File this under satire: TAX the LIBS

Do your part for your president.
You clearly did not do your part for your President or there would not have been an 8 Trillion Dollar deficit once he left, or a negative on the Unemployment numbers created.
Since you insist in not paying for Trump's nearly 8 Trillion dollar addition to the deficit during his four years.........

See how it works?
I would, actually. If it ended anything. Biden spent X times more on Ukraine, or that infernal inflation reduction whatzit and the confounded economy stimulation whatzitshozle.
I would, actually. If it ended anything. Biden spent X times more on Ukraine, or that infernal inflation reduction whatzit and the confounded economy stimulation whatzitshozle.
You are so good at satire. And so terrible on International issues and economy. Which makes this thread really a must for those who are looking for a fun time.
You clearly did not do your part for your President or there would not have been an 8 Trillion Dollar deficit once he left, or a negative on the Unemployment numbers created.
Nope. Not my responsibility. Your president is in charge. You picked him. Stop relying on others to do everything for you.
Nope. Not my responsibility. Your president is in charge. You picked him. Stop relying on others to do everything for you.
Biden is just cleaning up the mess made by your President. The damage was very vast.

But you insist in not helping now, anymore than you helped then.
You voted for Biden? Fine. YOU fine folks should have to bare the entire burden of his reckless spending, sound fair?
Understood. You're a conservative. You're probably a fifth-generation lifetime welfare parasite. It's a point of pride for your family.

And no, taking rubles to spread idiot lies isn't actually a job, so your never-employed record is still unblemished.

But to answer your question, no, we won't let any of you conservatives continue to be leeches on society. Get a job.

You voted for Biden? Fine. YOU fine folks should have to bare the entire burden of his reckless spending, sound fair?
That's right, crank that hypocrisy up to 11. You know, with the way you cared not one bit about Trump's reckless spending. After all, the more extreme your hypocrisy, the more brownie points you earn in the conservative cult.
Biden is just cleaning up the mess made by your President. The damage was very vast.

But you insist in not helping now, anymore than you helped then.
Biden is cleaning up the mess his fellow democrats created with the COVID lockdowns you mean…with record high interest rates, sky high rent,soaring utility and gas prices, 100 % increase in the cost of food?
The folks living from paycheck to paycheck that have to now charge things on credit cards to get by are going to be in debt for years because of Biden’s wonderful economy.
Pay to play. You voted for a demented old white man that lied and plagiarized himself into oblivion in 1988. A known pathological liar. You voted for that. This is on YOU. I wash my hands of this debacle. You voted this crumb bum in, you pay for his policies. Fair enough?

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