Fentanyl in George Floyd’s system made his lungs weigh 2x-3x more than normal

There was an autopsy done. He died of having a knee on his fucking neck for almost 9 minutes. It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would try after all this time to try and blame him for being murdered. I don't know if you have any unarmed combat training at all, but when at Parris Island when doing training on how to do a chokehold, we were told that holding the hold just a few minutes after the person has passed out can cause permanent brain damage. So the training was heavily monitored. Now that's a choke hold, NOT the full weight of a person with their knee on someone's neck.

Do quit with the bullshit. That man was murdered over a call of a fake $20 bill.

Please read the report. Why do you demand instant decisions before all the facts are available?

YOU said veins. No it doesn't take much to choke someone out. It only takes less than ELEVEN POUNDS of pressure on the carotid artery. You should bow out of this conversation because you are making yourself look foolish.

YOU'RE the one who is demanding that we do not learn the truth and exactly what happened...and you saying that someone else is foolish? Exactly how does that work?
It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would...
What is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time is that people like you would instigate riots, looting and destruction of property based on lies about what happened to a thug at the hands of a police officer.

"Hands up! Don't shoot!" was a LIE. Michael Brown was a drugged up thug bent on killing a police officer. He caused his own death and became a martyr.

George Floyd was a drugged up thug who overdosed and died while being restrained. He caused his own death and became a saint.

So using drugs is a capital offense now? I'm confused then, why hasn't Rush Limbaugh had police come get him then?

If you swallow packets of fentanyl, that's not capital punishment, that's suicide.

Fatal overdoses that involved and fentanyl-like drugs doubled in one year, to more than 19,000, mostly from illegally made pills or powder, which is often mixed with heroin or other drugs. Heroin was tied to 15,500 deaths and to 14,500 deaths.


There was an autopsy done. He died of having a knee on his fucking neck for almost 9 minutes. It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would try after all this time to try and blame him for being murdered. I don't know if you have any unarmed combat training at all, but when at Parris Island when doing training on how to do a chokehold, we were told that holding the hold just a few minutes after the person has passed out can cause permanent brain damage. So the training was heavily monitored. Now that's a choke hold, NOT the full weight of a person with their knee on someone's neck.

Do quit with the bullshit. That man was murdered over a call of a fake $20 bill.

Autopsy is chit and not up to medical standards. Knee to neck especially with no signs of trauma is not medically capable of killing a 6 foot 7 adult male. No way in hell. Its very hard to choke someone---with bones most always having to be broken to do so along with certain bruising. There are two jugular veins that provide blood to the brain-----both and probably neither were hampered from their function of carrying blood to the brain. Criminal was still talking meaning that he was getting air over his vocal cords so air flow was not stopped by the cops. Officer applied what around 45 pounds of pressure at most with his one knee to the back and neck area--which is insufficient to crush a victim as well.

The man as you put was a large violent drug addict and gang member who was a threat to others including the cops---------snagged committing another crime and high drugs so was certainly heading back to prison and thusly refusing arrest. His death is a good thing for society.....and the moron btw died from his DRUG ABUSE---he wasn't murdered and idiots who claiming he was need to learn the difference.

Blah blah blah the autopsy doesn't matter because it doesn't fit my conspiracy theory narrative blah blah blah.

Being 6'7" has absolutely NOTHING to do with how having a knee on on their neck. Compression of the arteries in the neck cut off oxygen to the brain and kills people. Choking someone out is not hard at all, and no it does not almost always break bones. Choke outs happen in MMA fights ALL THE TIME. Also, crack a fucking book every now and again. Arteries take oxygenated blood FROM the heart to other parts of the body. Veins RETURN blood to the heart. No wonder you think the autopsy is wrong, you're a fucking idiot.
6 foot 7 has a lot to do with it---the cops were much much smaller men. And btw, you ignored the facts that there are two arteries on the neck one on each side and which btw with the placement of the knee would have cut off neither-------especially with no bruising. DO you hear me pumpkin---the blood supply was not cut off. You may also want to note that druggy floyd was also saying that he couldn't breathe BEFORE being placed on the ground--------------fentanyl/meth combo has this effect on people.

