FFS - America looks like the joke of the world.....

Not nearly as embarrassing as this though. This is a SITTING United States Senator mind you.

As despicable and disgusting as the Nazi salute is, and make no mistake it is truly that, and as much as I find Ted Cruz to be a fool, it was not the Nazi salute he was defending, it was Free Speech.

So, what's your issue with Free Speech?
The edit of the OP video certainly does make old Sleepy Joe look bad. I'm no professional so I can't say if he was stuttering or not, I can say he sounds like he's talking with a mouthful of oatmeal... a big mouthful. It sounds like he's almost slurring his words...

If he's not stuttering, then he is definitely having trouble forming his words...

He also looks as if he's having trouble reading the teleprompter... he's all squinty eyed...

To me, the most embarrassing moment was when he wiped his nose...
The edit of the OP video certainly does make old Sleepy Joe look bad. I'm no professional so I can't say if he was stuttering or not, I can say he sounds like he's talking with a mouthful of oatmeal... a big mouthful. It sounds like he's almost slurring his words...

To me, the most embarrassing moment was when he wiped his nose...
Wiping his nose is code for "I need a new Depends"
They'll say anything in an attempt to protect the Cult of
Joe Biden.

Since Xiden isn't black he had to take the next steo down to a disability.

Hey here's some fun, since leftists care about disabilities so much. Why did they exploit an elderly man with dementia to capture political power?

Hmm! Perhaps it's leftists who are generally disabled?
They didn't respect him, either. It's not difficult to see that he's a buffoon.

Again, I know you guys weren't told this.
I live outside the US and work in a number of countries across the Globe...

Just to show you how embarrassing Trump is... You can ridicule him on a business call and everyone laughs, he commands no respect... He is used as a example what not to do globally... All you had to do is feed Trump's ego and he was sold... Turkey took hhim and US to the cleaners in Syria... Putin had like a bitch in heat... Kim made a mockery out of him...

Biden is respected, no push over like Trump... Does what is best for the US ad sometimes that is what is best for world... Biden has huge amount of experience in foreign relations and knows his stuff... Trump looks like a toddler beside him...

I live outside the US and work in a number of countries across the Globe...

Just to show you how embarrassing Trump is... You can ridicule him on a business call and everyone laughs, he commands no respect... He is used as a example what not to do globally... All you had to do is feed Trump's ego and he was sold... Turkey took hhim and US to the cleaners in Syria... Putin had like a bitch in heat... Kim made a mockery out of him...

Biden is respected, no push over like Trump... Does what is best for the US ad sometimes that is what is best for world... Biden has huge amount of experience in foreign relations and knows his stuff... Trump looks like a toddler beside him...

It's clear to everyone outside the cult. But inside the cult, they simply don't know.
They didn't like the orange stain, but they were forced to respect him.

No they were not, most of the world had and still has no respect for him. Pretty much nobody respects a narcissistic bully
To think..... they stole the election for this stammering shit clown....

The entire planet is laughing and pointing at us now. The non-productive, substandard half of the country doesn't care because they're used to being ridiculed.

The Australian News plays a nightly feature "What in the fuck did he try to say today??"