Nusra, HAMAS, The Muslim Brotherhood, THE PLO, ISIS and Al Queda and the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran?

And if Obama and Hillary Clinton did this, what is your opinion of them?

Because I can tell you, they did that very thing when trying to overthrow Assad, Qaddafi in Libya, and Egypt, and tried to force Israel to the bargaining table.
Yeah, lets risk high value bombers on Toyota pick-ups. Islam is winning through economic attrition.

U.S. Bombers Hit Islamic State in Libya.

American B-2 bombers struck at multiple sites in Libya on Wednesday evening, hitting an Islamic State training camp and other locations and killing dozens of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon officials, in what represents a broadening of the U.S. war against the extremist group in northern Africa.

The Pentagon and coalition members in the fight against Islamic State in Libya were still assessing the impact of the strikes, but as many as 90 Islamic State fighters may have been killed, according to military officials.

The strikes occurred in the desert outside Sirte, Libya, a city where the Pentagon last month concluded an intense airstrike campaign against Islamic State. But even after Sirte had been judged to be clear of Islamic State fighters, some militants had escaped the coastal city to outlying areas.

see, if you actually gave a rat's patoot, it might be worth a discussion.

but you don't. you're just trolling. which makes you a wackjob
I prefer ISIS dead.

One AC-130 would have killed a hundred times more for 1% of the cost.

Yes! Yes! Let's second guess the generals!

A true Trumpbot for sure!
Shitforbrains thinks B-2's are required to bomb ISIS.

Don't you remember? ShitforBrains said he would carpet bomb ISIS during his presidential campaign.

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