And on my gawd----what do you not understand about choking someone to death takes a hell of a lot more effort than the cops put into it... a knee to the back/neck area does not choke people out. Geebus---compressing blood flow pools blood causing and tissue damage leading to bruising---no bruising on floyds neck as you desperately try to spin nonsense. Simple OD caused Floyd to stop being able to breath and pump blood properly and he subsequently died. He isn't like he wasn't just warned about his heart issues 2 months earlier from a doctor or that he had just recovered from Covid 19 which is known to damage to lining of veins/arteries and the heart.

Oh and fyi, I'm an old woman with lots of life experience...going to nursing school was one of them before becoming a daytrader-----------I don't know what possessed you to mention the tidbit about arteries and veins but I think it has something to do with a silly need of yours to pretend you know something when you obviously don't. What the veins and arteries specifically do adds no pertinent information....Most people understand the whole blood flow thingy.

Autopsy is nonsense...it makes assumptions that aren't based on medical fact. Paid medical examiners for the ambulance chasers who don't even do the actual autopsy shouldn't be allowed to post such dribble.

The Armed Forces Medical Examiner filed a memorandum agreeing with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s final conclusion that Floyd's death was a homicide, saying, “His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication.”
So using drugs is a capital offense now? I'm confused then, why hasn't Rush Limbaugh had police come get him then?

If you swallow packets of fentanyl, that's not capital punishment, that's suicide.

Fatal overdoses that involved and fentanyl-like drugs doubled in one year, to more than 19,000, mostly from illegally made pills or powder, which is often mixed with heroin or other drugs. Heroin was tied to 15,500 deaths and to 14,500 deaths.


There was an autopsy done. He died of having a knee on his fucking neck for almost 9 minutes. It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would try after all this time to try and blame him for being murdered. I don't know if you have any unarmed combat training at all, but when at Parris Island when doing training on how to do a chokehold, we were told that holding the hold just a few minutes after the person has passed out can cause permanent brain damage. So the training was heavily monitored. Now that's a choke hold, NOT the full weight of a person with their knee on someone's neck.

Do quit with the bullshit. That man was murdered over a call of a fake $20 bill.
You see what you want to see, the facts are the autopsy indicated an opiate overdose, there was no injury to mans neck from knee, cops didn't just up and kill themselves an urban dweller for sporting entertainment, such never made sense to me at all, as the cops, especially the senior training cops, all knew they were being filmed and observed by dozens and dozens of bystanders!

The media ran with the narrative of cops killing helpless "beautiful life"(FNC's Harris Faulkner's verbatim quote)and just as with covington kids, the truth was not entirely visible to the audience, and that is exactly why urban dwelling Minnesota attorney general intentionally suppressed the majority of the video, he knew what had happened, but he wanted to lynch himself some white cops and get himself ingratiated with the murderous mob so as to advance his racist political ambitions!

The man was not murdered, he killed himself with an overdose of narcotics, probably as a result of attempting to hide narcotics in mouth, or having swallowed them in little baggie or balloon, he killed himself! This was a six time time convicted felon, and a man who was caught passing counterfeit cash, and likely was a drug dealer to boot, he was a scumbag and he got exactly the ending he had been auditioning for his entire life, the cops are entirely innocent....

No, the autopsy most certainly did not indicate an opiate overdose. Why are those of your ilk so dishonest? There were two autopsies done, one by the local county medical examiner and another by an independent examiner hired by the family. Both concluded it was a homicide.

The autopsy absolutely did indicate a large amount of drugs - that is not in dispute
Rioting, looting, property destruction over this. The Demonrats hung their hat on the wrong guy.

