Few of the greatest battles in human history


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
excuse my spelling lol. This is off my memory . so I hope i did not mess up too much

1) Battle of Plantea- Saved Greek values, philosphy, culture and Democracy from being destroyed by the Persians.

2) Battle of Zamma- preserved Roman culture, ideas to Western Civ

3) Battle of Hastings- Changed England forever

4) Stalingrad- biggest battle in human history that killed a few million

5) Gettyburg- Changed the Civil War and wow as the North lucky.

6) Battle of Orleans- the battle that saved France from the English.

7) Battle of tours- Saved France and maybe Western Europe from the Arab invaders

8) Seige of Malta and Seige of both Viennas- Kept the Muslim Turks out of Europe forever

9) Yorktown- Brilliant French and American tactics finish the British. but the WAR does not end.

10) Battle of Thermoploye- dont forget it was the Athenian Navy that really helped in silence.

11) Tuterberg forest- Ends Roman ambitions in Germany !! What would have happened 400 years later if Germania was conquered.

12) Lepzeg- A tired weak Nap Army almost able to still win and defeat the European Alliance

13) Midway- The Beg of the end for Japan.

14) Somne- hundreds of thousand of young English killed for nothing

15) 100 day offense- English and French use combination of new tactics with tanks, planes and troops to finally win WW1
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Battle of Lepanto, October 7, 1571.

Battle of Vienna, September 12, 1683.

Both saved Europe from Mohammedanism.

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