George Floyd’s death has been solely attributed by the press as well as prosecutors to former police officer Derek Chauvin’s knee being on Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes. Newly released information from medical examiners indicate there was much more to the story than we’ve been told.
According to court filings yesterday, Floyd had so much Fentanyl in his system, his lungs weighed 2x-3x more than a normal lung. While it’s still presumed that Chauvin’s sustained hold on Floyd contributed to his death, this new report indicates Floyd may have been near death with or without the knee in his neck. According to FOX9:
New exhibits filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police Officers accused of murdering George Floyd suggest the Hennepin County Medical Examiner thought George Floyd’s fentanyl levels were at a potentially “fatal level”, but his and other medical examiner’s findings showed he died of a combination of factors.​
Six pieces of evidence were filed in the case Tuesday one day after former officer Tou Thao’s attorneys requested the release of the full autopsy reports from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner and the private medical examiners hired by George Floyd’s family.​
Hennepin County Attorney's Office released this document. Dr. Andrew Baker, the Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner who reviewed #GeorgeFloyd's blood test, says the substances found lead him to conclude it was an overdose death. #BlackLivesMatter. Read: pic.twitter.com/xyaQvHDpQw
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 25, 2020

Hopefully this will lead to charges being dropped against the brave officers involved....
There was an autopsy done. He died of having a knee on his fucking neck for almost 9 minutes. It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would try after all this time to try and blame him for being murdered. I don't know if you have any unarmed combat training at all, but when at Parris Island when doing training on how to do a chokehold, we were told that holding the hold just a few minutes after the person has passed out can cause permanent brain damage. So the training was heavily monitored. Now that's a choke hold, NOT the full weight of a person with their knee on someone's neck.

Do quit with the bullshit. That man was murdered over a call of a fake $20 bill.

Please read the report. Why do you demand instant decisions before all the facts are available?


I have read it. Read it again after your ridiculous post. BOTH autopsies said he died from homicide NOT drug overdose. You want it to be a drug overdose, which makes confirmation bias in full effect. If you want to argue the autopsies, please show us some evidence of your credentials as a medical examiner and proof you looked at the body.
It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would...
What is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time is that people like you would instigate riots, looting and destruction of property based on lies about what happened to a thug at the hands of a police officer.

"Hands up! Don't shoot!" was a LIE. Michael Brown was a drugged up thug bent on killing a police officer. He caused his own death and became a martyr.

George Floyd was a drugged up thug who overdosed and died while being restrained. He caused his own death and became a saint.

You dishonestly edited my post to lead to a strawman. At no point have I ever said I support riots. Also, I never said Mike Brown was innocent. Michael Brown is also not even remotely close to the George Floyd incident.

So not only are you dishonest, you also built a strawman and a non sequitur.
So using drugs is a capital offense now? I'm confused then, why hasn't Rush Limbaugh had police come get him then?

If you swallow packets of fentanyl, that's not capital punishment, that's suicide.

Fatal overdoses that involved and fentanyl-like drugs doubled in one year, to more than 19,000, mostly from illegally made pills or powder, which is often mixed with heroin or other drugs. Heroin was tied to 15,500 deaths and to 14,500 deaths.


There was an autopsy done. He died of having a knee on his fucking neck for almost 9 minutes. It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would try after all this time to try and blame him for being murdered. I don't know if you have any unarmed combat training at all, but when at Parris Island when doing training on how to do a chokehold, we were told that holding the hold just a few minutes after the person has passed out can cause permanent brain damage. So the training was heavily monitored. Now that's a choke hold, NOT the full weight of a person with their knee on someone's neck.

Do quit with the bullshit. That man was murdered over a call of a fake $20 bill.
You see what you want to see, the facts are the autopsy indicated an opiate overdose, there was no injury to mans neck from knee, cops didn't just up and kill themselves an urban dweller for sporting entertainment, such never made sense to me at all, as the cops, especially the senior training cops, all knew they were being filmed and observed by dozens and dozens of bystanders!

The media ran with the narrative of cops killing helpless "beautiful life"(FNC's Harris Faulkner's verbatim quote)and just as with covington kids, the truth was not entirely visible to the audience, and that is exactly why urban dwelling Minnesota attorney general intentionally suppressed the majority of the video, he knew what had happened, but he wanted to lynch himself some white cops and get himself ingratiated with the murderous mob so as to advance his racist political ambitions!

The man was not murdered, he killed himself with an overdose of narcotics, probably as a result of attempting to hide narcotics in mouth, or having swallowed them in little baggie or balloon, he killed himself! This was a six time time convicted felon, and a man who was caught passing counterfeit cash, and likely was a drug dealer to boot, he was a scumbag and he got exactly the ending he had been auditioning for his entire life, the cops are entirely innocent....

No, the autopsy most certainly did not indicate an opiate overdose. Why are those of your ilk so dishonest? There were two autopsies done, one by the local county medical examiner and another by an independent examiner hired by the family. Both concluded it was a homicide.

The autopsy absolutely did indicate a large amount of drugs - that is not in dispute

Yes it said he had drugs in his system. It did NOT say he died of a drug overdose. Try to keep up.
So using drugs is a capital offense now? I'm confused then, why hasn't Rush Limbaugh had police come get him then?
Using drugs has always been a capital offense thing-----use it you take your chances of dying by the drug or by the cops as you will likely be chosing to live the crime life as well.

Yep, some authoritarian ruler actually executed people for smoking tobacco!

All Hail the Nanny State!
So they could have just left him there to die on his own then, right?

Faux News will buy that for a dollar.

That's just childish. Grow up!

You guys said he was dying from a fentanyl OD?

The Country Medical Examiner said that -

New court documents have uncovered two memorandums, dated May 26 and June 1, that suggest Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker concluded George Floyd likely died from a fentanyl overdose and found “no physical evidence suggesting” that he died of asphyxiation.

“AB (Andrew Baker) said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” says a memo dated June 1, outlining a May 31 virtual with Dr. Baker.
So using drugs is a capital offense now? I'm confused then, why hasn't Rush Limbaugh had police come get him then?

If you swallow packets of fentanyl, that's not capital punishment, that's suicide.

Fatal overdoses that involved and fentanyl-like drugs doubled in one year, to more than 19,000, mostly from illegally made pills or powder, which is often mixed with heroin or other drugs. Heroin was tied to 15,500 deaths and to 14,500 deaths.


There was an autopsy done. He died of having a knee on his fucking neck for almost 9 minutes. It is absolutely amazing, and pathetic at the same time, that people like you would try after all this time to try and blame him for being murdered. I don't know if you have any unarmed combat training at all, but when at Parris Island when doing training on how to do a chokehold, we were told that holding the hold just a few minutes after the person has passed out can cause permanent brain damage. So the training was heavily monitored. Now that's a choke hold, NOT the full weight of a person with their knee on someone's neck.

Do quit with the bullshit. That man was murdered over a call of a fake $20 bill.
You see what you want to see, the facts are the autopsy indicated an opiate overdose, there was no injury to mans neck from knee, cops didn't just up and kill themselves an urban dweller for sporting entertainment, such never made sense to me at all, as the cops, especially the senior training cops, all knew they were being filmed and observed by dozens and dozens of bystanders!

The media ran with the narrative of cops killing helpless "beautiful life"(FNC's Harris Faulkner's verbatim quote)and just as with covington kids, the truth was not entirely visible to the audience, and that is exactly why urban dwelling Minnesota attorney general intentionally suppressed the majority of the video, he knew what had happened, but he wanted to lynch himself some white cops and get himself ingratiated with the murderous mob so as to advance his racist political ambitions!

The man was not murdered, he killed himself with an overdose of narcotics, probably as a result of attempting to hide narcotics in mouth, or having swallowed them in little baggie or balloon, he killed himself! This was a six time time convicted felon, and a man who was caught passing counterfeit cash, and likely was a drug dealer to boot, he was a scumbag and he got exactly the ending he had been auditioning for his entire life, the cops are entirely innocent....

No, the autopsy most certainly did not indicate an opiate overdose. Why are those of your ilk so dishonest? There were two autopsies done, one by the local county medical examiner and another by an independent examiner hired by the family. Both concluded it was a homicide.

The autopsy absolutely did indicate a large amount of drugs - that is not in dispute

Yes it said he had drugs in his system. It did NOT say he died of a drug overdose. Try to keep up.
Okay -

New court documents have uncovered two memorandums, dated May 26 and June 1, that suggest Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker concluded George Floyd likely died from a fentanyl overdose and found “no physical evidence suggesting” that he died of asphyxiation.

“AB (Andrew Baker) said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” says a memo dated June 1, outlining a May 31 virtual with Dr. Baker.
So they could have just left him there to die on his own then, right?

Faux News will buy that for a dollar.

That's just childish. Grow up!

You guys said he was dying from a fentanyl OD?

The Country Medical Examiner said that -

New court documents have uncovered two memorandums, dated May 26 and June 1, that suggest Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker concluded George Floyd likely died from a fentanyl overdose and found “no physical evidence suggesting” that he died of asphyxiation.

“AB (Andrew Baker) said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” says a memo dated June 1, outlining a May 31 virtual with Dr. Baker.

Nothing new.

Baker’s autopsy report found that Floyd died when his heart stopped as officers subdued and restrained him by compressing his neck. The report lists heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as “other significant conditions,” indicating that they may have made Floyd’s death more likely.

Listing underlying diseases and drug intoxication in an autopsy report is “usual practice” for a medical examiner, Dr. Sally Aiken, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, said in a statement. “Death is a complex process and often occurs with multiple interacting contributing causes,” she wrote.

These kinds of restraint-associated cases are especially complex, said Dr. Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist in the San Francisco Bay Area with no connection to the Floyd case. Forensic pathologists may disagree over what to include under “other significant conditions,” Melinek said. “But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a homicide.”

So they could have just left him there to die on his own then, right?

Faux News will buy that for a dollar.

That's just childish. Grow up!

You guys said he was dying from a fentanyl OD?

The Country Medical Examiner said that -

New court documents have uncovered two memorandums, dated May 26 and June 1, that suggest Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker concluded George Floyd likely died from a fentanyl overdose and found “no physical evidence suggesting” that he died of asphyxiation.

“AB (Andrew Baker) said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” says a memo dated June 1, outlining a May 31 virtual with Dr. Baker.

Nothing new.

Baker’s autopsy report found that Floyd died when his heart stopped as officers subdued and restrained him by compressing his neck. The report lists heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as “other significant conditions,” indicating that they may have made Floyd’s death more likely.

Listing underlying diseases and drug intoxication in an autopsy report is “usual practice” for a medical examiner, Dr. Sally Aiken, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, said in a statement. “Death is a complex process and often occurs with multiple interacting contributing causes,” she wrote.

These kinds of restraint-associated cases are especially complex, said Dr. Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist in the San Francisco Bay Area with no connection to the Floyd case. Forensic pathologists may disagree over what to include under “other significant conditions,” Melinek said. “But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a homicide.”

Poor boo
Rioting, looting, property destruction over this. The Demonrats hung their hat on the wrong guy.

George Floyd’s death has been solely attributed by the press as well as prosecutors to former police officer Derek Chauvin’s knee being on Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes. Newly released information from medical examiners indicate there was much more to the story than we’ve been told.
According to court filings yesterday, Floyd had so much Fentanyl in his system, his lungs weighed 2x-3x more than a normal lung. While it’s still presumed that Chauvin’s sustained hold on Floyd contributed to his death, this new report indicates Floyd may have been near death with or without the knee in his neck. According to FOX9:
New exhibits filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police Officers accused of murdering George Floyd suggest the Hennepin County Medical Examiner thought George Floyd’s fentanyl levels were at a potentially “fatal level”, but his and other medical examiner’s findings showed he died of a combination of factors.​
Six pieces of evidence were filed in the case Tuesday one day after former officer Tou Thao’s attorneys requested the release of the full autopsy reports from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner and the private medical examiners hired by George Floyd’s family.​
Hennepin County Attorney's Office released this document. Dr. Andrew Baker, the Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner who reviewed #GeorgeFloyd's blood test, says the substances found lead him to conclude it was an overdose death. #BlackLivesMatter. Read: pic.twitter.com/xyaQvHDpQw
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 25, 2020

The baggie popped, dead thug

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